Bug #1956
Find the reason of low sim_score of "spawn start method"
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3.00 h
We need to find the reason for the low sim_scores of the "spawn start method" and make appropriate changes to ensure that the score is increased.
The KP is from Lib Ref. A similar doc of the KP is "spawn and forkserver start method". The KP "forkserver start method" has a high sim_score but the "spawn start method" does not. The relevant screenshot has been attached.
The possible ways to approach the problem can be:
1) Check fullness_ratio of the header var
2) Check the penalty for header variant or KP
3) Check if the score is getting reduced in tagging_utils.py
Updated by Nandini Bansal about 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from Anonymous to Rohit Choudhary
- Priority changed from Normal to High