



From 06/08/2023 to 07/07/2023


11:21 AM RK-J Feature #3112: Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Set the height to 200px Ayush Khandelwal
07:50 AM RK-J Feature #3112 (Resolved): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Ayush Khandelwal
07:05 AM RK-J Feature #3112 (In Progress): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Ayush Khandelwal
02:17 AM RK-J Feature #3112 (Reopened): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Added refined requirement "Also, ensure that the q/a text box is above the fold on a 13 inch screen in 100% zoom." Ram Kordale
11:20 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Feedback): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
07:05 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Resolved): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
05:57 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (In Progress): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
03:13 AM RK-J Feature #3103: BE: Change OpenAI API call
reopened because of changed requirement for
ourPrompt = concat("explain", <what user typed>, "with one example in 3...
Ram Kordale
03:12 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Reopened): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ram Kordale
11:16 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Feedback): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:38 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (In Progress): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Ayush Khandelwal
02:20 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Reopened): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Added a refined requirement "Please make the above items hyperlinks to the source YouTube URL." Ram Kordale
11:15 AM RK-J Task #3120 (Closed): FE: Fetch youtube source urls from the 'bookSource' API. Update the book names with the links in the /chatgptplus page.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
10:26 AM RK-J Task #3120 (Resolved): FE: Fetch youtube source urls from the 'bookSource' API. Update the book names with the links in the /chatgptplus page.
Ayush Khandelwal
10:26 AM RK-J Task #3120 (In Progress): FE: Fetch youtube source urls from the 'bookSource' API. Update the book names with the links in the /chatgptplus page.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:05 AM RK-J Task #3120 (Closed): FE: Fetch youtube source urls from the 'bookSource' API. Update the book names with the links in the /chatgptplus page.
1. Fetch youtube book source urls from the 'bookSource' API.... Ayush Khandelwal
11:15 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Closed): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:13 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Feedback): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Venmuhilan B
11:13 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Resolved): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Venmuhilan B
11:12 AM RK-J Task #3119: BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
TEST CASES - Venmuhilan B
11:12 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Feedback): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Venmuhilan B
06:20 AM RK-J Task #3119 (In Progress): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Abhijata Sen
06:00 AM RK-J Task #3119 (New): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Venmuhilan B
05:35 AM RK-J Task #3119 (In Progress): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Venmuhilan B
05:33 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Closed): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
API name: content/api/v1/bookSource
Method: POST
*Request Body:*
"bookIds": [<array of bookId/documentProcess...
Ayush Khandelwal


02:14 PM RK-J Feature #3115: Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
02:10 PM RK-J Feature #3115 (Feedback): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ayush Khandelwal
10:51 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (Resolved): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ayanava Karmakar
10:23 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (In Progress): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ayanava Karmakar
09:41 AM RK-J Feature #3115: Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
change the version to 0.94 Ayanava Karmakar
09:03 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (Resolved): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ayanava Karmakar
06:12 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (In Progress): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ayanava Karmakar
02:08 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (Closed): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
One possible UX is to have the "Want an answer...instead?" dialogue under the "Type phrase...enter" text box. Anothe... Ram Kordale
02:09 PM RK-J Feature #3116: Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
12:40 PM RK-J Feature #3116 (Feedback): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Rishabh Rai
05:08 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (In Progress): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Rishabh Rai
03:37 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Closed): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Currently, this is hosted on /chatgptplus page.
Change 1: put the chatgpt answer inside a light green container (l...
Ram Kordale
02:09 PM RK-J Feature #3112 (Feedback): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
02:08 PM RK-J Feature #3112 (Resolved): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Ayush Khandelwal
05:42 AM RK-J Feature #3067: Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:41 AM RK-J Feature #3024 (Feedback): extension 0.92.20 & 0.93: Enable OpenAI answers
Ayush Khandelwal
05:40 AM RK-J Feature #3024 (Resolved): extension 0.92.20 & 0.93: Enable OpenAI answers
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:40 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Feedback): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:40 AM RK-J Feature #3061: Backend requirements
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Task #3105 (Closed): BE-v0.93: Log the openai call details in the GCP using url present in the answer api.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Task #3084 (Closed): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Feedback): Extension v0.93 requirements
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #3059 (Closed): EXT-0.92.20: Enable OpenAI answer in the extension
This changes are reverted Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #3073 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:37 AM RK-J Task #3075 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:37 AM RK-J Task #3083 (Closed): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:37 AM RK-J Task #3085 (Closed): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:36 AM RK-J Task #3090 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Remove the openai result implementation from ext-0.92.20
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:36 AM RK-J Task #3106 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Change the request body of the answer api call.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:36 AM RK-J Task #3108 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Add loader in the extension while doing search using ChatGPT Plus.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:36 AM RK-J Task #3108 (Resolved): Ext-0.93: Add loader in the extension while doing search using ChatGPT Plus.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:35 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


02:39 PM RK-J Feature #3112 (Closed): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Copy and paste the ad unit code in between the <body></body> tags of your pages
Place this code so that it appears a...
Ram Kordale
06:38 AM RK-J Bug #3006 (Feedback): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API takes too much time for url X if o-urls in the system are of the form X/Y
Venmuhilan B
06:37 AM RK-J Bug #3006 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API takes too much time for url X if o-urls in the system are of the form X/Y
The issue in the ticket is not present anymore(the API is not taking long time to process the request url 'https://w... Venmuhilan B


05:18 AM RK-J Task #3108 (In Progress): Ext-0.93: Add loader in the extension while doing search using ChatGPT Plus.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:17 AM RK-J Task #3108 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Add loader in the extension while doing search using ChatGPT Plus.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:16 AM RK-J Task #3106 (Resolved): Ext-0.93: Change the request body of the answer api call.
Ayush Khandelwal


01:07 PM RK-J Task #3105 (Feedback): BE-v0.93: Log the openai call details in the GCP using url present in the answer api.
Venmuhilan B
12:33 PM RK-J Task #3105 (In Progress): BE-v0.93: Log the openai call details in the GCP using url present in the answer api.
Venmuhilan B
12:27 PM RK-J Task #3105 (Closed): BE-v0.93: Log the openai call details in the GCP using url present in the answer api.
Currently, requestBody for answer rest api contain only searchTerm.
For this version & onwards, requestBody will c...
Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Task #3106 (In Progress): Ext-0.93: Change the request body of the answer api call.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Task #3106 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Change the request body of the answer api call.
Currently, we're only sending the searchTerm in the requestBody but after this implementation url & searchTerm both w... Ayush Khandelwal
12:22 PM RK-J Feature #3103 (Resolved): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
05:28 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (In Progress): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
10:33 AM RK-J Task #3073 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Ayush Khandelwal
10:32 AM RK-J Task #3075 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayush Khandelwal
10:32 AM RK-J Task #3083 (Feedback): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
MR looks good Ayush Khandelwal
10:31 AM RK-J Task #3085 (Feedback): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
MR looks good Ayush Khandelwal
10:31 AM RK-J Task #3090 (Feedback): Ext-0.93: Remove the openai result implementation from ext-0.92.20
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
10:31 AM RK-J Task #3090 (Resolved): Ext-0.93: Remove the openai result implementation from ext-0.92.20
Ayush Khandelwal
09:24 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (In Progress): Extension v0.93 requirements
Ayush Khandelwal


11:32 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Closed): BE: Change OpenAI API call

Change OpenAI API call to:
POST /v1/completions
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": <ourPrompt...
Ram Kordale


10:55 AM RK-J Task #3101 (In Progress): Host JS used for search on server
Ayanava Karmakar
10:43 AM RK-J Task #3101 (New): Host JS used for search on server
Ayush Khandelwal
10:31 AM RK-J Task #3101 (In Progress): Host JS used for search on server
Ayanava Karmakar
05:46 AM RK-J Task #3101 (Closed): Host JS used for search on server
JS used for search is present in "rapidken-j/jaro-similarity-js/" directory.
We have to upload this application to...
Ram Kordale
06:50 AM RK-J Feature #2988 (Rejected): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull should return singular and simplest stemmed version
with the changed extension UX, this ticket is not required. Ram Kordale
05:27 AM RK-J Feature #3009 (Rejected): Add 'Times opened' to sheet from ticket 2909
Venmuhilan B


09:51 AM RK-J Bug #3092 (In Progress): Correct OpenAI API call
Ayush Khandelwal
09:05 AM RK-J Bug #3092 (Closed): Correct OpenAI API call
Here is the OpenAI call to be made.
query = concat("<subject>", " ", "<user query>")
"model": "text-davinc...
Ram Kordale


06:53 AM RK-J Task #3090 (In Progress): Ext-0.93: Remove the openai result implementation from ext-0.92.20
Ayush Khandelwal
06:52 AM RK-J Task #3090 (Closed): Ext-0.93: Remove the openai result implementation from ext-0.92.20
# Remove the openai implementation from v0.92.20 i.e. 'T4,B1,A3' from #3068 Ayush Khandelwal


02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2986 (Closed): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Task #2980 (Closed): Enable a partially functioning FE and BE if Elastic server does not exist - phase 1
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2970 (Closed): Ad support on smaller screens
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2966 (Closed): "RAPIDKEN - Fast Learning" FE bug
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2941 (Closed): Fix issues with 2923
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2808 (Closed): Add attached page above the fold for the home page
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2716 (Closed): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Task #2655 (Closed): Text is not appearing, on hovering over images
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Task #2576 (Closed): Clicking on a l-url that is within the same document should not open "tooltip"
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2560 (Closed): Enable link update of a "link updated" book
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (Closed): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2469 (Closed): Add bobbing pointer pointing to LHS TOC of booklet
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Task #2448 (Closed): Tweaks to the final screen of the quiz
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2388 (Closed): LHS TOC is missing some components of section hierarchy
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Task #2906 (Closed): Site changes to accommodate Chrome browser extension
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Bug #2903 (Closed): Maintain position after opening and closing player modal
Ram Kordale
02:49 AM RK-J Feature #2876 (Closed): Enable clicking of purple links below the fold on a youtube document page when video is playing
Ram Kordale
02:48 AM RK-J Feature #2752 (Closed): Support for youtube books on mobile
Ram Kordale
02:48 AM RK-J Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode
Ram Kordale
02:48 AM RK-J Bug #2913 (Closed): Page changing on modal close on mobile
Ram Kordale
02:48 AM RK-J Feature #2878 (Closed): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2886 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2882 (Closed): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2879 (Closed): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2723 (Closed): Preserve player position when modal abruptly closes
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Task #3071 (Closed): Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2984 (Closed): Changes to initial web site pages
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #2983 (Closed): FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
Ram Kordale
02:47 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (Closed): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Ram Kordale
02:46 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (Closed): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
Ram Kordale


12:46 PM RK-J Feature #2633 (In Progress): If exact URL match is absent, find closest match
Venmuhilan B
10:07 AM RK-J Bug #3006 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API takes too much time for url X if o-urls in the system are of the form X/Y
Venmuhilan B
10:06 AM RK-J Feature #3082 (In Progress): Create a JS (without any JS framework) site with limited pages
Rishabh Rai
09:18 AM RK-J Task #3075 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
07:16 AM RK-J Task #3075 (Reopened): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
07:08 AM RK-J Task #3075: EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Review point: Avoid loop call for input box Ayanava Karmakar
06:37 AM RK-J Feature #3051 (Review): Enable a partially functioning FE and BE if Elastic server does not exist - phase 2
Abhijata Sen
06:36 AM RK-J Feature #3051 (Resolved): Enable a partially functioning FE and BE if Elastic server does not exist - phase 2
Abhijata Sen
05:12 AM RK-J Task #2632 (Review): Reject book ingestion if same version book is available for the same book id
Venmuhilan B
05:06 AM RK-J Task #3073 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar


12:49 PM RK-J Task #3084 (Feedback): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:23 AM RK-J Task #3084 (Review): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
Md Shahzar
11:16 AM RK-J Task #3084 (Resolved): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
Md Shahzar
12:48 PM RK-J Task #3074 (Feedback): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Ayush Khandelwal
07:19 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Review): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
07:15 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
06:57 AM RK-J Task #3074: BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Review points:
# Handle the openai error separately instead of catching it through null pointer exception.
# Log th...
Ayush Khandelwal
06:48 AM RK-J Task #3074 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
06:42 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Reopened): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
MR having some review points. Ayush Khandelwal
06:26 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Review): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
06:23 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
06:22 AM RK-J Task #3074 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
12:39 PM RK-J Task #3073 (Reopened): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Review Point: Move ChatGpt related changes to the separate function Ayush Khandelwal
12:01 PM RK-J Task #3085 (Review): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
Ayanava Karmakar
11:59 AM RK-J Task #3085 (Resolved): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
Ayanava Karmakar
11:52 AM RK-J Task #3085 (In Progress): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
Ayanava Karmakar
10:15 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Review): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Ayanava Karmakar
10:15 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Ayanava Karmakar
09:47 AM RK-J Task #3087 (Closed): Extension: Split a content script to multiple content scripts. And also, reduce the line of code for the functions.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #3083 (Review): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
Rishabh Rai
05:38 AM RK-J Task #3083 (Resolved): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
Rishabh Rai
05:25 AM RK-J Task #3083 (In Progress): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
Rishabh Rai


12:59 PM RK-J Task #3074 (Reopened): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
12:20 PM RK-J Task #3074 (Feedback): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:11 PM RK-J Task #3074: BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
MR looks good Ayush Khandelwal
11:58 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Review): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
11:03 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
11:02 AM RK-J Task #3074 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
09:56 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Reopened): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:57 PM RK-J Task #3075 (Review): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
12:34 PM RK-J Task #3084 (In Progress): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
Md Shahzar
12:29 PM RK-J Task #3084 (Closed): BE-v0.93: Add the backend support for the version 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API.
- If someone pass the version as 0.93 in the getPurpleLinkInfoExtFull API then currently, we're returning the getPurp... Ayush Khandelwal
12:32 PM RK-J Task #3085 (Closed): Ext-v0.93: Change the manifest version from 0.92.20 to 0.93
Ayush Khandelwal
12:31 PM RK-J Task #3073 (Review): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
12:08 PM RK-J Task #3083 (Closed): Ext-v0.93: Revert the changes of the ticket #3059.
Revert the changes of the ticket #3059. Ayush Khandelwal
12:03 PM RK-J Task #3072 (Rejected): EXT - 0.93: Allow user to search using the ChatGPT.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:02 PM RK-J Feature #3062: Extension v0.93 requirements
When user accesses a [[]] that we have not processed, they get the 'Unfort... Ayush Khandelwal
11:59 AM RK-J Task #3065 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:59 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Reopened): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:28 AM RK-J Feature #2886: getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:27 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (Feedback): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:26 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (Feedback): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:26 AM RK-J Task #3071: Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:19 AM RK-J Task #3064 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Add support to the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:19 AM RK-J Task #3063 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:19 AM RK-J Task #3060 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Enable API for the openAI answers.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:46 AM RK-J Feature #3082 (Closed): Create a JS (without any JS framework) site with limited pages
This site would contain the following but no search box at the top right.
- /
- /videos
- /contact-us
- /about-us...
Ram Kordale
08:35 AM RK-J Feature #3081 (Rejected): Extension v.94: Support OpenAI
Ram Kordale


12:52 PM RK-J Bug #3080 (Closed): Controlled relaxation of search - 21Jun23
in, if we search for 'f ... Ram Kordale
12:13 PM RK-J Task #3075 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar


01:19 PM RK-J Task #3074 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
11:32 AM RK-J Task #3074 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
Md Shahzar
08:20 AM RK-J Task #3074 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Allow caching to the OpenAI encrypted secret key.
1. Go to the login page,
2. Login through 'Admin' role user.
3. Go to the...
Ayush Khandelwal
12:16 PM RK-J Task #3075 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
11:18 AM RK-J Task #3075 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for searching in the ChatGPT.
After the implementation #3073, do the next step.
# If user clicks on 'yes' button, show the "Type phrase e.g. nes...
Ayush Khandelwal
12:06 PM RK-J Task #3073 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
11:33 AM RK-J Task #3073 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
Ayanava Karmakar
07:57 AM RK-J Task #3073 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Add a new UI for allowing ChatGPT.
When user accesses a url [[]] that we have not processed, they get the 'Un... Ayush Khandelwal
10:41 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Reopened): Extension v0.93 requirements
Changed requirement Ram Kordale
07:53 AM RK-J Task #3072 (Rejected): EXT - 0.93: Allow user to search using the ChatGPT.
When user accesses a [[]] that we have not processed, they get the 'Unfort... Ayush Khandelwal


06:15 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Review): Extension v0.93 requirements
Rishabh Rai
06:15 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Resolved): Extension v0.93 requirements
Rishabh Rai
06:14 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (Review): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
Rishabh Rai
06:14 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (Resolved): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
Rishabh Rai
06:13 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (Review): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Rishabh Rai
06:13 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (Resolved): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Rishabh Rai
06:12 AM RK-J Task #3059 (Review): EXT-0.92.20: Enable OpenAI answer in the extension
Rishabh Rai
06:12 AM RK-J Task #3059 (Resolved): EXT-0.92.20: Enable OpenAI answer in the extension
Rishabh Rai
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3051 (In Progress): Enable a partially functioning FE and BE if Elastic server does not exist - phase 2
Abhijata Sen


04:06 AM RK-J Task #3071 (Feedback): Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Venmuhilan B
03:23 AM RK-J Task #3071 (Resolved): Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Venmuhilan B
03:14 AM RK-J Task #3071 (In Progress): Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Venmuhilan B
02:12 AM RK-J Task #3071 (Closed): Send purple link result score also in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
In purpleLinkResults, there are two fields i.e. sH & url.
Please additionally send score.
New backend structure...
Ram Kordale


01:47 PM RK-J Feature #3067 (Feedback): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Ayush Khandelwal
03:23 AM RK-J Feature #3061: Backend requirements
Method: "POST"
Request Body: (applicatio...
Ayush Khandelwal


01:51 PM RK-J Feature #3067: Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
MR looks good Ayush Khandelwal
01:49 PM RK-J Task #2935: Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Additional de-duplication will be handled on the front end, and not in the back end Venmuhilan B
01:48 PM RK-J Task #2935 (Feedback): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Backend implementation remove duplicates based on "exact match", "upper/lower cases", "ends with 's'" . Venmuhilan B
10:22 AM RK-J Task #2935 (Resolved): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
01:32 PM RK-J Bug #2787 (Feedback): sitemap URL with non-alphanumeric chars is not working
Venmuhilan B
12:20 PM RK-J Task #3052 (Closed): Sophisticated deduplication for getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API results
Ram Kordale
12:16 PM RK-J Task #3052 (Resolved): Sophisticated deduplication for getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API results
*Documenting what was done for 3052* - Venmuhilan B
10:31 AM RK-J Task #2681 (Feedback): Update index name validity
Venmuhilan B
10:31 AM RK-J Task #2666 (Feedback): Test the implementation.
Venmuhilan B
10:29 AM RK-J Task #2665 (Feedback): Hardcode the link update for the python 3 books.
Venmuhilan B
10:23 AM RK-J Feature #2886 (Feedback): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
10:22 AM RK-J Feature #3042 (Feedback): Revert only Java11 related changes
Venmuhilan B


04:44 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (In Progress): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
Rishabh Rai


09:01 AM RK-J Feature #3069 (Closed): 3068 part 1: when openai is not supported + search support
When openai is not supported, we do not show T4,B2 and V3.
Based on what the user searches, we need to find approp...
Ram Kordale


03:12 PM RK-J Feature #3061 (Feedback): Backend requirements
Ayush Khandelwal
03:12 PM RK-J Feature #3061 (Resolved): Backend requirements
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:11 PM RK-J Task #3064 (Feedback): BE-0.92.20: Add support to the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
07:04 AM RK-J Task #3064 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Add support to the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Task #3064 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Add support to the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
03:11 PM RK-J Task #3063 (Feedback): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
12:10 PM RK-J Task #3063 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:00 AM RK-J Task #3063 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:00 AM RK-J Task #3063 (Reopened): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #3063 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
03:10 PM RK-J Task #3060 (Feedback): BE-0.92.20: Enable API for the openAI answers.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
12:11 PM RK-J Task #3060 (Resolved): BE-0.92.20: Enable API for the openAI answers.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:29 PM RK-J Task #3059 (In Progress): EXT-0.92.20: Enable OpenAI answer in the extension
Rishabh Rai
12:28 PM RK-J Task #3059 (Reopened): EXT-0.92.20: Enable OpenAI answer in the extension
Ayush Khandelwal
08:25 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Review): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Rishabh Rai
08:24 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Resolved): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Rishabh Rai
07:42 AM RK-J Task #3065 (In Progress): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
Rishabh Rai
06:45 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (In Progress): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Rishabh Rai
05:36 AM RK-J Feature #3068 (Closed): Extension-v0.92.20: Change UI of extension
Please see 3 UI views V1, V2 and V3 at
Ram Kordale
06:26 AM RK-J Feature #3067 (Review): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Rishabh Rai
06:23 AM RK-J Feature #3067 (Resolved): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Rishabh Rai
05:58 AM RK-J Feature #3067 (In Progress): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Rishabh Rai
04:39 AM RK-J Feature #3067 (Closed): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Today, we show these under the video on document pages only on dev and qa.
please show these on prod also.
Ram Kordale


07:21 AM RK-J Task #3063 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:03 AM RK-J Task #3063 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Add OpenAI Config settings.
- Add OpenAI Configuration setting on the setting page. (OpenAIAnswerConfig)
- Add one input box & the 'Set' button....
Ayush Khandelwal
06:54 AM RK-J Task #3060 (In Progress): BE-0.92.20: Enable API for the openAI answers.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:52 AM RK-J Task #3060 (New): BE-0.92.20: Enable API for the openAI answers.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:50 AM RK-J Task #3066 (Rejected): BE-0.92.20: Fetch the KEY from the datastore for the OpenAI Answer.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:24 AM RK-J Task #3066 (Rejected): BE-0.92.20: Fetch the KEY from the datastore for the OpenAI Answer.
- Fetch the OpenAI Answer Key from the datastore('OpenAIAnswerConfig'). Decrypt the KEY based on AES Decryption. Use ... Ayush Khandelwal
06:18 AM RK-J Task #3065 (Closed): EXT-0.93: Display 'ChatGPT' box based on the field 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported'.
- 'isOpenAIAnswerSupported' field will get from the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API. This field will come from QA serve... Ayush Khandelwal
06:14 AM RK-J Task #3064 (Closed): BE-0.92.20: Add support to the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Add the implementation for the extension version 0.92.20 in the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull.
# Do as we're doing right...
Ayush Khandelwal
02:02 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Closed): Extension v0.93 requirements
When user accesses a url that we have not processed, they get the 'Unfortunately, our AI has not...demand' message.
Ram Kordale
01:46 AM RK-J Feature #3061 (Closed): Backend requirements
[No need for a java library to access OpenAI. Using the https endpoint is sufficient.]
Let the api do the followin...
Ram Kordale

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