Feature #3068
Updated by Ram Kordale almost 2 years ago
Please see 3 UI views V1, V2 and V3 at https://drive.google.com/file/d/17K1Z5KKWBSTumJqyoqShA9osR1EukgcC/view?ts=6482b6cb. In the background, get all purple links and results as is done today. Today, we show one of 3 views: (a) itemized purple links (b) "no purple links" (c) "video not processed". In case of (a) which is shown when get purple links api returns results, here are the changes required: - when the extension is opened, show V1 -- T1 = Want to know more about a term in the video? -- T2 = Type phrase e.g. nested list & Press enter [Suppose user entered input I. I is one or more words] -- A1 = Action on pressing enter - on A1, show V2 -- if there are matches --- T3 = Here you go [Show X at the top right] --- find first purple link P whose first two letters match with first two letters of I. Show Present the results as we do today but for only the matches. However, show all PLRs (purple link results) of P and display them as PLR1, PLR2,...PLRn. the results opened. -- if there are no matches and if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is false, show "Unfortunately, this is not explained in any video by the author". -- if user clicks on X on top right, show V1 -- if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is true, continue with below (i.e. T4,B1,A3 are not applicable if 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' is false) --- if results ---- T4 = Not any of these? Want to know more? ---- B1 is a button with text "Click here" ---- A3 = action on clicking B1 ---- on A3, show V3 --- if there were no results ---- show V3 -- T5 = response from server after sending getOpenAIapi(I). Note I is passed as input to the API call. -- T5 box should contain a X at the right top. - On clicking X in T5 box, show V1