



From 08/26/2021 to 09/24/2021


04:50 AM Bug #1670 (Closed): Fix the bug in saving has_noun dictionary values
I found an inconsistency in the way values are being stored in the has_noun function in two different places in BR3_I... Nandini Bansal


12:25 PM Bug #1669 (Resolved): Getting rid of all dependency on Colab for the current code path
Ram Kordale


08:59 AM Task #1663 (Resolved): Adding new header variants from pos_nouns function with fullness_ratio 1.0
The main goal behind this task is to add some meaningful header variants with fullness_ratio 1.0 if a large portion o... Nandini Bansal


04:56 AM Task #1657 (Resolved): Modifications in remove_function_signature method to handle some new cases
Some new cases of headers with functions have been found which are not being handled as given below:
1. time.clock_g...
Nandini Bansal


04:29 AM Task #1653 (Closed): Adding all the header variants generated by variation_middle_parenthesis to processed_full_header with fullness_ratio 1.0
An extension of Feature #1615,
For all remaining header variants generated by the variation_middle_parenthesis fu...
Nandini Bansal


08:31 AM Bug #1644 (Closed): Testing Change: Modify the method of header variants generation using variations_in_common_section_words
For variations_in_common_section_words, we need to modify the header variants generated by this function. It makes us... Nandini Bansal
08:22 AM Task #1643 (Closed): Modification in update_doc_id_score_list from such that for doc_ids with scores same as self links are reduced by 0.05
In Task #1561, we allowed the doc_ids which have the same sim_score as the self-link. However, we now want the scores... Nandini Bansal


02:24 PM Bug #1616 (Closed): Some unwanted removals of KPs starting with VBG/IN
As per Issue #1514 & #1520, we discarded some KPs which were starting with the following POS tags "IN", "VBG", "VB". ... Nandini Bansal
01:19 PM Feature #1615 (Closed): Add the str_between of variation_middle_parenthesis to processed_full_header list
In the C-API book, I have seen cases where the string extracted by the variation_middle_parenthesis is being tagged w... Nandini Bansal
12:31 PM Bug #1613 (Closed): Removing bad KPs which have comma and header variants also have comma
In the C API book, we have cases where both KP and header variant has comma but the KP is bad as all the words are no... Nandini Bansal


02:08 PM Bug #1599 (Closed): Modification in variation_variable_declarations to change the return values of the function for some cases of headers
variation_variable_declarations function is responsible for generating header variants for headers which follow the f... Nandini Bansal
12:59 PM Feature #1598 (Closed): Remove return datatype from headers with empty parenthesis
The remove_function_signature function removes datatype and parenthesized string only when parenthesized string conta... Nandini Bansal


01:38 PM Feature #1593 (Rejected): Eliminate certain header variants generated from variations_in_common_section_words
For cases where two-word header_var is entirely made up of NOUNs/PROPNs and a single word tmp_variant is generated an... Nandini Bansal
10:09 AM Bug #1591 (New): Change in the scheme of tagging partial KPs with hyphen
A partial KP should be tagged only when the same KP is not present in the vicinity Nandini Bansal
07:19 AM Feature #1587 (Closed): Discard and redude the scores of KPs with apostrophe when the header variant does not contain it
For this task, we need to make changes in the mapping_phrase_docid where we can identify the KP which contains apostr... Nandini Bansal


04:58 AM Support #1570 (Closed): Reduce the time taken by get_candidates_for_variant function after modifications for matching a hyphenated word with a header without hyphen
For the Library Reference book, it is observed that after making the above changes of Issue #1544, the time taken by ... Nandini Bansal


04:43 AM Task #1561 (Closed): Modification in such that doc_ids with sim_score equal to the kp_doc_id are not removed
We recently made changes in the code that makes sure that if KP is linked to the same document in which is tagged, th... Nandini Bansal
04:34 AM Task #1560 (Closed): Finding different POS tags that can be stripped from the beginning/ending of the keyphrase to result in better KPs
Just ANP/IN POS tags, we need to identify other cases of POS tags that contribute to unwanted words in the beginning ... Nandini Bansal

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