




From 01/25/2022 to 02/23/2022


12:51 PM Feature #2128: Support for "<Subject>: All" in 'search books' box
As per the discussion with the Ram sir, let us *hardcode* the subject for canonical url as "python-3*" for all the bo... Ayush Khandelwal
10:16 AM Feature #2128 (Resolved): Support for "<Subject>: All" in 'search books' box
Rishabh Sharma
06:35 AM Task #2147 (In Progress): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Ayush Khandelwal
04:45 AM Task #2147 (Closed): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Ayush Khandelwal


09:30 AM Feature #2128 (In Progress): Support for "<Subject>: All" in 'search books' box
Rishabh Sharma


05:14 AM Task #2047 (Reopened): Show the "How would you rate purple links ..." exit modal while exiting from next visit
Not working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


05:35 AM Feature #2128 (Closed): Support for "<Subject>: All" in 'search books' box
For every subject s, please add "s: All" as an entry in the subject drop down.
When we click on the 'search books'...
Ram Kordale


07:22 AM Task #2126 (Resolved): Add timestamp to user service log sheet
Venmuhilan B
05:03 AM Task #2126 (In Progress): Add timestamp to user service log sheet
Venmuhilan B


02:36 PM Task #2126 (Closed): Add timestamp to user service log sheet
This is available in the backend log sheet already. Ram Kordale


06:12 AM Feature #2111 (Closed): When user clicks on "search terms box", show TOC of books selected
When user clicks on empty 'search terms box", show a list of results - one per selected book. The label can be <subje... Ram Kordale


06:30 AM Task #2028 (Closed): Update all the files related to default service.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal


02:35 PM Feature #1756 (Closed): [ads1] Add Subject to meta description
Ram Kordale
10:17 AM Feature #2073 (Feedback): Show 'ask question' exit modal only if 'allow questions' setting is set
Rishabh Sharma
10:16 AM Feature #2073 (Resolved): Show 'ask question' exit modal only if 'allow questions' setting is set
Rishabh Sharma
10:16 AM Feature #2073 (In Progress): Show 'ask question' exit modal only if 'allow questions' setting is set
Rishabh Sharma


11:42 AM Task #2039 (In Progress): Store the Ad statistics in the browser storage and send the information to the backend through the api.
Rishabh Sharma
06:09 AM Task #2039 (Reopened): Store the Ad statistics in the browser storage and send the information to the backend through the api.
Testing is not done. So, reopened it. Ayush Khandelwal
07:29 AM Feature #1756: [ads1] Add Subject to meta description
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


12:11 PM Feature #1941 (Closed): Remove not only <s> but also <s> (contd* from search results
Ram Kordale
12:11 PM Bug #1910 (Closed): Memory leak in Prod FE service is killing the instance
Ram Kordale


12:20 PM Feature #1941 (Feedback): Remove not only <s> but also <s> (contd* from search results
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


05:23 AM Feature #2073 (Closed): Show 'ask question' exit modal only if 'allow questions' setting is set
Ram Kordale


09:59 AM Task #1850 (Feedback): Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Venmuhilan B
09:59 AM Task #1850 (Resolved): Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Venmuhilan B
09:58 AM Task #1850 (In Progress): Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Venmuhilan B
09:54 AM Task #2039 (Resolved): Store the Ad statistics in the browser storage and send the information to the backend through the api.
Rishabh Sharma
09:51 AM Task #1851 (Resolved): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Venmuhilan B


05:54 PM Bug #1910 (Feedback): Memory leak in Prod FE service is killing the instance
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
05:36 AM Task #2053 (In Progress): 'Table of Contents' should not be a hyperlink. Instead, it should be a like a title of the page
Ram Kordale
04:46 AM Task #2028 (Resolved): Update all the files related to default service.
Changes are done Ayush Khandelwal
04:45 AM Feature #1822 (Resolved): Allow resumption of ingest if instance on which "ingest background thread" was terminated
Working as expected in all platforms. Ayush Khandelwal


11:27 AM Feature #2062 (Closed): Correct back button behaviour for purple link or search result click
Go to any page A. Scroll n screens below. Click on a purple link. Click on a purple link result or click on a search ... Ram Kordale


10:43 AM Task #2053: 'Table of Contents' should not be a hyperlink. Instead, it should be a like a title of the page
Issue is from the python side. Table of contents is coming as a hyperlink in the body instead of the heading tag. Ayush Khandelwal

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