



From 07/25/2022 to 08/23/2022


01:30 PM Feature #2585 (In Progress): Penalty to be proportional to the number of nouns in the KP Sentence and the simdoc's section hierarchy match_sent_head_nouns
Rohit Choudhary


06:15 PM Task #2371: Potential KPs ('immutable' within 'immutable sequence') that are part BRIR need to be given higher score
Rohit Choudhary wrote in #note-4:
> *Current Investigation* :
> For doc_id 37 we have words in first few lines in ...
Rohit Choudhary
06:13 PM Task #2371: Potential KPs ('immutable' within 'immutable sequence') that are part BRIR need to be given higher score
Current Investigation:
For doc_id 37 we have words in first few lines in cumulative_noun_adj_sect1_keyword.csv
Rohit Choudhary


10:12 AM Feature #2585 (Resolved): Penalty to be proportional to the number of nouns in the KP Sentence and the simdoc's section hierarchy match_sent_head_nouns
Today, it is roughly proportional to the number of levels in the section hierarchy that have nouns. In a little more ... Ram Kordale


10:53 AM Bug #2564 (In Progress): BDS/IDS tagged words should not be included in the text to be processed and tagged BR2/IR2
Rohit Choudhary


08:22 AM Bug #2564 (Resolved): BDS/IDS tagged words should not be included in the text to be processed and tagged BR2/IR2
In doc #####99#%&Table Of Contents#%&Text Processing Services#%&string — Common string operations#%&String constants#... Ram Kordale

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