



From 02/07/2022 to 03/08/2022


05:31 PM Bug #1998 (Resolved): Fix the bug in the tagging of "dict" and "dictionary" KP
Nandini Bansal


05:56 PM Bug #1998 (In Progress): Fix the bug in the tagging of "dict" and "dictionary" KP
Nandini Bansal


01:24 PM Bug #1983 (New): Increase the sim_scores of the KP "locale"
Assigning to Rohit. Ram Kordale


05:17 PM Feature #1557 (Resolved): Ensure some documents do not show up in purple link results
Nandini Bansal


05:39 AM Bug #2019 (Resolved): 'listed' should not be a purple link pointing to lists
Rohit Choudhary


05:24 PM Feature #2138 (Rejected): Task Save remaining variables in pickle/json file format
Save the remaining variables that are essential to search for candidate phrases into pickle files or JSON files (base... Nandini Bansal
05:22 PM Feature #2137 (Rejected): Task Merge the lists to save pickle file
Since the get_header_variations function returns a lot of variables, we will have to club many lists into one and sav... Nandini Bansal
05:20 PM Feature #2136 (Rejected): Task Linking google drive and creating folder inside it using python script
1. Link the google drive using python library "pydrive" (Refer file)
2. Create a folder wit...
Nandini Bansal
05:16 PM Feature #2135 (Rejected): Task Modify the tag_BR3_IR3 function for new scheme
Make logical changes in the tag_BR3_IR3 function using the newly added argument where the execution will halt after t... Nandini Bansal
05:13 PM Feature #2134 (Rejected): Task Add argument & create new calling function
Add a new argument in that will not trigger the creation of KBs and create a new placehold... Nandini Bansal
04:09 PM Feature #2133 (Resolved): Task 1.2. Tagging of KPs using multiple KBs
This is the ticket for the KP tagging pipeline where KBs from multiple books will be used for searching candidate phr... Nandini Bansal
04:04 PM Feature #2132 (Resolved): Task 1.1: Tag KPs using only 1 KB only
This is the ticket for the subtask of tagging KPs using only 1 KB. This flow of KP tagging is meant to replicate the ... Nandini Bansal


08:38 AM Feature #2131 (Rejected): Task 1.1.2: Creating KBs - Step 3 - Save the KBs
1. Link the google drive using python library "pydrive" (Refer file)
2. Create a folder wit...
Nandini Bansal
08:21 AM Feature #2130 (Rejected): Task 1.1.1: Creating KBs - Step 1 & 2
We will, first of all, add a new argument in that will only trigger the creation of KBs fr... Nandini Bansal
08:12 AM Feature #2129 (Resolved): Task 1: Creating KBs
We need to create KBs of different books for inter-book linking of KPs as a part of the new scheme. To create KBs, we... Nandini Bansal


06:12 AM Bug #2022 (In Progress): 'int' a dark purple link; but float, complex etc are not
Rohit Choudhary


10:49 AM Task #2113 (Resolved): Enable creating annotated file with and without occurrence count
Rohit Choudhary
10:49 AM Task #2113 (In Progress): Enable creating annotated file with and without occurrence count
Rohit Choudhary


03:38 PM Task #2113 (Resolved): Enable creating annotated file with and without occurrence count
We should add a flag to the command line to allow for this.
This will help ease debugging and testing.
Ram Kordale


08:59 AM Task #2094 (Resolved): Tweak 2604 formula for occurrence count
Rohit Choudhary


07:05 AM Task #2094 (In Progress): Tweak 2604 formula for occurrence count
Rohit Choudhary


12:32 PM Task #2081 (Rejected): Dont show 'whitespace' as dark purple because the current document is a better result
This problem does not exist now. Perhaps, it was fixed when 2025 was fixed. Ram Kordale


01:04 PM Task #2094 (Resolved): Tweak 2604 formula for occurrence count
Please replace formula floor(((totalOccurrenceCountOfKP/totalOccurrenceCountOfAllKPs)*100),0)
Ram Kordale

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