From 06/02/2024 to 07/01/2024
- 10:17 AM RK-A2 Feature #3642 (Resolved): Changes to call_openai_api to handle context limitations
- 09:45 AM RK-A2 Feature #3642 (In Progress): Changes to call_openai_api to handle context limitations
- 06:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3642 (Closed): Changes to call_openai_api to handle context limitations
- Add an additional argument num_tokens. Add an additional output num_tokens.
Clients interested in handling the con... - 08:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3639 (Review): Replace all GCF calls in FE code with rk2_gcf calls
- 08:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3639 (Resolved): Replace all GCF calls in FE code with rk2_gcf calls
- 08:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3639 (In Progress): Replace all GCF calls in FE code with rk2_gcf calls
- 07:10 AM RK-A2 Feature #3643 (Closed): Support in call_openai_api for version, template dictionary, attachments and core arguments
- Add version, template_dict, attachments and 'core arguments' as arguments.
if version is not 1.0, return unsupport... - 06:24 AM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (Resolved): Support for themes - Take 2
- 06:24 AM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (Feedback): Support for themes - Take 2
- 06:19 AM RK-A2 Task #3640 (Resolved): Add an argument "periodic_prompt' to set_prompt_mods gcf
- 06:06 AM RK-A2 Task #3640 (In Progress): Add an argument "periodic_prompt' to set_prompt_mods gcf
- 02:41 AM RK-A2 Task #3640 (Closed): Add an argument "periodic_prompt' to set_prompt_mods gcf
- 03:33 AM RK-A2 Feature #3641 (Closed): Support for create_styled_questions colab notebook
- Let the first cell contain all inputs. Inputs are questions_file, model, index, board, grade, subject, chapter_num, s...
- 03:06 PM RK-A2 Feature #3637 (Review): Extend 3634: Ask questions, ask detailed questions and provide detailed answer from content in file in bucket
- 03:06 PM RK-A2 Feature #3637 (Resolved): Extend 3634: Ask questions, ask detailed questions and provide detailed answer from content in file in bucket
- 03:43 PM RK-A2 Feature #3637 (In Progress): Extend 3634: Ask questions, ask detailed questions and provide detailed answer from content in file in bucket
- 04:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3637 (Review): Extend 3634: Ask questions, ask detailed questions and provide detailed answer from content in file in bucket
- When user chooses a grade g and subject s, get file qna-cbse-g-s. This is of the following format:
Extend file for... - 12:34 PM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (Review): Support for themes - Take 2
- 12:34 PM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (Resolved): Support for themes - Take 2
- 11:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (In Progress): Support for themes - Take 2
- 06:42 AM RK-A2 Feature #3638 (Resolved): Support for themes - Take 2
- We actually want to provide user a choice of simultaneously selecting multiple themes. This will help us mix up quest...
- 11:31 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Review): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 11:31 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Resolved): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 11:30 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (In Progress): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 05:43 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Reopened): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 09:11 AM RK-A2 Task #3639 (Review): Replace all GCF calls in FE code with rk2_gcf calls
- 07:36 AM RK-A2 Feature #3631 (Rejected): Add a theme dropdown
- Rejected because it is superceded by 3638.
- 01:56 PM RK-A2 Feature #3636 (Review): Update Profile kind when Extend 3634: Ask questions from content in file in bucket based on
- 01:56 PM RK-A2 Feature #3636 (Resolved): Update Profile kind when Extend 3634: Ask questions from content in file in bucket based on
- 06:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3636 (In Progress): Update Profile kind when Extend 3634: Ask questions from content in file in bucket based on
- 06:52 AM RK-A2 Feature #3636 (Review): Update Profile kind when Extend 3634: Ask questions from content in file in bucket based on
Set auth=true as parameter. This will require a Google login. From this, you will get the email id of the logged ...- 06:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Review): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Resolved): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:31 AM RK-A2 Task #3635 (In Progress): Add function 'get-perf-stats' to rk2-gcf
- 02:50 PM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Review): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 02:49 PM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Resolved): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 08:02 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (In Progress): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- 06:21 AM RK-A2 Feature #3634 (Rejected): Ask questions from content in file in bucket
- When user chooses a grade g and subject s, get file qna-cbse-g-s. This is of the following format:
@#$Question: <q... - 01:32 PM RK-A2 Feature #3633 (Review): Support for crud-ds cloud function
- 01:32 PM RK-A2 Feature #3633 (Resolved): Support for crud-ds cloud function
- 09:16 AM RK-A2 Feature #3633 (In Progress): Support for crud-ds cloud function
- 04:46 AM RK-A2 Feature #3633 (Review): Support for crud-ds cloud function
- name: crud-ds
"kind": "<kind>",
"op-type": "<op-type>",
"<kind>-key": "<value>",
"<kind>-<name1>": "<... - 12:04 PM RK-A2 Feature #3631 (In Progress): Add a theme dropdown
- 03:17 AM RK-A2 Feature #3631 (Rejected): Add a theme dropdown
- In 3629, we get k-12-support.txt which contained <board>;<grade>;<subject>. We will extend this to <board>;<grade>;<s...
- 09:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3626 (Review): Support LaTex by using MathJax on Web page
- 09:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3626 (Resolved): Support LaTex by using MathJax on Web page
- 09:12 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Feedback): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 06:29 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Review): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 06:28 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Resolved): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 05:05 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (In Progress): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 07:09 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (In Progress): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Reopened): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:29 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Review): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:29 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Resolved): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 05:04 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (In Progress): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 05:03 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Reopened): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 06:46 AM RK-A2 Task #3635 (In Progress): Add function 'get-perf-stats' to rk2-gcf
- arguments:
"call": "<call>",
"from": "<ddmmyyyy>".
"to": "<ddmmyyyy>"
What to do: Go over the log f... - 05:07 AM RK-A2 Feature #3614 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - if yt content, scrape and store in GCS bucket
- 05:07 AM RK-A2 Feature #3614 (Resolved): Extension: Personal functionality - if yt content, scrape and store in GCS bucket
- 03:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3609 (Feedback): If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore
- 03:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3609 (Resolved): If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore
- 03:58 AM RK-A2 Bug #3632 (New): Add background image dynamically
- Make the current chat area 20% lesser.
When theme="<theme>", get file <theme>.jpg from GCS using get-file GCF.
- 02:06 PM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Reopened): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 07:25 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Review): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 07:25 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Resolved): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 06:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (In Progress): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- 05:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3629 (Resolved): If user chooses unsupported grade and subject, say so
- When curriculum parameter is K-12, get k-12-support.txt from GCS using get-file GCF.
It is of the form:
<board>... - 10:31 AM RK-A2 Feature #3630 (Resolved): Combine all cloud functions into one
- 10:09 AM RK-A2 Feature #3630 (In Progress): Combine all cloud functions into one
- 09:48 AM RK-A2 Feature #3630 (Resolved): Combine all cloud functions into one
- name: gcf
"call": "<call>",
"args": "<arg>"
where <call> is one of the current gcf names such as s... - 10:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Review): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 10:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Resolved): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 08:45 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (In Progress): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 08:44 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Reopened): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 05:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Review): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 05:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Resolved): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 04:25 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (In Progress): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- 04:13 AM RK-A2 Feature #3627 (Review): Add function get-file that gets a file from gcs to rk2-gcf
- Argument:
get <file> from <bucket> where <bucket> is "<env>-files" where <env> is "edutestdev" or... - 06:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3628 (Review): Once user chooses grade and subject, ask a question and if answer is wrong, ask assistant for answer and provide to the user
- 06:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3628 (Resolved): Once user chooses grade and subject, ask a question and if answer is wrong, ask assistant for answer and provide to the user
- 04:32 AM RK-A2 Feature #3628 (In Progress): Once user chooses grade and subject, ask a question and if answer is wrong, ask assistant for answer and provide to the user
- 04:30 AM RK-A2 Feature #3628 (Rejected): Once user chooses grade and subject, ask a question and if answer is wrong, ask assistant for answer and provide to the user
- Today, we allow user to type in something and we provide the OpenAI assistant's response. But, when user chooses a gr...
- 05:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3602 (Feedback): Add file support to OpenAI assistant
- 05:50 AM RK-A2 Task #3611 (Feedback): Create a GCF and AppEngine API store_content that writes its input to a file in a GCP bucket
- 04:47 AM RK-A2 Feature #3626 (In Progress): Support LaTex by using MathJax on Web page
- 01:25 PM RK-A2 Feature #3626 (Review): Support LaTex by using MathJax on Web page
- If the user asks the question 'what is a complex fraction?', the model is very likely to provide some text containing...
- 11:45 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (Feedback): Enable Google login on
- 11:11 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (Review): Enable Google login on
- 11:11 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (Resolved): Enable Google login on
- 08:45 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (In Progress): Enable Google login on
- 07:19 AM RK-A2 Task #3624 (Resolved): set-prompt-mods change to handle set-kb api
- 05:37 AM RK-A2 Task #3624 (In Progress): set-prompt-mods change to handle set-kb api
- 01:03 PM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (Feedback): Enable Google login on
- 08:41 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (In Progress): Enable Google login on
- 08:34 AM RK-A2 Bug #3625 (Feedback): Enable Google login on
- 10:42 AM RK-A2 Feature #3619 (Resolved): set-kb api
- 06:58 AM RK-A2 Task #3624 (Review): set-prompt-mods change to handle set-kb api
- Change to
"model": "<model>",
"index": "<string>",
"prefix": "<s...
- 11:52 AM RK-A2 Feature #3621 (In Progress): [EXT]: [Feature #3620] - Provide a way to login to user's Google account
- 11:19 AM RK-A2 Feature #3621 (In Progress): [EXT]: [Feature #3620] - Provide a way to login to user's Google account
- 1) if user has successfully logged in to their Google account -> log "user successfully logged in!". Otherwise, log "...
- 11:22 AM RK-A2 Feature #3623 (New): [EXT]: [Feature #3620] - After Google Login, print user's email address to the console
- after successful login, print user's email address to the console
- 11:21 AM RK-A2 Feature #3622 (New): [EXT]: [Feature #3620] - Add button UI to for logging into user Google account
- 1) only button UI is required, functionality is not required
2) show this UI only when *PERSONAL* set to *true* - 09:56 AM RK-A2 Feature #3620 (New): Extension: Personal functionality - print user's email address to the console
- If config.js has "Personal" set to true, provide a way to login to user's Google account and print user's email addre...
- 09:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3619 (In Progress): set-kb api
- 09:36 AM RK-A2 Feature #3619 (Review): set-kb api
- set-kb
"model": "<model>"
"index": "<index>"
"desc": "<string>"
"file_names" : [“name1”,"name2",......... - 07:39 AM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (Feedback): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
- 07:31 AM RK-A2 Feature #3618 (Resolved): Name the assistant created as <env>-<model>-<index> using meta property of OpenAI API
- 06:42 AM RK-A2 Feature #3618 (In Progress): Name the assistant created as <env>-<model>-<index> using meta property of OpenAI API
- 06:34 AM RK-A2 Feature #3618 (Review): Name the assistant created as <env>-<model>-<index> using meta property of OpenAI API
- <env> is dev/qa/prod
- 05:49 AM RK-A2 Task #3617 (Review): Make extension access GCF instead of Appengine endpoint
- 05:49 AM RK-A2 Task #3617 (Resolved): Make extension access GCF instead of Appengine endpoint
- 02:18 PM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Feedback): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 02:18 PM RK-A2 Task #3605 (In Progress): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 01:24 PM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (Resolved): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
- 01:21 PM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Resolved): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
- 01:20 PM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (Resolved): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
- 09:35 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Feedback): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 09:34 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Review): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 09:34 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Resolved): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 07:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (In Progress): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 07:25 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Reopened): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 03:39 AM RK-A2 Task #3617 (In Progress): Make extension access GCF instead of Appengine endpoint
- 01:38 PM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Review): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 01:38 PM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Resolved): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 07:24 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (In Progress): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- 01:01 PM RK-A2 Task #3598 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 01:01 PM RK-A2 Task #3598 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 01:00 PM RK-A2 Task #3598 (Reopened): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 05:27 AM RK-A2 Task #3598 (Review): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 05:26 AM RK-A2 Task #3598 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 04:00 AM RK-A2 Task #3598 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 12:26 PM RK-A2 Task #3577 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles
- 12:12 PM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Reopened): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 12:04 PM RK-A2 Task #3617 (Feedback): Make extension access GCF instead of Appengine endpoint
- 11:43 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 11:38 AM RK-A2 Task #3565 (Resolved): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
- 09:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3616 (In Progress): Extension: Personal functionality - enable user to store highlighted content in GCS bucket
- 05:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3613 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - scrape non-yt page and store in GCS bucket
- 05:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3613 (Resolved): Extension: Personal functionality - scrape non-yt page and store in GCS bucket
- 03:16 PM RK-A2 Task #3599 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for mobiles
- 03:16 PM RK-A2 Task #3599 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for mobiles
- 07:52 AM RK-A2 Task #3599 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for mobiles
- 06:57 AM RK-A2 Feature #3616 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - enable user to store highlighted content in GCS bucket
- If config.js has "Personal" set to true, and it is not a Youtube page, when user highlights content, show two options...
- 06:05 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Review): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
- We need to start using browser storage. This ticket is to serve as the first use case.
For the purposes of this ti... - 05:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3614 (In Progress): Extension: Personal functionality - if yt content, scrape and store in GCS bucket
- 04:39 AM RK-A2 Feature #3614 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - if yt content, scrape and store in GCS bucket
- If config.js has "Personal" set to true, and it is a youtube page, store entire "key moments" section and "transcript...
- 04:26 AM RK-A2 Feature #3613 (In Progress): Extension: Personal functionality - scrape non-yt page and store in GCS bucket
- 04:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3613 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - scrape non-yt page and store in GCS bucket
- If config.js has "Personal" set to true and 'Scrape_Content' set to true, and it is not a Youtube page, scrape the en...
- 06:30 AM RK-A2 Feature #3612 (Resolved): Extension: Enable moving the extension button, extension (when open) and "minimizing to a button"
- 06:06 AM RK-A2 Task #3577 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles
- 06:06 AM RK-A2 Task #3577 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles
- 01:18 PM RK-A2 Task #3575 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles
- 03:11 AM RK-A2 Task #3575 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles
- 03:11 AM RK-A2 Task #3575 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles
- 12:06 PM RK-A2 Task #3611 (Resolved): Create a GCF and AppEngine API store_content that writes its input to a file in a GCP bucket
- 12:05 PM RK-A2 Task #3611 (In Progress): Create a GCF and AppEngine API store_content that writes its input to a file in a GCP bucket
- 11:27 AM RK-A2 Feature #3612 (Feedback): Extension: Enable moving the extension button, extension (when open) and "minimizing to a button"
- 10:29 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 06:18 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 06:18 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 08:55 AM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (Review): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
- 08:55 AM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (Resolved): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
- 06:48 AM RK-A2 Task #3577 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles
- 01:43 PM RK-A2 Feature #3612 (In Progress): Extension: Enable moving the extension button, extension (when open) and "minimizing to a button"
- 01:37 PM RK-A2 Feature #3612 (Resolved): Extension: Enable moving the extension button, extension (when open) and "minimizing to a button"
- 01:37 PM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (In Progress): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
- 01:27 PM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (Closed): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
- If config.js has "premium" set to true, and the youtube playlist is not supported, ask the user "Would you like suppo...
- 01:32 PM RK-A2 Task #3611 (Closed): Create a GCF and AppEngine API store_content that writes its input to a file in a GCP bucket
- Input: text
Action: Write the text to temp_<ddmmyyhhmmss>.txt in:
project-id: <env>
bucket-name: <env>-scraped-con... - 11:28 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Resolved): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 08:39 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Feedback): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 08:33 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Review): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 08:33 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Resolved): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 06:04 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (In Progress): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 05:14 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Closed): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
- 1) initially, show the entire chat UI
2) after few seconds, UI changes to small button like prev EXT
3) when clicke... - 11:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3609 (In Progress): If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore
- 11:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3609 (Review): If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore
- 10:30 AM RK-A2 Task #3574 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
- 10:29 AM RK-A2 Task #3572 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
- 10:26 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Resolved): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 05:38 AM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (Resolved): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- 03:48 AM RK-A2 Feature #3604 (Feedback): Return 404 if call_openai_api is called on a non-existing model and index combination
- 01:40 PM RK-A2 Feature #3607 (New): Add support for Google models to call_openai_ai
- If the prefix of the model is "Gemini", please perform call_open_ai_<step number> in
- 12:47 PM RK-A2 Feature #3606 (New): Add Google AI models support to set_prompt_mods
- For now, we will only support Gemini* models from Google. So, if the prefix of the model name in "Gemini", please per...
- 11:35 AM RK-A2 Feature #3603 (Feedback): Extension: Every 3 questions, take user to in a new tab
- 07:12 AM RK-A2 Feature #3603 (Review): Extension: Every 3 questions, take user to in a new tab
- 07:12 AM RK-A2 Feature #3603 (Resolved): Extension: Every 3 questions, take user to in a new tab
- 11:17 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Feedback): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 05:33 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Review): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 05:26 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Resolved): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 04:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (In Progress): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- 04:10 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Closed): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
- if call_openai_api returns 404, please respond with "Sorry, this content has not been processed by our AI yet."
- 11:10 AM RK-A2 Task #3576: [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the buttons & input box responsive for tablets
- input box and buttons are already responsive due to
- 11:07 AM RK-A2 Task #3576 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the buttons & input box responsive for tablets
- 03:59 AM RK-A2 Task #3576 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the buttons & input box responsive for tablets
- 09:30 AM RK-A2 Task #3575 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles
- 07:26 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 04:59 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Review): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 04:59 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Resolved): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 01:58 PM RK-A2 Feature #3604 (Resolved): Return 404 if call_openai_api is called on a non-existing model and index combination
- 12:56 PM RK-A2 Feature #3604 (In Progress): Return 404 if call_openai_api is called on a non-existing model and index combination
- 12:36 PM RK-A2 Feature #3604 (Closed): Return 404 if call_openai_api is called on a non-existing model and index combination
- Today, we create an assistant with defaults. Instead, return 404.
- 01:45 PM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Resolved): FE: Remember thread id
- 01:43 PM RK-A2 Feature #3601 (Resolved): Create a Chrome extension that makes use of new APIs
- 12:08 PM RK-A2 Feature #3601 (Feedback): Create a Chrome extension that makes use of new APIs
- 01:41 PM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (Resolved): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
- 01:41 PM RK-A2 Task #3586 (Resolved): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- 01:41 PM RK-A2 Feature #3589 (Resolved): Customize Scrollbar style of the Chat Box
- 01:27 PM RK-A2 Task #3574 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
- 11:07 AM RK-A2 Task #3574 (Review): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
- 11:07 AM RK-A2 Task #3574 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
- 06:46 AM RK-A2 Feature #3603 (Closed): Extension: Every 3 questions, take user to in a new tab
- When the user comes back to the original window, everything will be the same (answer will be waiting and the user can...
- 10:12 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 10:12 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 03:09 PM RK-A2 Feature #3602 (Resolved): Add file support to OpenAI assistant
- 01:25 PM RK-A2 Task #3572 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
- 11:29 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (Feedback): FE: support for askParameters="true"
- 05:32 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (Review): FE: support for askParameters="true"
- 01:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3594 (Closed): Add call_openai_api and set_prompt_mods to App Engine App
- Closed by Shahzar's MR
- 02:00 PM RK-A2 Feature #3602 (In Progress): Add file support to OpenAI assistant
- 08:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3602 (Closed): Add file support to OpenAI assistant
- OpenAI assistants API can take files as inputs. change set_prompt_mods to take an additional input:
"file_urls" : ... - 10:03 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (Resolved): FE: support for askParameters="true"
- 04:40 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (In Progress): FE: support for askParameters="true"
- 04:11 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (Closed): FE: support for askParameters="true"
- If the chat interface div has a parameter askParameters="true", show "Enter parameters <textbox>" at the bottom of th...
- 08:32 AM RK-A2 Task #3574 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
- 07:42 AM RK-A2 Task #3572 (Review): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
- 07:42 AM RK-A2 Task #3572 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
- 03:52 AM RK-A2 Task #3572 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
- 07:06 AM RK-A2 Feature #3596 (Feedback): Log name of GCF called
- 06:11 AM RK-A2 Feature #3596 (Resolved): Log name of GCF called
- 06:10 AM RK-A2 Feature #3596 (In Progress): Log name of GCF called
- 07:05 AM RK-A2 Task #3597 (Feedback): Log name of App Engine function called
- 06:24 AM RK-A2 Task #3597 (Resolved): Log name of App Engine function called
- 06:23 AM RK-A2 Task #3597 (In Progress): Log name of App Engine function called
- 07:02 AM RK-A2 Feature #3601 (In Progress): Create a Chrome extension that makes use of new APIs
- 06:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3601 (Resolved): Create a Chrome extension that makes use of new APIs
- If we are on, chrome extension should show a simple interface: "Ask anything" and a textbox. On other sit...
- 05:50 PM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Feedback): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 05:50 PM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Resolved): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 05:50 PM RK-A2 Task #3583 (In Progress): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 01:06 PM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Reopened): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 02:13 PM RK-A2 Task #3599 (Review): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for mobiles
- 02:12 PM RK-A2 Task #3598 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Curriculum Selector Dropdowns responsive for tablets
- 01:58 PM RK-A2 Feature #3590 (Rejected): BE - Change index to string from integer
- This ticket is not needed.
- 01:56 PM RK-A2 Task #3597 (Closed): Log name of App Engine function called
- In the first line of each App Engine Function, log its name
- 01:54 PM RK-A2 Feature #3596 (Closed): Log name of GCF called
- In the first line of each GCF, log its name
- 01:43 PM RK-A2 Feature #3595 (New): Call GCF or App Engine endpoint based on endpoint parameter
- Call GCF or App Engine endpoint based on endpoint parameter:
- endpoint="GCF"
- endpoint="App Engine"
if endpoin... - 12:02 PM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (Feedback): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
- 12:01 PM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (Resolved): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
- 05:55 AM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (In Progress): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
- 09:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3587 (Feedback): Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response
- 08:46 AM RK-A2 Feature #3594 (Closed): Add call_openai_api and set_prompt_mods to App Engine App
- 06:24 AM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (Feedback): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- 05:14 AM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (Review): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- 05:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3593 (New): FE - Support for global answer count
- We need to mention "Happily served <num> answers" under the chat interface. Today, <num> starts from zero when the pa...
- 04:54 AM RK-A2 Feature #3592 (New): BE - phase 1 support for cumulative answer count
- Need the following changes to call_openai_api GCF:
-Add another parameter threadAnswerCount
-if message is empty, d...
- 02:04 PM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (Resolved): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
- If we have a parameter curriculum="k-12", please show "Please select grade and subject <grade dropdown> <subject drop...
- 01:56 PM RK-A2 Feature #3589 (Feedback): Customize Scrollbar style of the Chat Box
- 11:40 AM RK-A2 Feature #3589 (In Progress): Customize Scrollbar style of the Chat Box
- 10:30 AM RK-A2 Feature #3589 (Resolved): Customize Scrollbar style of the Chat Box
- Use the same scrollbar styles we use in our Copilot
- 01:35 PM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (Resolved): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- 11:43 AM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (In Progress): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- 06:00 AM RK-A2 Bug #3588 (Resolved): "Send" is not enabled if after getting response if user has typed something while fetching a response
- ask question -> send -> while waiting type something in input box -> get response -> send button won't be reactivated...
- 01:28 PM RK-A2 Feature #3587 (Review): Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response
- 01:28 PM RK-A2 Feature #3587 (Resolved): Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response
- 11:44 AM RK-A2 Feature #3587 (In Progress): Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response
- 05:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3587 (Review): Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response
- we can implement something similar to ChatGPT site
- 12:29 PM RK-A2 Feature #3590 (Rejected): BE - Change index to string from integer
- Changes will have to be done in:
1- Datastore
2- set_prompt_mods
3- call_openai_api - 11:27 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Review): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 11:27 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Resolved): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 11:27 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (In Progress): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 06:34 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Reopened): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 05:46 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Review): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 05:45 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Resolved): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 04:50 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (In Progress): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- 11:21 AM RK-A2 Task #3585 (Feedback): Create simple App Engine Python App
- 11:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3585 (Resolved): Create simple App Engine Python App
- 11:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3585 (In Progress): Create simple App Engine Python App
- 04:01 AM RK-A2 Task #3585 (Closed): Create simple App Engine Python App
- This API should take as input a name (string) and return "Hello <name>"
- 11:13 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (In Progress): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 11:12 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Reopened): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 09:12 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (Feedback): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
- 06:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (Review): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
- 06:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (Resolved): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
- 05:02 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (In Progress): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
- 08:22 AM RK-A2 Task #3586 (Feedback): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- 08:16 AM RK-A2 Task #3586 (Review): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- 08:15 AM RK-A2 Task #3586 (Resolved): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- 07:29 AM RK-A2 Task #3586 (In Progress): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- 05:55 AM RK-A2 Task #3586 (Resolved): Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI
- Initially, make the buttons look the same as the "Yes" button on Copilot. Then, we can modify it further if needed.
- 05:51 AM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (Resolved): FE Support for conversation and prompts
- 05:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Feedback): FE: Remember thread id
- 05:22 AM RK-A2 Task #3573 (In Progress): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
- 03:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3584 (New): Replace logic in App Engine App
- Attached is code that works fine on Google colab.
We need to make this work on Google App Engine. The only change ...
- 03:30 PM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Review): FE: Remember thread id
- 03:29 PM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Resolved): FE: Remember thread id
- 03:48 AM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (In Progress): FE: Remember thread id
- 01:32 PM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (Feedback): FE Support for conversation and prompts
- 01:27 PM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (Resolved): FE Support for conversation and prompts
- 03:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (In Progress): FE Support for conversation and prompts
- 11:45 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Review): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 11:44 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Resolved): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 05:48 AM RK-A2 Task #3568 (In Progress): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
- 10:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3560 (Feedback): Support for prompt mods
- 10:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3581 (Feedback): Conversation and update support to set_prompt_mods
- 08:03 AM RK-A2 Feature #3581 (Resolved): Conversation and update support to set_prompt_mods
- 07:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3581 (In Progress): Conversation and update support to set_prompt_mods
- 10:49 AM RK-A2 Feature #3579 (Feedback): Add conversation support to Assistants GCF
- 07:06 AM RK-A2 Feature #3579 (Resolved): Add conversation support to Assistants GCF
- 05:22 AM RK-A2 Feature #3579 (In Progress): Add conversation support to Assistants GCF
- 11:16 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Closed): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
- Pass an additional key value pair [origin, 04062024] if the env is QA. In the GCF, make origin as * if you find this ...
- 10:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Closed): FE: Remember thread id
- In, we receive a thread id that is reused. We need to remember this even on reload and...
- 10:50 AM RK-A2 Feature #3581 (Closed): Conversation and update support to set_prompt_mods
Currently, fields are model, index, prefix and suffix. please add assistant_id and instructions.
-retrieve <assi...- 10:19 AM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (Closed): FE Support for conversation and prompts
- call_openai_api has changed to call_openai_api(model, index, thread_id, new_chat) [See
- 09:50 AM RK-A2 Feature #3579 (Closed): Add conversation support to Assistants GCF
- call_openai_api(model, index, thread_id, new_chat)
-get <assistant_id, instructions, prompt prefix, prompt suffix...
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