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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3713 Bug Review Urgent Add support for 'easier review' and 'resume' to create detailedQNAs colab Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 06:36 AM Actions
3709 Task New High Modify call to insert entry to prompt_prefixes kind to exclude fields other than model, index, vector_store_name and assistant_id from being indexed Md Shahzar 08/19/2024 10:55 AM Actions
3679 Bug Review High Enable resume support in Create Styled Questions colab Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 08:43 AM Actions
3677 Bug Review Normal Respond with 204 (No Content) instead of 404. Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 09:06 AM Actions
3676 Task Review High Split question creation and storage in DS Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 08:43 AM Actions
3662 Feature Review High Update set_questions_list and call it Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:13 AM Actions
3661 Task Review High Allowed origins should be based on getenv(allowed_origins) Md Shahzar 07/18/2024 09:06 AM Actions
3656 Feature Review High set and get questions list gcf Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:16 AM Actions
3649 Bug New High Move only new entities between DS of different projects Md Shahzar 07/04/2024 06:46 AM Actions
3647 Feature Review High Create a GCF get_question Md Shahzar 07/30/2024 01:27 PM Actions
3635 Task In Progress High Add function 'get-perf-stats' to rk2-gcf Md Shahzar 06/27/2024 06:31 AM Actions
3633 Feature Review High Support for crud-ds cloud function Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 07:25 AM Actions
3609 Feature Review Urgent If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore Md Shahzar 09/10/2024 01:42 PM Actions

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