Task #2655
Text is not appearing, on hovering over images
If you hover over the images, 'Inductive Clustering' in the source https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.base.BaseEstimator.html#examples-using-sklearn-base-baseestimator, we get some initial words - "Clustering can be expensive, especially when our dataset contains millions of datapoints. Many ..." from the destination page. This functionality is missing from our document - https://edutestdev-240612.appspot.com/document/scikit-learn-api-reference?documentURL=10007%2Fdsjan101019%2Fstable%2Fmodules%2Fgenerated%2Fsklearn.base.BaseEstimator-Examples-using-sklearn-base-BaseEstimator-74.html.
Same issue exists with the 'Approximate nearest neighbors in TSNE' image.
It is possiblly happening because the 'tooltip' attribute is not working in our website.
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal over 2 years ago
- Due date set to 10/14/2022
- Estimated time set to 3.00 h
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal about 2 years ago
- Due date changed from 10/21/2022 to 01/06/2023
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Assignee changed from Ayush Khandelwal to Rishabh Rai
Updated by Rishabh Rai about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Ayush Khandelwal almost 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Ayush Khandelwal to Ram Kordale
Working as expected