


Task #3755

Tweaks to raw input file format (Oct 24)

Added by Ram Kordale 5 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 2.30 h)


[Most of the test cases are covered in the first 3-4 questions in the attached 'test book v3.txt'. Rest are covered later in the file.]

1. Questions can come with following line formats with different amount of spacing before/after delimiters:
#$%Question <string><number> <number>
###Question <string><number> <number>
  • Question <string><number> <number> **

2. One or more of Text, Reference, Concepts or Explanation may be missing. If neither Text nor Explanation is available, skip showing that step to the user. Otherwise, show everything other than the Concepts part.

3. When Reference is missing from all parts of detailed solution, categorize that question to be from the 'All Sections' Category.

4. Normally, a clarification question will be immediately followed by <answer> (Type 1). Sometimes, it will be followed by "Answer: <answer>" (Type: 2). This will be followed by pairs of clarification question and answer. However, sometimes, all clarification questions will be together followed by answers to all the clarification questions (Type 3). This needs to be handled by looking for "Answer:" or "Answers:" in these 2 ways. [More explanation: If there is none, assume it is type 1. If there are multiple instances, assume it is type 2; else type 3. A question will have CQs of only one type.]

5. Ensure delimiters are not shown to the user.

6. Support the following by not showing any clarification questions
#$%Clarification questions:

9. If the values for 'Text' is less than 6 words and contains the words 'No' and 'Match', please do not show 'Text' key-value pair. Same for 'Reference' also.

10. "Answer:" is followed by one or more correct options and sometimes followed with text. Use just the options part of the answer from the system and the user.

11. Multiple key value pairs may be on the same line.

12. If Text is less than 6 words or Reference field is absent for one or more of the steps of the detailed solution, unless 'Concepts' contains only any of these phrases 'Substitution', 'Simplification', 'and', 'Integration', 'Definite Integration', 'Algebra', do the following:
-If non-numerical MCQ, add 2 to 'Difficulty Score'
-If numerical MCQ, add 1 to 'Difficulty Score'

13. Maintain whitespace characters in the input while showing to the user.

14. If keys without delimiters are found, print out "#$%Problem found in Question <Question number>, line <line number of file>". [We are printing line number of the file also because question numbers are not unique.]

15. #$Chapter line should determine chapter.


Task #3757: Do steps 1,4, 14 of 3755Feedback10/28/2024Ram Kordale

Task #3758: Do steps 5,11,13,15 of 3755Feedback10/28/2024Ram Kordale

Task #3759: Do steps 3 and 9 of 3755Feedback10/28/2024Ram Kordale

Task #3760: Do tasks 2, 6, 10, 12 of 3755Feedback10/28/2024Ram Kordale


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