Feature #3749
Handle clues in FE
When clues field in styled questions is non-empty, following changes are needed in FE:
-if user does not answer correctly, (a) ask "Would you like hints? 'yes button' 'skip button' (b) if user wants to skip or no more clues or detailedQNAs to show, goto (e); else show a clue or dQNA step (c) give 'answer choices' and ask for answer (d) if answer is wrong, go to (b) (e) "Would you like a detailed answer? 'yes button' 'no button' (f) if 'yes' show all steps of the clue and detailedQNAs as detailed answer.
From a raw file to user perspective, we need to show user CQ -> DS -> dQNA -> dAns where dAns = CQ+DS+dQNA
Updated by Ram Kordale about 2 months ago
- Assignee set to Dewakar Chaubey
- Estimated time set to 0.45 h
Updated by Dewakar Chaubey about 1 month ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 100
Updated by Dewakar Chaubey about 1 month ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Review
- Assignee changed from Dewakar Chaubey to Shubham Boke
Updated by Shubham Boke about 1 month ago
- Status changed from Review to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Shubham Boke to Dewakar Chaubey
Updated by Ram Kordale 27 days ago
- Description updated (diff)
Changing requirement from showing user getting
CQ or dQNA -> dAns where dAns = CQ or dQNA
CQ -> DS -> dQNA -> dAns where dAns = CQ+DS+dQNA