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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2977 Feature New Normal Support annotation amongst multiple books Rohit Choudhary 04/11/2023 12:05 PM Actions
2585 Feature Resolved Normal Penalty to be proportional to the number of nouns in the KP Sentence and the simdoc's section hierarchy match_sent_head_nouns Rohit Choudhary 09/16/2022 06:11 PM Actions
2564 Bug Resolved Normal BDS/IDS tagged words should not be included in the text to be processed and tagged BR2/IR2 Rohit Choudhary 09/16/2022 06:12 PM Actions
2371 Task New Low Potential KPs ('immutable' within 'immutable sequence') that are part BRIR need to be given higher score Rohit Choudhary 08/17/2022 05:05 AM Actions
2356 Feature Resolved Normal Extract important substrings using exclude_headers_list Rohit Choudhary 09/28/2022 01:32 PM Actions
2338 Feature New Normal KPs like iterator and iterable need to be considered different 05/11/2022 03:06 AM Actions
2259 Task Resolved High Use processed definition strings to find similar documents 10/27/2022 01:08 PM Actions
2258 Bug Resolved Urgent Process definitions line like subsections header line and create the definitions-proc line 09/20/2022 11:07 AM Actions
2257 Task Resolved Immediate Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line 09/20/2022 11:06 AM Actions
2256 Bug New Immediate Support for definitions/defStrings Ram Kordale 04/10/2022 02:36 PM Actions
2234 Feature New Normal Pick right parts of "KP sentence" and sentences before and after 04/02/2022 12:39 PM Actions
2224 Task New High Maintain efficiency although we add brown links for duplicates 03/28/2022 08:22 AM Actions
2223 Task Resolved High Change proximity threshold from 50 words to 250 words Rohit Choudhary 04/06/2022 04:24 PM Actions
2222 Bug Resolved High Mark all the ANPs not chosen to be KPs so far due to proximity as brown KPs Rohit Choudhary 04/06/2022 04:25 PM Actions
2215 Bug Resolved Urgent Need correction in processing sub-headers Rohit Choudhary 03/29/2022 08:20 AM Actions
2184 Bug New Normal 2nd purple link result is better than first for enum 09/26/2022 05:38 AM Actions
2183 Bug New High If string s is known to be a "decent KP", substring(s) should not be made a KP 03/11/2022 07:06 AM Actions
2179 Bug New Normal (9 mar testing: d14) 2nd result of purple link 'abstract base class' is best 03/10/2022 01:27 PM Actions
2133 Feature Resolved Normal Task 1.2. Tagging of KPs using multiple KBs Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:48 AM Actions
2132 Feature Resolved Normal Task 1.1: Tag KPs using only 1 KB only Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:47 AM Actions
2129 Feature Resolved Normal Task 1: Creating KBs Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:47 AM Actions
2113 Task Resolved Immediate Enable creating annotated file with and without occurrence count Rohit Choudhary 02/14/2022 10:49 AM Actions
2094 Task Resolved Immediate Tweak 2604 formula for occurrence count Rohit Choudhary 02/10/2022 08:59 AM Actions
2064 Task Resolved Immediate Add occurrence % to BR2 line Nandini Bansal 02/07/2022 01:02 PM Actions
2046 Task Resolved Urgent Provide the top 10% of keyphrases by occurrence count for Lib ref, Tutorial, C-API Nandini Bansal 02/06/2022 07:50 AM Actions
(1-25/111) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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