From 04/09/2023 to 05/08/2023
- 11:57 AM RK-J Task #3025 (Resolved): BE-v.92.1: Allow 'hideExtensionClickCount' in the logging extension API.
- 05:48 AM RK-J Task #3025 (In Progress): BE-v.92.1: Allow 'hideExtensionClickCount' in the logging extension API.
- 05:35 AM RK-J Task #3025 (Closed): BE-v.92.1: Allow 'hideExtensionClickCount' in the logging extension API.
- ...
- 06:00 AM RK-J Task #3026 (In Progress): FE-v.92.1: Allow user to hide extension for the page
- 05:37 AM RK-J Task #3026 (Closed): FE-v.92.1: Allow user to hide extension for the page
- Today, we show the closed extension under some conditions.
In the closed state, under the arrow and at the top of ...
- 05:06 AM RK-J Feature #3024 (Closed): extension 0.92.20 & 0.93: Enable OpenAI answers
- High level test cases:
- Show new UI if backend has support
- Do not show new UI if backend does not have support
... - 04:49 AM RK-J Feature #3023 (Closed): Extension v.92.1: Allow user to hide extension for the page
- Today, we show the closed extension under some conditions.
In the closed state, under the arrow and at the top of...
- 11:30 AM RK-J Task #3021 (In Progress): BE: 'Solution Graph > Add > Search(right click on node): display message 'Book is not searchable' on search result if received a response errorCode "404".
- 09:14 AM RK-J Task #3021 (Closed): BE: 'Solution Graph > Add > Search(right click on node): display message 'Book is not searchable' on search result if received a response errorCode "404".
- Do this in case of 'Solution Graph > Add > Search(right click on node)'
- 10:36 AM RK-J Task #3015 (Resolved): BE: Return the response code "404" in case of indexOnElastic is false from the elastic search api.
- 05:34 AM RK-J Task #2993 (Resolved): BE: Add support for success overwrite ingestion on ES failure.
- 04:57 AM RK-J Task #2992 (Resolved): BE: Add support for success ingestion on ES failure.
- 12:58 PM RK-J Task #3015 (In Progress): BE: Return the response code "404" in case of indexOnElastic is false from the elastic search api.
- 12:35 PM RK-J Task #3015 (Closed): BE: Return the response code "404" in case of indexOnElastic is false from the elastic search api.
- Currently, we're sending empty response as {"autocomplete":[],"skipStep":true}
After this implementation, we will ... - 09:09 AM RK-J Task #3013 (In Progress): FE: Show error message on search box if error code "404".
- 06:03 AM RK-J Task #3013 (Closed): FE: Show error message on search box if error code "404".
- Response:
{"autocomplete":[],"skipStep":true, "errorCode": "404"}
Note: Show error message 'Book is not searcha... - 06:07 AM RK-J Task #2995 (Rejected): FE: Search loader should stop loading on ES failure while highlighting the text in the document page.
- 06:03 AM RK-J Task #2994 (Rejected): FE: Book auto-selection should work with empty search box in the document page on ES failure.
- 05:13 AM RK-J Task #2993 (In Progress): BE: Add support for success overwrite ingestion on ES failure.
- 12:58 PM RK-J Task #2995: FE: Search loader should stop loading on ES failure while highlighting the text in the document page.
- Use this BE url:
- 12:58 PM RK-J Task #2994: FE: Book auto-selection should work with empty search box in the document page on ES failure.
- Use this BE url:
- 12:11 PM RK-J Feature #2933 (Feedback): Add version support to browser extension
- Working as expected
- 12:11 PM RK-J Task #2940 (Closed): BE: Handle implementation based on version.
- Working as expected
- 12:10 PM RK-J Task #2939 (Closed): Ext: Send the version from the manifest in the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
- Working as expected
- 11:57 AM RK-J Task #3004: chrome extension v.92: do not show closed extension for unsupported non-youtube pages
- Working as expected
- 10:26 AM RK-J Task #2992 (In Progress): BE: Add support for success ingestion on ES failure.
- 10:15 AM RK-J Task #2991 (Rejected): BE: Add setting for the 'ES operation allowed or not' in the setting page.
- No longer required
- 09:33 AM RK-J Task #2991 (In Progress): BE: Add setting for the 'ES operation allowed or not' in the setting page.
- 09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- This url is also not working
- 09:37 AM RK-J Feature #2983 (Reopened): FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- Not working for non-youtube url,
- 09:02 AM RK-J Feature #2984 (Reopened): Changes to initial web site pages
- /contact-seo-us & /contact-publisher-us are not working on QA
- 08:23 AM RK-J Task #3005 (Feedback): Ensure that getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API returns purple links belonging to only prd version books
- 06:08 AM RK-J Task #3010 (Resolved): Ext: Encode the url while opening 'extDoc' url in the new tab
- 06:07 AM RK-J Task #3010 (In Progress): Ext: Encode the url while opening 'extDoc' url in the new tab
- 06:06 AM RK-J Task #3003 (Closed): chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 06:06 AM RK-J Bug #3001 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: show extension with some changes on unsupported pages
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #3000 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: keep extension as conspicuous but take lesser screen real estate
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #2955 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: return purple links pointing to the same video if video is more than 10 minutes long
- 06:06 AM RK-J Task #2932 (Closed): Tweaks to learn/videos page
- 06:06 AM RK-J Bug #2905 (Closed): When navigating to a page, ensure it starts on the top
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #2898 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull: only send purple link results pointing to other videos
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #2896 (Closed): Add modal support in chrome browser extension
- 06:06 AM RK-J Bug #2859 (Closed): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
- 06:06 AM RK-J Task #2855 (Closed): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
- 06:06 AM RK-J Task #2839 (Closed): Changes to above the fold of home page
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #2806 (Closed): Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense
- 11:50 AM RK-J Task #3010 (Closed): Ext: Encode the url while opening 'extDoc' url in the new tab
- Send the full-url of both youtube & non-youtube in the parameter of the extDoc url.
Also, use the 'feature-extensi... - 11:37 AM RK-J Feature #2986 (Resolved): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- 08:33 AM RK-J Task #3004 (Feedback): chrome extension v.92: do not show closed extension for unsupported non-youtube pages
- 08:32 AM RK-J Feature #2985 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.92: Make it available on any page
- 08:32 AM RK-J Feature #2984 (Feedback): Changes to initial web site pages
- 08:28 AM RK-J Bug #2838 (Feedback): Fix the position of the 'next section' bobbing pointer in the different screens.
- 08:20 AM RK-J Bug #2388 (Feedback): LHS TOC is missing some components of section hierarchy
- 11:19 AM RK-J Task #3005 (Resolved): Ensure that getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API returns purple links belonging to only prd version books
- 05:55 AM RK-J Feature #2986 (In Progress): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- 05:04 AM RK-J Feature #2986 (Reopened): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- Encoding and decoding is still to be done.
- 05:10 AM RK-J Task #3003: chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- Working as expected
- 05:09 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- Working as expected
- 05:09 AM RK-J Bug #3001 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.92: show extension with some changes on unsupported pages
- Working as expected
- 05:09 AM RK-J Feature #3000 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.92: keep extension as conspicuous but take lesser screen real estate
- Working as expected
- 05:04 AM RK-J Task #2675 (Closed): Test the implementation.
- 05:04 AM RK-J Task #2674 (Closed): Fetch the correct lurl during link update.
- 05:04 AM RK-J Task #2673 (Closed): Store 'shortest_base_url' in the datastore during ingestion.
- 05:03 AM RK-J Feature #2896 (Feedback): Add modal support in chrome browser extension
- 05:02 AM RK-J Bug #2859: Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
- Working as expected
- 05:02 AM RK-J Task #2855: Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
- Working as expected
- 03:54 AM RK-J Feature #3009 (Rejected): Add 'Times opened' to sheet from ticket 2909
- We capture number of times getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API was called. Now, we also log when user opens the extension. ...
- 11:01 AM RK-J Task #3005 (In Progress): Ensure that getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API returns purple links belonging to only prd version books
- 10:26 AM RK-J Task #3005 (Closed): Ensure that getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API returns purple links belonging to only prd version books
- 10:32 AM RK-J Bug #3006 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API takes too much time for url X if o-urls in the system are of the form X/Y
- API takes very long for but takes lesser for (non-existent book) and studyton...
- 10:24 AM RK-J Task #3004 (Resolved): chrome extension v.92: do not show closed extension for unsupported non-youtube pages
- 09:43 AM RK-J Task #3004 (In Progress): chrome extension v.92: do not show closed extension for unsupported non-youtube pages
- 09:11 AM RK-J Task #3004 (Closed): chrome extension v.92: do not show closed extension for unsupported non-youtube pages
- Today, we show closed extension for unsupported youtube and non-youtube pages. please do not show closed extension fo...
- 04:57 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (Resolved): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 04:50 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (In Progress): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 02:38 PM RK-J Feature #3002 (Reopened): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 10:43 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Feedback): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 10:44 AM RK-J Task #3003 (Feedback): chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- 10:44 AM RK-J Task #3003 (Resolved): chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- 09:32 AM RK-J Task #2915 (Resolved): Reduce width of columns in admin->document->list
- 09:32 AM RK-J Task #2915 (In Progress): Reduce width of columns in admin->document->list
- 06:57 AM RK-J Feature #2560: Enable link update of a "link updated" book
- Reassigned back to Ayush since one of the subtask tickets is still in resolved state.
- 06:56 AM RK-J Feature #2518 (Closed): Show only published booklets in /qna page (latest modified first)
- 06:56 AM RK-J Bug #2489 (Closed): Section hierarchy is not showing correctly.
- 06:56 AM RK-J Feature #2315 (Closed): Add pointer to document page at the bottom of lesson page
- 06:56 AM RK-J Feature #2062 (Closed): Correct back button behaviour for purple link or search result click
- 06:56 AM RK-J Bug #1955 (Closed): Ensure visualisation for the graph should work similar to the source page.
- 06:56 AM RK-J Bug #1714 (Closed): Ensure ES index delete should not break the ingestion.
- 06:53 AM RK-J Task #2624 (Closed): It should be possible to have multiple books with same name
- 06:51 AM RK-J Feature #2957 (Closed): Chrome extension: Support when video has no results or video is not supported
- 06:51 AM RK-J Feature #2956 (Closed): Chrome extension: Minor tweak to look and feel
- 06:51 AM RK-J Bug #2852 (Closed): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
- 06:51 AM RK-J Feature #2971 (Closed): Chrome extension v.91: inform server when user opens extension if video is not supported
- 06:51 AM RK-J Feature #2967 (Closed): Chrome extension: Enable users to send us a message
- 06:51 AM RK-J Feature #2964 (Closed): Tweaks to top right extension
- 02:10 PM RK-J Feature #3002 (Resolved): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 12:59 PM RK-J Feature #3002 (In Progress): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- 09:57 AM RK-J Feature #3002 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: Different messages for youtube and non-youtube pages
- Currently, we have the following messages when there are no links or the video is unsupported:
Message1: "Our AI cou... - 11:33 AM RK-J Task #3003 (In Progress): chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- 10:22 AM RK-J Task #3003 (Closed): chrome extension v.92: Ensure we are able to find one log line per unsupported page/video for which user opens extension
- We should be able to search app engine log with some string pattern to get log lines for unsupported pages/videos for...
- 07:05 AM RK-J Bug #3001 (Resolved): Chrome extension v.92: show extension with some changes on unsupported pages
- 01:52 PM RK-J Feature #3000 (Resolved): Chrome extension v.92: keep extension as conspicuous but take lesser screen real estate
- 09:35 AM RK-J Feature #3000 (In Progress): Chrome extension v.92: keep extension as conspicuous but take lesser screen real estate
- 09:04 AM RK-J Feature #3000 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: keep extension as conspicuous but take lesser screen real estate
- Following changes could help:
- push extension lower as many pages have their important stuff (like login in studyto... - 10:43 AM RK-J Task #2675 (Feedback): Test the implementation.
- 10:43 AM RK-J Task #2674 (Feedback): Fetch the correct lurl during link update.
- 10:43 AM RK-J Task #2673 (Feedback): Store 'shortest_base_url' in the datastore during ingestion.
- 10:42 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (Feedback): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
- 09:10 AM RK-J Bug #3001 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: show extension with some changes on unsupported pages
- In ticket 2985, we wanted to not show the extension on non-youtube pages because it was covering a lot of real estate...
- 06:33 AM RK-J Feature #2971 (Feedback): Chrome extension v.91: inform server when user opens extension if video is not supported
- 07:24 AM RK-J Feature #2997 (Closed): Create JS snippet to be included in any web page to do what our chrome extension does
- Behaviour should be exactly the same as v0.92 extension.
Snippet will be added in the head element just like in ti... - 05:53 AM RK-J Task #2995 (Rejected): FE: Search loader should stop loading on ES failure while highlighting the text in the document page.
- 05:51 AM RK-J Task #2994 (Rejected): FE: Book auto-selection should work with empty search box in the document page on ES failure.
- Currently showing, 'Quick search is loading'
- 05:02 AM RK-J Task #2993 (Closed): BE: Add support for success overwrite ingestion on ES failure.
- Add one toggle button i.e. 'indexOnElastic'. Default value for this will be false which means ES operations not allow...
- 04:26 AM RK-J Task #2992 (Closed): BE: Add support for success ingestion on ES failure.
- Add one toggle button i.e. 'indexOnElastic'. Default value for this will be false which means ES operations not allow...
- 04:25 AM RK-J Task #2991 (Rejected): BE: Add setting for the 'ES operation allowed or not' in the setting page.
- Based on this setting, will store the data during ingestion & overwrite ingestion in the ES.
- 10:14 AM RK-J Feature #2985 (Resolved): Chrome extension v.92: Make it available on any page
- 09:36 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 05:31 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 05:30 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Reopened): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- While the o-url stored in our datastore is O, we should handle input that has a string following O. A simplified requ...
- 05:00 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Feedback): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 04:05 AM RK-J Feature #2967 (Feedback): Chrome extension: Enable users to send us a message
- 04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2964 (Feedback): Tweaks to top right extension
- 04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2957 (Feedback): Chrome extension: Support when video has no results or video is not supported
- 04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2956 (Feedback): Chrome extension: Minor tweak to look and feel
- 10:15 AM RK-J Feature #2988 (Rejected): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull should return singular and simplest stemmed version
- For example, if the result contains 'label' and 'labels', return 'label'.
If the result contains 'label' and 'la... - 06:55 AM RK-J Feature #2985: Chrome extension v.92: Make it available on any page
- Use this branch 'production-extension-92' in the complete implementation.
- 06:54 AM RK-J Feature #2985: Chrome extension v.92: Make it available on any page
- Send U information in the encoded format using 'encodeURIComponent' in the API.
- 06:11 AM RK-J Feature #2986 (Resolved): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- 04:48 AM RK-J Feature #2984 (Resolved): Changes to initial web site pages
- 05:55 PM RK-J Feature #2986 (Closed): Tweak to 2983: FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- Currently, if we access extDoc?url=U, we make the call getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull?o-url=
- 04:34 PM RK-J Feature #2985 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92: Make it available on any page
- Remove the purple box between video and comments
- Make it available for any site (not just
- Do n...- 05:01 AM RK-J Feature #2967 (Resolved): Chrome extension: Enable users to send us a message
- 04:31 AM RK-J Feature #2983 (Resolved): FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- 11:11 AM RK-J Feature #2984 (Closed): Changes to initial web site pages
- A- move home page content to learn/intro
1-- change 'Tame the Knowledge Explosion' to 'Manage Information Overload' ...
- 11:59 AM RK-J Feature #2983 (Closed): FE: make extDoc work for non youtube urls as well
- Currently, if we access extDoc?url=U, we make the call getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull?o-url=
- 01:57 PM RK-J Task #2980 (Closed): Enable a partially functioning FE and BE if Elastic server does not exist - phase 1
- 06:02 AM RK-J Feature #2963 (Resolved): Opened extension should be closed if user clicks anywhere outside the extension
- 06:01 AM RK-J Feature #2469 (Feedback): Add bobbing pointer pointing to LHS TOC of booklet
- 01:50 PM RK-J Feature #2975 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 04:53 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- 12:05 PM RK-A Feature #2977 (New): Support annotation amongst multiple books
- Token file will contain an extra line
#%&version: <version>
Required changes in the annotated file:
for all ... - 06:29 AM RK-J Feature #2469 (In Progress): Add bobbing pointer pointing to LHS TOC of booklet
- 11:48 AM RK-J Feature #2975 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API support for all book types
- Currently, there is support for youtube books. going forward, please add support for non-youtube books also. For exam...
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