Bug #1924
Check the header variants generated by the variations_conjunctions
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3.00 h
The header is of the form 'x and y z' and we are supposed to get 'x z' and 'y z' in addition to the original. However, we only get 'x' and 'y z' in addition to the original.
For e.g.
['adding, removing, and sorting elements'] -> [('adding, removing, and sorting elements', False), ('sorting elements', False), ('and sorting elements', False), ('adding, removing', False), ('adding, removing, and sorting elements', False), ('sorting elements', False)]
Here, "adding elements", "removing elements" and "sorting elements" should be header variants.
['automatic byte offsets and alignment'] -> [('automatic byte offsets', False), ('offsets and alignment', False), ('automatic byte offsets and alignment', False), ('alignment', False)]