Bug #1745
Bug #1742: Preventing removal of KPs that are getting removed due to new/latest changes
Skip all the KPs starting with words within CW 300
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
0.50 h
Upon making changes in the generate_candidates function, we saw that a lot of KPs were getting tagged with the starting word as a stop word or a common generic word.
To make sure that the tagged KP does not start with a stopword/generic words, we can add a filter of common words 300 on the first word of the KP. These common words include "using", "a", "the", "with", etc.
Updated by Nandini Bansal over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Skip all the KPs starting with words within CW 400 to Skip all the KPs starting with words within CW 300
- Description updated (diff)