Task #2064
Add occurrence % to BR2 line
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On the BR2 line in the annotated file, please add the floor(((totalOccurrenceCountOfKP/totalOccurrenceCountOfAllKPs)*100),0) as the first value after "BR2".
Before example:
data-intensive BR2 120 ^&* 0.904 115 ^&* 0.904
science, IR2P
After example:
data-intensive BR2 5 120 ^&* 0.904 115 ^&* 0.904
science, IR2P
where 5 is the added value. you may have noticed that it is actually 5%. however, there is no need to add the % symbol and increase the size of the file and more importantly storage on the server.
Motivation for this ticket: We are planning to point users to some purple links and invite them to click. Ideally, we dont want to point them to very obvious ones like 'object' or 'module'.
Updated by Nandini Bansal about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Rohit Choudhary to Nandini Bansal
- % Done changed from 0 to 100