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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3812 RK-A2 Task New High Store output files of a cells 22.6 and 23.1 in google drive 03/13/2025 09:18 AM Actions
3811 RK-A2 Task New High Tweak in handling failure Shubham Boke 03/12/2025 08:20 AM Actions
3810 RK-A2 Task Review High Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers - final Shubham Boke 03/11/2025 10:05 AM Actions
3809 RK-A2 Feature New High Update given Google sheet with the list of questions that have thumbs down greater than 0 03/11/2025 04:00 PM Actions
3808 RK-A2 Task Review High Ensure we support AI to respond with choice and not choice value Dewakar Chaubey 03/11/2025 12:30 PM Actions
3807 RK-A2 Task Review High Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers Shubham Boke 03/10/2025 07:32 AM Actions
3806 RK-A2 Feature New High Initial support for user questions 03/07/2025 07:08 AM Actions
3805 RK-A2 Task Review High Support for additional key value pairs in the input file Shubham Boke 03/10/2025 09:51 AM Actions
3804 RK-A2 Feature Review High Support to handle possible incorrect answers even when told so Shubham Boke 03/10/2025 11:47 AM Actions
3803 RK-A2 Task Review High Support for resuming 'generate other choices' Shubham Boke 03/05/2025 04:43 AM Actions
3802 RK-A2 Task Review High Support in 3772 colab for MCQs with multiple answers Shubham Boke 03/10/2025 09:45 AM Actions
3801 RK-A2 Bug Review High Support for prefix-sub-question, prefix-question-multi-answer, prefix-sub-question-multi-answer Shubham Boke 03/04/2025 06:46 AM Actions
3800 RK-A2 Task New High Add support in "3772 colab" to read and save back to DS 02/28/2025 06:50 AM Actions
3799 RK-A2 Task Review High Remove the need for k12-support.txt except to check for supported-themes Dewakar Chaubey 02/28/2025 12:58 PM Actions
3798 RK-A2 Feature Review High End-end support for substeps (such as step x.y) Dewakar Chaubey 02/24/2025 12:30 PM Actions
3797 RK-A2 Feature Review High Support for detailed answers in 3772 colab Shubham Boke 02/25/2025 12:30 PM Actions
3796 RK-A2 Task New High Support for subquestions 02/19/2025 04:44 PM Actions
3795 RK-A2 Task Review Urgent Remove need to upload qna-<board>-<grade>-<subject>-<chapter num>.txt Shubham Boke 02/25/2025 01:06 PM Actions
3794 RK-A2 Task Feedback High In '3772 colab', extract chapter number from input file Ram Kordale 02/25/2025 12:18 PM Actions
3793 RK-A2 Task Feedback High Tweaks to make use of OpenAI o3-mini model Ram Kordale 02/25/2025 12:28 PM Actions
3792 RK-A2 Task New Normal Unmock call to get_file GCF (via rk2_gcf) if automated test is called with test_gcf flag as true 02/11/2025 10:17 AM Actions
3791 RK-A2 Feature Feedback High Support for creating answer choices for non-MCQ (VSA, LA) questions Shubham Boke 02/18/2025 08:50 AM Actions
3790 RK-A2 Task Feedback High Adjust wait time of fetching DOM elements in FE Selenium tests. Shubham Boke 02/18/2025 04:32 AM Actions
3789 RK-A2 Task New Normal Debug and Resolve the failed FE Selenium tests 02/07/2025 06:58 AM Actions
3788 RK-A2 Task Review Normal Resolve FE selenium tests failing due responsiveness check. Randheer Dagar 02/27/2025 04:47 AM Actions
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