



From 11/19/2021 to 12/18/2021


02:45 PM Feature #1952 (New): Ignore some KPs in the entire book based on the book name
Using the book name added in the latest token files, we need to make sure that KPs similar to that are ignored. We ne... Nandini Bansal


06:34 AM Task #1899 (Resolved): Tag all the skipped KPs with special temporary tags
06:33 AM Task #1900 (Resolved): Un-tag the temporary tags added while skipping the KPs


11:18 AM Task #1899 (In Progress): Tag all the skipped KPs with special temporary tags
11:18 AM Task #1900 (In Progress): Un-tag the temporary tags added while skipping the KPs


11:56 AM Task #1897 (In Progress): Skip the repeating KPs within 50 words according to new scheme
Rohit Choudhary


05:36 PM Bug #1918 (In Progress): Bug fix to find the correct ending of mainKP for a given subKP
Rohit Choudhary
05:28 PM Bug #1933 (Resolved): Correct processing of some headers to generate appropriate header variants - Contd
Rohit Choudhary


01:55 PM Bug #1861 (Resolved): Finding the reason of low scores hyphenated KPs


01:28 PM Bug #1939 (In Progress): Review the candidates added by check_distant_cands
There have been some cases of bad KPs that are getting added by the check_distant_cands function.
KP: functi...
Nandini Bansal


11:44 AM Bug #1933 (In Progress): Correct processing of some headers to generate appropriate header variants - Contd
Rohit Choudhary
11:42 AM Bug #1933 (Resolved): Correct processing of some headers to generate appropriate header variants - Contd
In C-API, we can see there are some inappropriate header processing which is leading to wrong/incorrect header varian... Nandini Bansal
10:39 AM Bug #1861 (In Progress): Finding the reason of low scores hyphenated KPs
09:54 AM Bug #1848 (Resolved): Remove KPs with unwanted word in "past" tense
Nandini Bansal
09:41 AM Bug #1923 (Resolved): Find the reason of tagging KP "handler, and formatter" with "formatters" header variant
Rohit Choudhary
09:39 AM Bug #1906 (Resolved): Changes to make sure KP "c-types" is a red link atleast


02:12 PM Bug #1669 (Resolved): Getting rid of all dependency on Colab for the current code path
Nandini Bansal
05:15 AM Task #1927 (Resolved): Find the reason why "unsigned integers", "signed integers" & "floating point" is light red i.e. low conf
Nandini Bansal


01:10 PM Bug #1754 (Closed): In partial_header_match, increase penalty for some KPs where start and end words are same as header variant
Nandini Bansal
01:06 PM Bug #1885 (Resolved): Prevent tagging of "use numpy" KP in Numpy User Guide
Rohit Choudhary
12:04 PM Bug #1905 (Resolved): Removing KPs like "define", "defined", etc
Nandini Bansal
11:53 AM Task #1921 (Resolved): Exclude both plural and singular forms of the words from Common Word list
10:17 AM Feature #1856 (Rejected): Penalise the multi-word KP based on "Past" tense & vector similarity score
Nandini Bansal


08:29 AM Task #1927 (In Progress): Find the reason why "unsigned integers", "signed integers" & "floating point" is light red i.e. low conf
Nandini Bansal
08:28 AM Task #1927 (Resolved): Find the reason why "unsigned integers", "signed integers" & "floating point" is light red i.e. low conf
It was observed that in the Numpy API Ref book, the sim_scores of "unsigned integers", "signed integers" & "floating ... Nandini Bansal


10:20 AM Bug #1923 (In Progress): Find the reason of tagging KP "handler, and formatter" with "formatters" header variant
Rohit Choudhary
05:05 AM Bug #1905 (In Progress): Removing KPs like "define", "defined", etc
Nandini Bansal


08:11 AM Bug #1924 (In Progress): Check the header variants generated by the variations_conjunctions
The header is of the form 'x and y z' and we are supposed to get 'x z' and 'y z' in addition to the original. However... Nandini Bansal
07:05 AM Bug #1923 (Resolved): Find the reason of tagging KP "handler, and formatter" with "formatters" header variant
In HowTos book KPI sheet, "handler, and formatter" & "handlers, and formatters" KP are tagged with "formatters" KP on... Nandini Bansal
05:51 AM Bug #1920 (Resolved): Reduce execution time of
Nandini Bansal


01:10 PM Bug #1754 (In Progress): In partial_header_match, increase penalty for some KPs where start and end words are same as header variant
Rohit Choudhary


09:38 AM Task #1921 (In Progress): Exclude both plural and singular forms of the words from Common Word list
09:30 AM Task #1921 (Resolved): Exclude both plural and singular forms of the words from Common Word list
As per Sakshi's observation, many plural KPs are assigned lower sim_score as compared to singular KPs. Upon investiga... Nandini Bansal
07:06 AM Bug #1920 (In Progress): Reduce execution time of
Nandini Bansal


01:44 PM Bug #1920 (Resolved): Reduce execution time of is known to take a long time to run for a bunch of books like Library Reference, Numpy User Guide, etc.... Nandini Bansal
06:44 AM Task #1907 (Resolved): Make changes in variations_in_common_section_words to make sure "Ipython interpreter" is linked to "interpreter" KP
Rohit Choudhary
06:42 AM Bug #1919 (Resolved): Reduce the sim_scores of KPs matching with some specific header variants generated from variations_special_function
In, some specific header variants generated from variations_special_function are leading to bad hig... Nandini Bansal


02:29 PM Bug #1916 (Rejected): Bug fix to find the correct beginning of mainKP for a given subKP
Nandini Bansal
12:24 PM Bug #1916 (Rejected): Bug fix to find the correct beginning of mainKP for a given subKP
In, the function check_subKP_fullness_ratio is not able to correctly identify the tagged mainKP. It ... Nandini Bansal
02:29 PM Bug #1918 (Resolved): Bug fix to find the correct ending of mainKP for a given subKP
In, the function check_subKP_fullness_ratio is not able to correctly identify the tagged mainKP. It ... Nandini Bansal
08:32 AM Bug #1906 (In Progress): Changes to make sure KP "c-types" is a red link atleast

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