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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2215 RK-A Bug Resolved Urgent Need correction in processing sub-headers Rohit Choudhary 03/29/2022 08:20 AM Actions
2184 RK-A Bug New Normal 2nd purple link result is better than first for enum 09/26/2022 05:38 AM Actions
2183 RK-A Bug New High If string s is known to be a "decent KP", substring(s) should not be made a KP 03/11/2022 07:06 AM Actions
2179 RK-A Bug New Normal (9 mar testing: d14) 2nd result of purple link 'abstract base class' is best 03/10/2022 01:27 PM Actions
2133 RK-A Feature Resolved Normal Task 1.2. Tagging of KPs using multiple KBs Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:48 AM Actions
2132 RK-A Feature Resolved Normal Task 1.1: Tag KPs using only 1 KB only Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:47 AM Actions
2129 RK-A Feature Resolved Normal Task 1: Creating KBs Rohit Choudhary 11/25/2022 08:47 AM Actions
2113 RK-A Task Resolved Immediate Enable creating annotated file with and without occurrence count Rohit Choudhary 02/14/2022 10:49 AM Actions
2094 RK-A Task Resolved Immediate Tweak 2604 formula for occurrence count Rohit Choudhary 02/10/2022 08:59 AM Actions
2064 RK-A Task Resolved Immediate Add occurrence % to BR2 line Nandini Bansal 02/07/2022 01:02 PM Actions
2046 RK-A Task Resolved Urgent Provide the top 10% of keyphrases by occurrence count for Lib ref, Tutorial, C-API Nandini Bansal 02/06/2022 07:50 AM Actions
2043 RK-A Bug Resolved Immediate Bug fix for adding wrong/mismatched subsection headers in annotated file Rohit Choudhary 01/23/2022 07:43 AM Actions
2029 RK-A Feature In Progress High Do not display purple link results that are much lesser quality than some others Nandini Bansal 02/15/2022 10:05 AM Actions
2026 RK-A Feature New Low Can 'function' be a darkish purple link to 'Using and Defining Functions'? 01/12/2022 04:45 PM Actions
2025 RK-A Bug Resolved High 'List comprehensions' should not be a purple link in a document with heading 'List comprehension' Rohit Choudhary 01/19/2022 05:25 AM Actions
2023 RK-A Task New Normal 'dictionary' should be a dark purple link 01/12/2022 01:16 PM Actions
2022 RK-A Bug In Progress High 'int' a dark purple link; but float, complex etc are not Rohit Choudhary 02/16/2022 06:12 AM Actions
2019 RK-A Bug Resolved Urgent 'listed' should not be a purple link pointing to lists Rohit Choudhary 02/22/2022 05:39 AM Actions
2017 RK-A Bug Resolved Urgent built-in data types and structure should be a single purple link Rohit Choudhary 02/02/2022 05:15 PM Actions
2016 RK-A Bug Resolved Urgent Remove the KPs which are same as BRB-IRB links Nandini Bansal 01/23/2022 07:41 AM Actions
2015 RK-A Bug New Normal Removing the tagging of KP "comma" 01/11/2022 05:20 PM Actions
2014 RK-A Bug New Normal Increase the sim_score of "timeouts" KP in lib ref 01/11/2022 04:55 PM Actions
2003 RK-A Bug New Normal Make changes in generate_candidates function to fix the code for skipping KPs with repeated words 01/03/2022 06:01 PM Actions
1998 RK-A Bug Resolved Normal Fix the bug in the tagging of "dict" and "dictionary" KP Nandini Bansal 03/07/2022 05:31 PM Actions
1997 RK-A Bug New Normal Increase the sim_score of "tuple" KP in C-API book 01/01/2022 07:18 AM Actions
(226-250/323) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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