Feature #2977
Support annotation amongst multiple books
Token file will contain an extra line
#%&version: <version>
Required changes in the annotated file:
for all books to which this file has similarities, add one line each as follows:
In the BR2 entry, <docId> is replaced with <bookId> <docId>
Example annotated file:
#%&date:311503042023 annotation: 2023-04-03 16:07:28.607081
bookIdMap:10004:prd:<date3> #####2#%&Table Of Contents#%&Angular#%&xyz123#%&Introduction#%& $%^definitions:service workers service worker registration #$ service workers #$ service worker registration#$ introduction#$ $%^definitions-proc:service workers service worker registration#$service workers#$service worker registration#$introduction#$
angular BD
. O
xyz123 BD
. O
introduction BD
. O
hello BR2 5.595 10015 ^&* 5 ^&* 0.985 10004 ^&* 11 ^&* 0.87 10015 ^&* 12 ^&* 0.87
everyone, BR2 6.595 10004 ^&* 5 ^&* 0.985
and BR2 2.595 10014 ^&* 6 ^&* 0.985
welcome BR2 2.595 10103 ^&* 12 ^&* 0.985
back O
in O
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