Bug #1974
Reduce the sim_score of KP "exception classes"
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3.50 h
The KP "exception classes" is a 1KP in lib ref, it would be better to reduce the score to light purple 0.9 to 0.8 range as the linked document is not very relevant.
KP is tagged in the doc: #####83#%&Table Of Contents#%&Built-in Exceptions#%&
Sim doc 1: #####1422#%&Table Of Contents#%&Internet Protocols and Support#%&urllib.error — Exception classes raised by urllib.request#%&
Sim doc 2: #####914#%&Table Of Contents#%&Concurrent Execution#%&concurrent.futures — Launching parallel tasks#%&Exception classes#%&
Updated by Nandini Bansal almost 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from Rohit Choudhary to Nandini Bansal