Bug #1515
Bug in addition of P's in KP tagging
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2.50 h
In the whirlwind book, a token "range(5)" was tagged as BR2P. As a result of which there is a very ugly tagging of the token with just "range(5" tagged as bold red.
URL: https://edutestdev-240612.appspot.com/document/python-whirlwind-tour/m?documentURL=10054%2Fds9aug1528%2FWhirlwindTourOfPython%2F13-modules-and-packages-Implicit-import-of-module-contents-80.html
You can find it in the last paragraph.
The KP is getting linked to document with header "range(): A List Is Not Always a List". We need to make changes to ensure that only the "range" part of the token is tagged. Hence, the updated tags should be "BR2PPP". These changes will be made in tagging_utils.py.
Updated by Nandini Bansal over 3 years ago
- Assignee set to Nandini Bansal
- % Done changed from 0 to 100