Bug #1910
Memory leak in Prod FE service is killing the instance
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In Production logs, if you search for '2021-11-12 10:16:08.567 IST GET 500 0 B 1.5 s Mediapartners-Google /document/python-3-tutorial/the%20?documentURL=10014%2Fprd%2F3%2Ftutorial%2Fcontrolflow--The-range()-Function-13.html', it says that the process was using too much memory.
On 12 Nov, there are 12 such errors in 24 hours.
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal over 3 years ago
- Due date set to 11/22/2021
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal over 3 years ago
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Ayush Khandelwal to Ram Kordale
Working as expected.