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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3664 Feature Review High Choose themes by default Ayanava Karmakar 07/18/2024 07:56 AM Actions
3662 Feature Review High Update set_questions_list and call it Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:13 AM Actions
3661 Task Review High Allowed origins should be based on getenv(allowed_origins) Md Shahzar 07/18/2024 09:06 AM Actions
3660 Task New Normal Remove duplication of code with set_headers function 07/13/2024 10:56 AM Actions
3659 Feature New High Support for create_detailed_QNAs_answers colab notebook 07/12/2024 09:27 AM Actions
3658 Feature Feedback High FE: get questions from get_questions API instead of GCS file Ayanava Karmakar 07/12/2024 01:08 PM Actions
3656 Feature Review High set and get questions list gcf Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:16 AM Actions
3654 Bug New High Support for counter 07/09/2024 12:01 PM Actions
3652 Feature Review High Handle empty text for question, answer, question and answer in detailedQNA, and detailedAnswer Ayanava Karmakar 07/11/2024 11:29 AM Actions
3650 Task New Urgent Umbrella task for phase 1 Ram Kordale 07/05/2024 09:24 AM Actions
3649 Bug New High Move only new entities between DS of different projects Md Shahzar 07/04/2024 06:46 AM Actions
3648 Feature New High FE: get questions according to user's style preferences using get_questions api 07/13/2024 01:11 PM Actions
3647 Feature Review High Create a GCF get_question Md Shahzar 07/30/2024 01:27 PM Actions
3644 Feature Review High Display figures along with questions in chat interface Ayanava Karmakar 09/10/2024 01:41 PM Actions
3639 Task Review High Replace all GCF calls in FE code with rk2_gcf calls Ayanava Karmakar 07/11/2024 11:43 AM Actions
3638 Feature Resolved High Support for themes - Take 2 Ayanava Karmakar 07/01/2024 06:24 AM Actions
3637 Feature Review High Extend 3634: Ask questions, ask detailed questions and provide detailed answer from content in file in bucket Ayanava Karmakar 07/03/2024 10:59 AM Actions
3636 Feature Review High Update Profile kind when Extend 3634: Ask questions from content in file in bucket based on Ayanava Karmakar 06/27/2024 02:03 PM Actions
3635 Task In Progress High Add function 'get-perf-stats' to rk2-gcf Md Shahzar 06/27/2024 06:31 AM Actions
3633 Feature Review High Support for crud-ds cloud function Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:25 AM Actions
3632 Bug New High Add background image dynamically 06/27/2024 05:40 AM Actions
3630 Feature Resolved High Combine all cloud functions into one 06/25/2024 10:31 AM Actions
3629 Feature Resolved High If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so Ayanava Karmakar 07/30/2024 01:28 PM Actions
3627 Feature Review High Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf Ayanava Karmakar 08/29/2024 08:35 AM Actions
3626 Feature Review High Support LaTex by using MathJax on Web page Ayanava Karmakar 07/02/2024 11:45 AM Actions
(101-125/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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