



From 05/03/2024 to 06/01/2024


12:52 AM RK-A2 Feature #3578 (New): Support for Dynamic Origin servers
Change call_openai_api to the following where allowed_origins is populated by runtime config
def call_openai_api...
Ram Kordale


01:11 PM RK-A2 Feature #3563 (Feedback): Handle OpenAI API Call Errors
Ayanava Karmakar
06:06 AM RK-A2 Feature #3563 (Review): Handle OpenAI API Call Errors
Dewakar Chaubey
05:55 AM RK-A2 Feature #3563 (Resolved): Handle OpenAI API Call Errors
Dewakar Chaubey
04:57 AM RK-A2 Feature #3563 (In Progress): Handle OpenAI API Call Errors
Dewakar Chaubey
12:54 PM RK-A2 Task #3577 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles
Ayanava Karmakar
12:54 PM RK-A2 Task #3576 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the buttons & input box responsive for tablets
Ayanava Karmakar
12:52 PM RK-A2 Task #3575 (Feedback): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles
Only make the Chat Box with the text conversation responsive for all mobile views
Ayanava Karmakar
12:51 PM RK-A2 Task #3574 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets
Only make the Chat Box with the text conversation responsive for all tablet views Ayanava Karmakar
12:50 PM RK-A2 Task #3573 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles
make the iframe responsive for all mobile views. Inside contents need not be responsive for now. When viewed on mobil... Ayanava Karmakar
12:49 PM RK-A2 Task #3572 (Resolved): [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets
make the iframe responsive for all tablet views. Inside contents need not be responsive for now. When viewed on table... Ayanava Karmakar
12:45 PM RK-A2 Task #3571 (New): [Task #3569] - Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive for Mobiles
Should work correctly on all mobile views present on Chrome Dev Tools
Ayanava Karmakar
12:45 PM RK-A2 Task #3570 (New): [Task #3569] - Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive for Tablets
Should work correctly on Tablet views - a) iPad Mini b) iPad Air c) iPad Pro Ayanava Karmakar
12:42 PM RK-A2 Task #3569 (New): Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive
Please follow this rough layout for tablet and mobile views: Ayanava Karmakar
12:26 PM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Review): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
Modal should cover the entire screen and say: "This page is currently designed and optimized for laptop screen sizes"... Ram Kordale
12:00 PM RK-A2 Task #3565 (Feedback): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
Ayanava Karmakar
11:34 AM RK-A2 Task #3565 (Review): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
Parag Patil
11:34 AM RK-A2 Task #3565 (Resolved): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
Parag Patil
06:33 AM RK-A2 Task #3565 (In Progress): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
Parag Patil
05:59 AM RK-A2 Task #3565 (Resolved): Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on
1) make the demo page background almost same as
2) update the interface CSS such that i...
Ayanava Karmakar
11:13 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (Feedback): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Ayanava Karmakar
07:01 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (Review): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Shubham Boke
07:01 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (Resolved): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Shubham Boke
06:11 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (In Progress): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Shubham Boke
06:01 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (Closed): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Ram Kordale
09:06 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Feedback): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Ayanava Karmakar
06:16 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (Closed): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
if "qa", it should be
if "prod", it should be https://call-openai-...
Ram Kordale
05:23 AM RK-A2 Bug #3564 (New): ChatGPT Interface is sometimes not visible on
The interface sometimes doesn't show up. We need to find the pattern and fix the issue such that the interface is alw... Ayanava Karmakar


02:07 PM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (Feedback): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
Ayanava Karmakar
11:00 AM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (Review): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
Shubham Boke
11:00 AM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (Resolved): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
Shubham Boke
09:47 AM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (In Progress): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
Shubham Boke
08:31 AM RK-A2 Bug #3562 (Resolved): "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases
enable "Send" button and "ENTER" button event only when both the cases are true-
a) user has typed something in t...
Ayanava Karmakar
01:36 PM RK-A2 Feature #3563 (Closed): Handle OpenAI API Call Errors
show the response from BE to the user only when both cases are true: a) status code is 200 b) response is not empty
Ayanava Karmakar
11:02 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Review): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Dewakar Chaubey
11:02 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Resolved): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Dewakar Chaubey
10:08 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (In Progress): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Dewakar Chaubey
07:20 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Resolved): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Ram Kordale
09:32 AM RK-A2 Feature #3560 (Resolved): Support for prompt mods
Md Shahzar
05:47 AM RK-A2 Feature #3560 (In Progress): Support for prompt mods
Md Shahzar
03:17 AM RK-A2 Feature #3560 (Closed): Support for prompt mods
Deploy set_prompt_mods api
1.Inputs (types): model (string), index (int), prefix (string), suffix (string) ...
Ram Kordale
06:59 AM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (Feedback): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
Ayanava Karmakar
06:52 AM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (Resolved): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
Ayanava Karmakar
05:22 AM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (In Progress): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
Ayanava Karmakar


04:31 PM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (Resolved): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
Suppose user asks a question <Question>. Then, provide the answer as the response from
Ram Kordale

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