


Feature #3176

Please create a new page learn/video-publishers

Added by Ram Kordale over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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Estimated time:
2.00 h
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'Ease Learning' on home page should go to learn/video-publishers.

learn/video-publishers should have same format as learn/videos-site.

video should point to

Title: How to retain viewers and provide on-screen ChatGPT Plus support

You must have heard a lot about how to make sure people stay interested in your videos and watch them until the very end.

But what if someone watching your video hears a term they don't know and wants to learn more about it. They might go online or ask ChatGPT for information. In that case, they might end up finding your competitor's videos or websites instead. You might end up losing the viewer!

Different users land up on your video at different points in their knowledge's journey. So, there is no way to ensure that you explain all the terms that any user will ever have a question on in the same video.

And, there is no need either. RapidKen.AI can help! Just by adding a couple lines of our Javascript code on your site, we can provide users with answers to their questions right on your page where they are watching your video.

When your viewer asks a question, we will show them the exact clip in the same or another video where the same author is explaining the answer. Just in case, the author has not answered the question in any video, we provide a quick answer from ChatGPT Plus. Once done, the user is back on your page. This way, <b> you never lose your viewers</b>.

We know already that viewers love this experience because we are <b>featured by Google</b> for the 5 star reviews given by our users. We look forward to explaining this to you. Please contact us.

For a demo, click on the video. To give it a try, go here.

---------------End of text---------
In the text above:
"us" in "Please contact us" should be a link to "mailto:".
"here" in "go here" should be a link to "".

Also available in: Atom PDF