



From 01/20/2023 to 02/18/2023


12:34 PM Feature #2878 (Feedback): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
Venmuhilan B
06:49 AM Feature #2891 (Closed): Make purple box in chrome extension extensible like the description box
Ram Kordale
05:56 AM Feature #2886 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B


08:26 AM Bug #2888 (Resolved): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:05 AM Bug #2888 (In Progress): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:48 AM Bug #2888 (Closed): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
Goto a page where the extension shows the purple box. now, click on any video on the right column of the page. we go ... Ram Kordale
08:26 AM Feature #2887 (Resolved): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM Feature #2887 (In Progress): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
Ayush Khandelwal
05:45 AM Feature #2887 (Closed): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
This is the first task for a new product based on browser extension. Need a simple chrome extension that does the fol... Ram Kordale
05:52 AM Feature #2886 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
05:35 AM Feature #2886 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API is same as getPurpleLinksInfoExt except that if input is to U or U&t=xs (i.e youtube ... Ram Kordale


10:38 AM Feature #2882 (Feedback): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
Venmuhilan B
10:37 AM Feature #2879 (Feedback): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
Venmuhilan B


03:36 PM Feature #2882 (Resolved): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
Venmuhilan B
07:44 AM Feature #2882 (In Progress): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
Venmuhilan B
06:58 AM Feature #2882 (Closed): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
If getPurpleLinksInfoExt provides non-null response to U&t=xs and U&t=ys and null response to U&t=zs where x<z<y, mak... Ram Kordale


01:41 PM Feature #2879: Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API

*Fix for Feature #2879 - look for URL if there is no match for URL&t=0s AND look for URL&t=0s if there is no match ...
Venmuhilan B
05:03 AM Task #2862 (Feedback): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


04:09 PM Feature #2879 (Resolved): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
Venmuhilan B


09:54 AM Feature #2879 (In Progress): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
Venmuhilan B
08:34 AM Feature #2879 (Closed): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt api which takes the same input as getPurpleLinksInfo but makes the following changes in ... Ram Kordale
08:09 AM Feature #2878 (Resolved): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
Venmuhilan B
06:15 AM Feature #2878 (In Progress): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
Venmuhilan B
04:32 AM Feature #2878 (Closed): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
Ram Kordale


09:10 AM Feature #2874 (Resolved): Replace embedded video with image in learn/videos page
Rishabh Rai
03:47 AM Feature #2876 (Closed): Enable clicking of purple links below the fold on a youtube document page when video is playing
Currently, we can only see the top few purple links. We should be able to scroll down to see all the purple links. Ram Kordale


08:23 AM Feature #2874 (Closed): Replace embedded video with image in learn/videos page
Just as in the learn/docs page:
- replace embedded youtube video with image
- clicking on image should open up vide...
Ram Kordale
08:20 AM Bug #2859 (Resolved): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
Rishabh Rai


10:39 AM Feature #2865 (In Progress): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
Ayush Khandelwal
04:53 AM Feature #2865 (Closed): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
Ram Kordale
10:38 AM Feature #2863 (Resolved): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
Ayush Khandelwal
05:21 AM Feature #2863 (In Progress): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
Ayush Khandelwal
04:33 AM Feature #2863 (Closed): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
Show without waiting for user to click in the 'search terms' box Ram Kordale
05:20 AM Task #2862 (Resolved): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
Ayush Khandelwal
04:51 AM Task #2862 (In Progress): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
Ayush Khandelwal
04:15 AM Task #2862 (Closed): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
Ram Kordale


04:22 AM Bug #2859 (In Progress): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
Rishabh Rai


06:40 AM Bug #2859 (Closed): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
Ram Kordale


01:08 PM Task #2858: Please change the video link on learn/videos page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
12:25 PM Task #2858 (Feedback): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
Ayush Khandelwal
12:19 PM Task #2858 (Resolved): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
Ayush Khandelwal
11:58 AM Task #2858 (In Progress): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
Ayush Khandelwal
11:56 AM Task #2858 (Closed): Please change the video link on learn/videos page Ram Kordale
01:08 PM Feature #2841 (Feedback): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
Ayush Khandelwal
01:08 PM Feature #2841 (Resolved): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:07 PM Feature #2832 (Feedback): Changes to learn/videos page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:06 PM Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:06 PM Feature #2828 (Feedback): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:04 PM Task #2827 (Feedback): Required changes to the home page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:04 PM Task #2827 (In Progress): Required changes to the home page
Ayush Khandelwal
08:28 AM Bug #2854 (Feedback): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
It is happening because of manipulation of the iframe in the python side. Manipulation is done for adding the title i... Ayush Khandelwal
04:51 AM Feature #2651 (In Progress): Support for FE environment separation.
Ayush Khandelwal
04:51 AM Task #2857 (Resolved): Write Documentation.
Ayush Khandelwal


05:52 PM Task #2845 (Resolved): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:58 AM Task #2845 (In Progress): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:46 PM Task #2857 (In Progress): Write Documentation.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:45 PM Task #2857 (Closed): Write Documentation.
Documentation URL: Ayush Khandelwal
05:44 PM Task #2856 (Resolved): Support for 'ng serve' command.
Ayush Khandelwal
07:22 AM Task #2856: Support for 'ng serve' command.
Reference: Ayush Khandelwal
06:52 AM Task #2856 (In Progress): Support for 'ng serve' command.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:16 AM Task #2856 (Closed): Support for 'ng serve' command.
Ayush Khandelwal
07:36 AM Task #2855 (Resolved): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
Rishabh Rai
07:36 AM Task #2855 (In Progress): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
Rishabh Rai
05:37 AM Task #2855 (Closed): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
Ram Kordale
06:52 AM Task #2848 (Resolved): Support for local build.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:13 AM Task #2848 (In Progress): Support for local build.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:57 AM Task #2844 (Resolved): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:57 AM Task #2844: Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
Only the QA file has changed for the server.ts file.
Earlier on the QA server, we modified the caching policy only f...
Ayush Khandelwal


01:07 PM Bug #2854 (In Progress): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
Abhijata Sen
09:47 AM Bug #2854 (Closed): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
Sample angular url: Ram Kordale
11:25 AM Bug #2852 (In Progress): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
Abhijata Sen
08:49 AM Bug #2852 (Closed): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
For book name "Chuck Severance: Python for Everybody - Exploring Information (PY4E)-ticket2851-20230201071811162252" ... Ram Kordale
05:15 AM Task #2850 (Closed): Enable deployment by all
Ram Kordale


09:59 AM Task #2844 (In Progress): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:58 AM Task #2846 (Resolved): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal


11:34 AM Task #2846 (In Progress): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:07 AM Task #2846 (Closed): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:33 AM Task #2847 (Resolved): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
10:51 AM Task #2847 (In Progress): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:09 AM Task #2847 (Closed): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
Internal files include:
1. Learn Component
2. Document Component
Ayush Khandelwal
10:51 AM Task #2843 (Resolved): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:37 AM Task #2843 (In Progress): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM Task #2843 (Closed): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:36 AM Task #2147 (Resolved): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Ayush Khandelwal
08:41 AM Task #2147 (In Progress): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM Task #2147 (New): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Ayush Khandelwal
08:41 AM Task #2842 (Resolved): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:03 AM Task #2842 (In Progress): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:00 AM Task #2842 (Closed): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:11 AM Task #2849 (Rejected): Investigate on how to send parameter through 'npm command' and accept it in the 'package.json'.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:10 AM Task #2848 (Closed): Support for local build.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:06 AM Task #2845 (Closed): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:04 AM Task #2844 (Closed): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:57 AM Feature #2841 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
Please do the following:
- remove the background image
- use same font type/family as home page
- Remove "(range o...
Ram Kordale


02:41 PM Task #2839 (Closed): Changes to above the fold of home page
Please replace the current above the fold content with:
a. remove image
b. follow font and vertical space specs as ...
Ram Kordale


10:46 AM Bug #2716 (Feedback): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents
Rishabh Rai
10:44 AM Bug #2716 (Resolved): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents
Rishabh Rai
10:17 AM Bug #2838 (Closed): Fix the position of the 'next section' bobbing pointer in the different screens.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:38 AM Feature #2755 (Feedback): Support for portrait mode
Rishabh Rai
09:38 AM Feature #2755 (Resolved): Support for portrait mode
Rishabh Rai
07:02 AM Task #2834 (Resolved): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
Rishabh Rai
05:40 AM Task #2827 (Reopened): Required changes to the home page
not working on Dev Ram Kordale


10:31 AM Task #2834 (In Progress): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
Rishabh Rai
09:22 AM Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
Ayush Khandelwal
07:06 AM Feature #2832 (Resolved): Changes to learn/videos page
Ayush Khandelwal
06:09 AM Feature #2828 (Resolved): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video
Rishabh Rai


11:58 AM Feature #2832 (In Progress): Changes to learn/videos page
Ayush Khandelwal
11:58 AM Feature #2737: Purple links on player modal
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:57 AM Bug #2721: Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:57 AM Bug #2718: Footer should stick to the bottom-most part of the page, irrespective of the page and screen size
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:57 AM Bug #2717: Ensure play button is in the center of the 'AI is the new electricity' image on all screen sizes
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:56 AM Task #2826: Changes based on changed background for learn/videos
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:55 AM Task #2823 (Feedback): Replace image for home page with attachment
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:54 AM Feature #2822 (Feedback): Add text to home page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:58 AM Bug #2830 (Feedback): search is not showing the right category of books
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:50 AM Task #2827 (Feedback): Required changes to the home page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:50 AM Task #2824 (Feedback): Please replace image of home page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:49 AM Task #2811 (Feedback): Please replace images of developer and publisher on home page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:49 AM Bug #2798: Duplicate TOC page for Whirlwind book
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:48 AM Feature #2799 (Feedback): Show only books, docs and youtube books on respective pages
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:47 AM Task #2821 (Closed): Select the books according the the current document book_type.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:47 AM Task #2805 (Closed): Change the default value of book_type to 'doc'.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:47 AM Task #2800 (Closed): Overwrite of the book-type field.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
07:02 AM Bug #2829 (Feedback): Learn videos page is truncated
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:53 AM Bug #2829 (Resolved): Learn videos page is truncated
Fixed in other ticket Ayush Khandelwal


09:16 AM Feature #2832 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page
- Text on the left and video on the right (as we had before)
- background:
Ram Kordale


11:58 AM Feature #2828 (In Progress): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video
Rishabh Rai
11:47 AM Task #2788 (Closed): Change purple link results box top line to handle very long names
Ram Kordale
11:46 AM Bug #2774 (Closed): Need space between subject and book names
Ram Kordale
11:46 AM Feature #2764 (Closed): Add a purple boundary to the player modal
Ram Kordale
11:46 AM Bug #2736 (Closed): embed code missing parameters on angular pages
Ram Kordale
11:46 AM Bug #2686 (Closed): TOC entries do not show up on search for Andrew Ng's Deep Learning book
Ram Kordale
10:57 AM Feature #2799 (Resolved): Show only books, docs and youtube books on respective pages
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
09:54 AM Bug #2798 (Feedback): Duplicate TOC page for Whirlwind book
Ayush Khandelwal
09:54 AM Bug #2798 (Resolved): Duplicate TOC page for Whirlwind book
Perhaps, it is fixed already through some other fix. Ayush Khandelwal
09:53 AM Bug #2798 (In Progress): Duplicate TOC page for Whirlwind book
Unable to reproduce the error either on Dev or QA. Ayush Khandelwal
06:19 AM Bug #2830 (Resolved): search is not showing the right category of books
Rishabh Rai
04:54 AM Bug #2830 (In Progress): search is not showing the right category of books
Rishabh Rai

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