Feature #3633
Support for crud-ds cloud function
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
2.00 h
name: crud-ds
"kind": "<kind>",
"op-type": "<op-type>",
"<kind>-key": "<value>",
"<kind>-<name1>": "<value1>",
"<kind>-<name2>": "<value2>",
If <op-type> is cu, update datastore kind <kind> entry with key <key> if it exists; else create.
If <op-type> is d, delete datastore kind <kind> entry with key <key> if it exists.
If <op-type> is r or cu or d, return entry from datastore kind <kind> entry with key <key> if it exists; else say not found.
For this ticket, test should use:
-profile for <kind>
-email-id for <key>
-other for <name>
"kind": "profile",
"profile-key": "[email protected]",
"profile-other": "pirate#$%usd#$%3.99"
Updated by Shubham Boke 9 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Review
- Assignee changed from Shubham Boke to Dewakar Chaubey