Feature #3664
Choose themes by default
Currently, a line with themes support in k-12-support.txt looks as follows:
cbse; 6; mathematics; supported-themes=["Doraemon", "Chotta Bheem", "Shin Chan", "Pokemon", "Power Rangers", "Dragon ball z", "Motu Patlu", "Tom and Jerry", "Ninja Hattori", "Oggy and the Cockroaches", "Ben 10", "Kochikame"]
Please change it to:
cbse; 6; mathematics; supported-themes=[[chosen: ["Doraemon", "Chotta Bheem", "Shin Chan", "Pokemon"],[others: ["Power Rangers", "Dragon ball z", "Motu Patlu", "Tom and Jerry", "Ninja Hattori", "Oggy and the Cockroaches", "Ben 10", "Kochikame"]]
So, by default, when the user starts, the "chosen styles" are assumed to be chosen. If user clicks on 'Choose Your Themes", show these styles as chosen.
Replace "Welcome to RapidKen! Ready for a question? Please type (y/n)." with "Welcome to RapidKen! Want to learn Math from your favourite characters? We have chosen <comma separted themes> for you. If you want to change this, please click on the 'Choose Your Themes' button above the chat window.\n\n Ready for a question? Please type (y/n)."
Updated by Shubham Boke 8 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Shubham Boke 8 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Review
- Assignee changed from Shubham Boke to Dewakar Chaubey
Updated by Dewakar Chaubey 8 months ago
- Assignee changed from Dewakar Chaubey to Ayanava Karmakar