


Feature #3703

Tweak grade, subject line

Added by Ram Kordale 6 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Start date:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
3.00 h


Please replace "Please select grade and subject dd dd" (where dd is <dropdown>) with "dd dd dd dd dd dd" where dd is a drop down for Board, Grade, Subject, Chapter, Exercise, Question respectively.

Lets abbreviate Mathematics to Math.

Make the default labels as "CBSE - Board", "6 - Grade", "Math", "1 - Chapter", "1.1 - Exercise", "1 - Question". If the user has changed these or gone through some questions, these values will need to change accordingly.

We don't need to make the drop down wide enough to show the entire text. We can roughly make it wide enough to show "CBSE", "xx - Gr", "Math", "xx - Chap", "xx.xx - Ex", "xx - Ques". We may tweak this a little based on how it looks.

Additional Features:
1. Replace current dropdown container with a dashboard showing current values of Board, Grade, Subject, Chapter, Exercise, Question.
2. Make the dashboard responsive for tablets and mobile devices.
3. Add a 'Change' button to expand the dashboard to show a Preference container containing all the dropdowns.
4. Make the Preference container responsive for tablet and mobile devices.
5. Parse the questions_list and map separate question list belonging to each exercise.
6. Update options for exercise and question dropdown according to current selected values.
7. Set next incoming question according to selected values from dropdown.

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