


Feature #3068

Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension

Added by Ram Kordale almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)


Please see 3 UI views V1, V2 and V3 at

In the background, get all purple links and results as is done today.

Today, we show one of 3 views: (a) itemized purple links (b) "no purple links" (c) "video not processed".

In case of (a) which is shown when get purple links api returns results, here are the changes required:
- when the extension is opened, show V1
-- T1 = Want to know more about a term in the video?
-- T2 = Type phrase e.g. nested list & Press enter [Suppose user entered input I. I is one or more words]
-- A1 = Action on pressing enter
- on A1, show V2
-- if there are matches
--- T3 = Here you go [Show X at the top right]
--- find first purple link P whose first two letters match with first two letters of I. Show all PLRs (purple link results) of P and display them as PLR1, PLR2,...PLRn.
-- if there are no matches and if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is false, show "Unfortunately, this is not explained in any video by the author".
-- if user clicks on X on top right, show V1
-- if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is true, continue with below (i.e. T4,B1,A3 are not applicable if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is false)
--- if results
---- T4 = Not any of these? Want to know more?
---- B1 is a button with text "Click here"
---- A3 = action on clicking B1
---- on A3, show V3
--- if there were no results
---- show V3
-- T5 = response from server after sending getOpenAIapi(I). Note I is passed as input to the API call.
-- T5 box should contain a X at the right top.
- On clicking X in T5 box, show V1


Feature #3069: 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search supportClosed06/10/2023Ram Kordale


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