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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3587 Feature Review Normal Show loader animation when the user clicks on "Send" till we show the response Ayanava Karmakar 09/10/2024 01:44 PM Actions
3586 Task Resolved Normal Improve ChatGPT Interface Buttons UI Ayanava Karmakar 06/10/2024 01:41 PM Actions
3584 Feature New High Replace logic in App Engine App 06/04/2024 03:58 AM Actions
3578 Feature New High Support for Dynamic Origin servers 06/01/2024 12:52 AM Actions
3577 Task Feedback High [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the buttons and input box responsive for mobiles Parag Patil 08/29/2024 09:38 AM Actions
3576 Task Resolved High [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the buttons & input box responsive for tablets Ayanava Karmakar 06/11/2024 11:10 AM Actions
3575 Task Feedback Normal [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the Chat Box responsive for mobiles Parag Patil 06/17/2024 06:49 AM Actions
3574 Task Resolved High [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the Chat Box responsive for tablets Ayanava Karmakar 06/12/2024 10:30 AM Actions
3573 Task Resolved High [Task #3569, #3571] - Make the iframe responsive for mobiles Ayanava Karmakar 06/18/2024 11:43 AM Actions
3572 Task Resolved Normal [Task #3569, #3570] - Make the iframe responsive for tablets Ayanava Karmakar 06/12/2024 10:29 AM Actions
3571 Task New High [Task #3569] - Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive for Mobiles 08/29/2024 09:38 AM Actions
3570 Task New High [Task #3569] - Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive for Tablets 06/18/2024 05:27 AM Actions
3569 Task New High Make the ChatGPT Interface responsive 08/29/2024 09:38 AM Actions
3568 Task Review Urgent On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed Ayanava Karmakar 06/11/2024 04:59 AM Actions
3565 Task Resolved High Make the ChatGPT Interface standout on Ayanava Karmakar 06/18/2024 11:38 AM Actions
3564 Bug New Normal ChatGPT Interface is sometimes not visible on 05/31/2024 05:56 AM Actions
3562 Bug Resolved Normal "Send" operation should be enabled only for specific cases Ayanava Karmakar 06/19/2024 01:20 PM Actions
3561 Task Resolved High By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called Ayanava Karmakar 06/19/2024 01:21 PM Actions
3559 Feature Resolved High Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call Ayanava Karmakar 06/19/2024 01:24 PM Actions
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