From 01/24/2023 to 02/22/2023
- 02:35 PM RK-J Bug #2901 (Closed): Chrome extension: Sometimes, the modal opens twice before closing and scroll bar issues
Bug 1 Goto Click on second result under 'running times'. This ...- 10:37 AM RK-J Feature #2900 (Closed): Insert ad in chrome extension only after 10th visit
- 09:32 AM RK-J Feature #2898 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull: only send purple link results pointing to other videos
- 07:22 AM RK-J Feature #2898 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull: only send purple link results pointing to other videos
- 06:20 AM RK-J Feature #2898 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull: only send purple link results pointing to other videos
- Since we are sending the results for the entire video, we do not want to send pointers to the same video.
Suppose ... - 08:41 AM RK-J Feature #2899 (In Progress): Chrome extension: remove yellow box; reduce purple box contents; keep modal visible
- 07:15 AM RK-J Feature #2899 (Closed): Chrome extension: remove yellow box; reduce purple box contents; keep modal visible
- -Please remove yellow box
-in purple box, only show the following text and button:
"Want a refresher on any of the ... - 06:24 AM RK-J Feature #2876 (Resolved): Enable clicking of purple links below the fold on a youtube document page when video is playing
- (this contains code of 2874 as well) - 05:07 AM RK-J Task #2839 (Resolved): Changes to above the fold of home page
- 05:06 AM RK-J Task #2839 (In Progress): Changes to above the fold of home page
- MRs are- - 03:33 AM RK-J Feature #2897 (Closed): Add Google adsense ad in the browser extension modal
- Please use the same JS snippet
- 10:50 AM RK-J Feature #2896 (Resolved): Add modal support in chrome browser extension
- 10:49 AM RK-J Feature #2896 (In Progress): Add modal support in chrome browser extension
- 10:03 AM RK-J Feature #2896 (Closed): Add modal support in chrome browser extension
- Add a yellow box between youtube video description and our new purple box with a button "Would you like details".
... - 03:16 AM RK-J Feature #2891 (Resolved): Make purple box in chrome extension extensible like the description box
- 12:34 PM RK-J Feature #2878 (Feedback): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
- 06:49 AM RK-J Feature #2891 (Closed): Make purple box in chrome extension extensible like the description box
- 05:56 AM RK-J Feature #2886 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 08:26 AM RK-J Bug #2888 (Resolved): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
- 08:05 AM RK-J Bug #2888 (In Progress): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
- 05:48 AM RK-J Bug #2888 (Closed): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
- Goto a page where the extension shows the purple box. now, click on any video on the right column of the page. we go ...
- 08:26 AM RK-J Feature #2887 (Resolved): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
- 06:01 AM RK-J Feature #2887 (In Progress): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
- 05:45 AM RK-J Feature #2887 (Closed): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
- This is the first task for a new product based on browser extension. Need a simple chrome extension that does the fol...
- 05:52 AM RK-J Feature #2886 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 05:35 AM RK-J Feature #2886 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API is same as getPurpleLinksInfoExt except that if input is to U or U&t=xs (i.e youtube ...
- 10:38 AM RK-J Feature #2882 (Feedback): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
- 10:37 AM RK-J Feature #2879 (Feedback): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
- 03:36 PM RK-J Feature #2882 (Resolved): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
- 07:44 AM RK-J Feature #2882 (In Progress): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
- 06:58 AM RK-J Feature #2882 (Closed): Ensure getPurpleLinksInfoExt works for urls with intermediate timestamps
- If getPurpleLinksInfoExt provides non-null response to U&t=xs and U&t=ys and null response to U&t=zs where x<z<y, mak...
- 01:41 PM RK-J Feature #2879: Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
*Fix for Feature #2879 - look for URL if there is no match for URL&t=0s AND look for URL&t=0s if there is no match ...- 05:03 AM RK-J Task #2862 (Feedback): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
- Working as expected
- 09:54 AM RK-J Feature #2879 (In Progress): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
- 08:34 AM RK-J Feature #2879 (Closed): Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
- Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt api which takes the same input as getPurpleLinksInfo but makes the following changes in ...
- 08:09 AM RK-J Feature #2878 (Resolved): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
- 06:15 AM RK-J Feature #2878 (In Progress): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
- 04:32 AM RK-J Feature #2878 (Closed): Create API that provides purple links information for a given o-url of a youtube book document
- 09:10 AM RK-J Feature #2874 (Resolved): Replace embedded video with image in learn/videos page
- 03:47 AM RK-J Feature #2876 (Closed): Enable clicking of purple links below the fold on a youtube document page when video is playing
- Currently, we can only see the top few purple links. We should be able to scroll down to see all the purple links.
- 08:23 AM RK-J Feature #2874 (Closed): Replace embedded video with image in learn/videos page
- Just as in the learn/docs page:
- replace embedded youtube video with image
- clicking on image should open up vide... - 08:20 AM RK-J Bug #2859 (Resolved): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
- 10:39 AM RK-J Feature #2865 (In Progress): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
- 04:53 AM RK-J Feature #2865 (Closed): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
- 10:38 AM RK-J Feature #2863 (Resolved): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
- 05:21 AM RK-J Feature #2863 (In Progress): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
- 04:33 AM RK-J Feature #2863 (Closed): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
- Show without waiting for user to click in the 'search terms' box
- 05:20 AM RK-J Task #2862 (Resolved): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
- 04:51 AM RK-J Task #2862 (In Progress): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
- 04:15 AM RK-J Task #2862 (Closed): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search
- 04:22 AM RK-J Bug #2859 (In Progress): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
- 06:40 AM RK-J Bug #2859 (Closed): Remove unnecessary white space at the bottom of home page and learn/videos pages
- 01:08 PM RK-J Task #2858: Please change the video link on learn/videos page
- Working as expected
- 12:25 PM RK-J Task #2858 (Feedback): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
- 12:19 PM RK-J Task #2858 (Resolved): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
- 11:58 AM RK-J Task #2858 (In Progress): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
- 11:56 AM RK-J Task #2858 (Closed): Please change the video link on learn/videos page
- 01:08 PM RK-J Feature #2841 (Feedback): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
- 01:08 PM RK-J Feature #2841 (Resolved): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
- Working as expected
- 01:07 PM RK-J Feature #2832 (Feedback): Changes to learn/videos page
- Working as expected
- 01:06 PM RK-J Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
- Working as expected
- 01:06 PM RK-J Feature #2828 (Feedback): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video
- Working as expected
- 01:04 PM RK-J Task #2827 (Feedback): Required changes to the home page
- Working as expected
- 01:04 PM RK-J Task #2827 (In Progress): Required changes to the home page
- 08:28 AM RK-J Bug #2854 (Feedback): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
- It is happening because of manipulation of the iframe in the python side. Manipulation is done for adding the title i...
- 04:51 AM RK-J Feature #2651 (In Progress): Support for FE environment separation.
- 04:51 AM RK-J Task #2857 (Resolved): Write Documentation.
- 05:52 PM RK-J Task #2845 (Resolved): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
- 05:58 AM RK-J Task #2845 (In Progress): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
- 05:46 PM RK-J Task #2857 (In Progress): Write Documentation.
- 05:45 PM RK-J Task #2857 (Closed): Write Documentation.
- Documentation URL:
- 05:44 PM RK-J Task #2856 (Resolved): Support for 'ng serve' command.
- 07:22 AM RK-J Task #2856: Support for 'ng serve' command.
- Reference:
- 06:52 AM RK-J Task #2856 (In Progress): Support for 'ng serve' command.
- 06:16 AM RK-J Task #2856 (Closed): Support for 'ng serve' command.
- 07:36 AM RK-J Task #2855 (Resolved): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
- 07:36 AM RK-J Task #2855 (In Progress): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
- 05:37 AM RK-J Task #2855 (Closed): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page
- 06:52 AM RK-J Task #2848 (Resolved): Support for local build.
- 06:13 AM RK-J Task #2848 (In Progress): Support for local build.
- 05:57 AM RK-J Task #2844 (Resolved): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
- 05:57 AM RK-J Task #2844: Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
- Only the QA file has changed for the server.ts file.
Earlier on the QA server, we modified the caching policy only f...
- 01:07 PM RK-J Bug #2854 (In Progress): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
- 09:47 AM RK-J Bug #2854 (Closed): When heading contains double quotes, video is missing in that document
- Sample angular url:
- 11:25 AM RK-J Bug #2852 (In Progress): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
- 08:49 AM RK-J Bug #2852 (Closed): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
- For book name "Chuck Severance: Python for Everybody - Exploring Information (PY4E)-ticket2851-20230201071811162252" ...
- 05:15 AM RK-J Task #2850 (Closed): Enable deployment by all
- 09:59 AM RK-J Task #2844 (In Progress): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
- 09:58 AM RK-J Task #2846 (Resolved): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
- 11:34 AM RK-J Task #2846 (In Progress): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
- 06:07 AM RK-J Task #2846 (Closed): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
- 11:33 AM RK-J Task #2847 (Resolved): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
- 10:51 AM RK-J Task #2847 (In Progress): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
- 06:09 AM RK-J Task #2847 (Closed): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
- Internal files include:
1. Learn Component
2. Document Component - 10:51 AM RK-J Task #2843 (Resolved): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
- 09:37 AM RK-J Task #2843 (In Progress): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
- 06:01 AM RK-J Task #2843 (Closed): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
- 09:36 AM RK-J Task #2147 (Resolved): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
- 08:41 AM RK-J Task #2147 (In Progress): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
- 06:02 AM RK-J Task #2147 (New): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
- 08:41 AM RK-J Task #2842 (Resolved): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
- 06:03 AM RK-J Task #2842 (In Progress): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
- 06:00 AM RK-J Task #2842 (Closed): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
- 06:11 AM RK-J Task #2849 (Rejected): Investigate on how to send parameter through 'npm command' and accept it in the 'package.json'.
- 06:10 AM RK-J Task #2848 (Closed): Support for local build.
- 06:06 AM RK-J Task #2845 (Closed): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
- 06:04 AM RK-J Task #2844 (Closed): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
- 12:57 AM RK-J Feature #2841 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page (27 jan 2023)
- Please do the following:
- remove the background image
- use same font type/family as home page
- Remove "(range o...
- 02:41 PM RK-J Task #2839 (Closed): Changes to above the fold of home page
- Please replace the current above the fold content with:
a. remove image
b. follow font and vertical space specs as ...
- 10:46 AM RK-J Bug #2716 (Feedback): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents
- 10:44 AM RK-J Bug #2716 (Resolved): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents
- 10:17 AM RK-J Bug #2838 (Closed): Fix the position of the 'next section' bobbing pointer in the different screens.
- 09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2755 (Feedback): Support for portrait mode
- 09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2755 (Resolved): Support for portrait mode
- 07:02 AM RK-J Task #2834 (Resolved): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
- 05:40 AM RK-J Task #2827 (Reopened): Required changes to the home page
- not working on Dev
- 10:31 AM RK-J Task #2834 (In Progress): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
- 09:22 AM RK-J Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.
- 07:06 AM RK-J Feature #2832 (Resolved): Changes to learn/videos page
- 06:09 AM RK-J Feature #2828 (Resolved): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video
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