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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3745 Task Feedback Urgent If only standard style questions exist, make the following changes Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 01:09 PM Actions
3744 Feature Feedback Urgent Do not show user a question if 'thumbs down' was clicked on any of its answers Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 01:11 PM Actions
3743 Task Feedback Urgent Operations on thumbs_down and thumbs_up fields in the styled_question kind Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 09:14 AM Actions
3742 Feature Feedback Urgent Thumbs up/down under each of our response like ChatGPT Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 09:15 AM Actions
3741 Task Feedback Normal Campaign parameter to be logged into user_info kind when user logs in first time Ram Kordale 01/03/2025 05:19 AM Actions
3740 Task Feedback Urgent Enable sorting user_info DS kind by first_visit_time and last_visit_time Parag Patil 10/25/2024 10:41 AM Actions
3737 Feature Feedback Urgent Respond to answers differently if the question is an MCQ Ram Kordale 10/21/2024 06:47 AM Actions
3736 Feature Feedback Urgent If there are multiple answers, present them as choices a, b, c, d under the question Ram Kordale 10/09/2024 10:35 AM Actions
3735 Feature Feedback Urgent Add otherChoices from standard.txt into styled json and then to DS Ram Kordale 10/04/2024 06:13 AM Actions
3733 Feature Feedback Urgent Clicking anywhere should attempt login Ram Kordale 09/27/2024 01:31 PM Actions
3732 Feature Feedback Urgent Tweak to auth feature Ram Kordale 10/10/2024 07:00 AM Actions
3731 Feature Review High Stop logging out users automatically Dewakar Chaubey 11/12/2024 12:52 PM Actions
3729 Bug New Urgent Change occurrences such as "reference text", "source" etc to 'textbook' in the 'create dQNA colab'. 09/25/2024 04:45 PM Actions
3728 Feature Feedback Urgent Prepend "Answer: <answer> \n\n Question: " to <question> in prompt in create detailed qna colab Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 09:19 AM Actions
3727 Feature Feedback High Print country code of the user Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 09:23 AM Actions
3720 Feature New High On laptop, allow answer to be given as an image attachment 09/16/2024 02:11 PM Actions
3717 Feature New High Make the answer livelier Ayanava Karmakar 09/07/2024 12:45 PM Actions
3716 Feature Feedback Urgent Add image file support to create dQNAs colab, store in DS and show in FE Dewakar Chaubey 02/06/2025 09:29 AM Actions
3713 Bug Review Urgent Add support for 'easier review' and 'resume' to create detailedQNAs colab Md Shahzar 08/29/2024 06:36 AM Actions
3709 Task New High Modify call to insert entry to prompt_prefixes kind to exclude fields other than model, index, vector_store_name and assistant_id from being indexed Md Shahzar 08/19/2024 10:55 AM Actions
3707 Bug New Urgent Handle 'get_file_from_gcs' response properly 08/13/2024 06:51 AM Actions
3700 Task New Normal Functional testing for update_user_info 07/31/2024 07:38 AM Actions
3699 Task New Normal Functional testing for get_question 12/31/2024 05:20 AM Actions
3698 Task Feedback Normal Functional testing for get_questions_list Dumne Vijay 02/06/2025 06:28 AM Actions
3697 Task Feedback Normal Functional testing for set_questions_list Ram Kordale 02/06/2025 09:35 AM Actions
(51-75/167) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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