Bug #2854
When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
Start date:
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Estimated time:
3.00 h
Sample angular url: https://edutestdev-240612.appspot.com/document/python-chuck-severance:-python-for-everybody---exploring-information-py4e-ticket2853-20230201085901437505?documentURL=11187%2Fticket2853%2F11187%2Findex-The-is-and-is-not-Operators-122.html
admin url: https://edutestdev-240612.appspot.com/admin/document/11187/ticket2853/11187/index-The-is-and-is-not-Operators-122.html
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal about 2 years ago
- Due date set to 02/03/2023
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Abhijata Sen to Ram Kordale
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
It is happening because of manipulation of the iframe in the python side. Manipulation is done for adding the title in the iframe.