



From 10/11/2022 to 11/09/2022


11:53 AM RK-J Feature #2685 (Feedback): Tweaks to right hand side boxes.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:53 AM RK-J Feature #2685 (Resolved): Tweaks to right hand side boxes.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:07 AM RK-J Feature #2685 (In Progress): Tweaks to right hand side boxes.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:50 AM RK-J Feature #2685 (Closed): Tweaks to right hand side boxes.
1.Please replace the 'Liked purple links' and thumbs up/down part with 'Want Purple Links for any other Video Playlis... Ram Kordale
06:57 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (Resolved): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
Venmuhilan B
06:55 AM RK-J Bug #2686 (Closed): TOC entries do not show up on search for Andrew Ng's Deep Learning book
For other books, if one chooses the book and places cursor in 'search terms box', a drop down of all TOC entries for ... Ram Kordale
06:09 AM RK-J Feature #2676: Support for "YouTube books"
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:08 AM RK-J Task #2680 (Closed): Test the implementation.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:08 AM RK-J Task #2679 (Closed): FE: Display the dataContent not on prod.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:08 AM RK-J Task #2678 (Closed): Store purple link phrases list & data content separately during the processing of the data field during ingestion.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:08 AM RK-J Task #2677 (Closed): Store bookType field in the datastore during ingestion.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


01:10 PM RK-J Feature #2676 (Feedback): Support for "YouTube books"
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:10 PM RK-J Task #2680 (Resolved): Test the implementation.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:10 PM RK-J Feature #2683 (Feedback): UX tweaks for YouTube books
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:46 AM RK-J Feature #2683 (Resolved): UX tweaks for YouTube books
Ayush Khandelwal
06:46 AM RK-J Feature #2683 (In Progress): UX tweaks for YouTube books
Ayush Khandelwal
05:28 AM RK-J Feature #2683 (New): UX tweaks for YouTube books
Ram Kordale
01:09 PM RK-J Feature #2682 (Feedback): Tweaks to YouTube support
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:17 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (In Progress): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
Venmuhilan B


07:09 PM RK-J Feature #2683 (In Progress): UX tweaks for YouTube books
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM RK-J Feature #2683 (Closed): UX tweaks for YouTube books

1.Remove tour/guide
2.Replace “Want a quick refresher on these terms used in the video? Click on them:” with “Wa...
Ram Kordale
05:33 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (Resolved): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
Venmuhilan B
05:33 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (In Progress): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
Venmuhilan B
05:33 AM RK-J Task #2664 (Resolved): Ensure no links from python 3 books to non python 3 books
Venmuhilan B
05:33 AM RK-J Task #2664 (In Progress): Ensure no links from python 3 books to non python 3 books
Venmuhilan B
05:32 AM RK-J Task #2666 (Resolved): Test the implementation.
Venmuhilan B
05:32 AM RK-J Task #2666 (In Progress): Test the implementation.
Venmuhilan B


10:51 AM RK-J Task #2675 (Resolved): Test the implementation.
Venmuhilan B
08:49 AM RK-J Task #2675 (In Progress): Test the implementation.
Venmuhilan B
08:48 AM RK-J Task #2674 (Resolved): Fetch the correct lurl during link update.
Venmuhilan B


10:13 AM RK-J Feature #2682 (Resolved): Tweaks to YouTube support
Ayush Khandelwal
09:57 AM RK-J Feature #2682 (In Progress): Tweaks to YouTube support
Ayush Khandelwal
08:48 AM RK-J Feature #2682 (Closed): Tweaks to YouTube support
1. add space after colon in 'Click on any of the following to learn more:'
2. replace 'Click on any of the following...
Ram Kordale


12:42 PM RK-J Task #2632 (Resolved): Reject book ingestion if same version book is available for the same book id
Venmuhilan B


02:09 PM RK-J Task #2680 (In Progress): Test the implementation.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:12 AM RK-J Task #2680 (Closed): Test the implementation.
Ayush Khandelwal
02:05 PM RK-J Task #2679 (Resolved): FE: Display the dataContent not on prod.
Ayush Khandelwal
01:07 PM RK-J Task #2679 (In Progress): FE: Display the dataContent not on prod.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:12 AM RK-J Task #2679 (Closed): FE: Display the dataContent not on prod.
Ayush Khandelwal
01:19 PM RK-J Task #2681 (Resolved): Update index name validity
Venmuhilan B
12:35 PM RK-J Task #2681 (In Progress): Update index name validity
Venmuhilan B
11:14 AM RK-J Task #2681 (Closed): Update index name validity
Currently, we check for validity of index names. However, Elasticsearch seems to have made some changes. So, please u... Ram Kordale
01:02 PM RK-J Task #2678 (Resolved): Store purple link phrases list & data content separately during the processing of the data field during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:22 AM RK-J Task #2678 (In Progress): Store purple link phrases list & data content separately during the processing of the data field during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:11 AM RK-J Task #2678 (Closed): Store purple link phrases list & data content separately during the processing of the data field during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:22 AM RK-J Task #2677 (Resolved): Store bookType field in the datastore during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:12 AM RK-J Task #2677 (In Progress): Store bookType field in the datastore during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:08 AM RK-J Task #2677 (Closed): Store bookType field in the datastore during ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:12 AM RK-J Feature #2676 (In Progress): Support for "YouTube books"
Ayush Khandelwal
07:10 AM RK-J Feature #2676 (Closed): Support for "YouTube books"
A new key value pair will be added in 1.txt #%&book_type:<bookType>#%&. <bookType> can be "YouTube", "Book" or blank.... Ram Kordale
06:06 AM RK-J Task #2006 (Feedback): Show ad statistics under Reports in Admin
Ayush Khandelwal
06:06 AM RK-J Task #2006 (In Progress): Show ad statistics under Reports in Admin
Ayush Khandelwal
06:06 AM RK-J Task #2039 (Closed): Store the Ad statistics in the browser storage and send the information to the backend through the api.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:03 AM RK-J Bug #1628 (Closed): Unable to open, throwing error.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:03 AM RK-J Task #1696 (Closed): Change ES credential for Dev & QA.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM RK-J Feature #1637 (Feedback): [Exp1 Branch] Save search graph as a solution graph and enable editing of such a graph
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM RK-J Feature #1637 (Resolved): [Exp1 Branch] Save search graph as a solution graph and enable editing of such a graph
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM RK-J Feature #2272 (Closed): Save search graph as a solution graph.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM RK-J Task #1946 (Closed): Improve Lighthouse Performance.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:02 AM RK-J Task #1946 (Feedback): Improve Lighthouse Performance.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM RK-J Task #2341 (Feedback): Improve Lighthouse performance for Solution Graph Booklet
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM RK-J Task #2402 (Closed): Remove unused libraries from Trainee module and its internal components modules.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM RK-J Task #2400 (Closed): Remove Dependency of JQuery inside lesson component
Ayush Khandelwal
06:01 AM RK-J Task #2448 (Feedback): Tweaks to the final screen of the quiz
Ayush Khandelwal
06:00 AM RK-J Task #2448 (In Progress): Tweaks to the final screen of the quiz
Ayush Khandelwal
06:00 AM RK-J Support #2458 (Closed): BE: Tweaks to the final screen of the quiz
Ayush Khandelwal
05:57 AM RK-J Feature #2062: Correct back button behaviour for purple link or search result click
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:54 AM RK-J Bug #1671: If book contains & in the title, search bar does not load
Working as expected, Ayush Khandelwal
05:42 AM RK-J Support #1651 (Feedback): Create top traffic script for the user (Front end) serivce
Ayush Khandelwal
05:41 AM RK-J Task #1722 (Feedback): Split content kind into content and contentSupplement2 in order to speed up getDocumentAPI
Ayush Khandelwal
05:41 AM RK-J Task #1639 (Feedback): Cache search result needed for canonical url
Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Support #1621 (Feedback): Add 'Reports -> Latency'
Ayush Khandelwal


01:24 PM RK-J Task #2674 (In Progress): Fetch the correct lurl during link update.
Venmuhilan B
10:33 AM RK-J Task #2674 (Closed): Fetch the correct lurl during link update.
During link update, if the book belongs to 'shortest_base_url' then check the external link in the datastore & fetch ... Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Task #2673 (Resolved): Store 'shortest_base_url' in the datastore during ingestion.
Venmuhilan B
12:02 PM RK-J Task #2673 (In Progress): Store 'shortest_base_url' in the datastore during ingestion.
Venmuhilan B
09:52 AM RK-J Task #2673 (Closed): Store 'shortest_base_url' in the datastore during ingestion.
# 'shortest_base_url' is of type *boolean*.
# The default value is false.
# Store this field in the 'documentProces...
Ayush Khandelwal
11:03 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (Closed): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
11:03 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (Feedback): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Venmuhilan B
10:59 AM RK-J Bug #2630: Ensure 2624 in Dev
Adding a version to the sitemap filename for /createSiteMap API is working as expected on QA.
But this exception- *c...
Venmuhilan B
10:34 AM RK-J Task #2675 (Closed): Test the implementation.
Ayush Khandelwal
09:42 AM RK-J Task #2632 (In Progress): Reject book ingestion if same version book is available for the same book id
Venmuhilan B
06:35 AM RK-J Feature #2671 (Closed): Support for books (like python 3 glossary) whose base url matches prefix of base urls of other books
In this case, the book will have one more name value pair
Ram Kordale
05:25 AM RK-J Task #2665 (Resolved): Hardcode the link update for the python 3 books.
Venmuhilan B


01:08 PM RK-A Task #2259 (Resolved): Use processed definition strings to find similar documents
Rohit Choudhary
01:08 PM RK-A Task #2259 (In Progress): Use processed definition strings to find similar documents
Rohit Choudhary
12:41 PM RK-A Feature #2131 (Rejected): Task 1.1.2: Creating KBs - Step 3 - Save the KBs
Ram Kordale
12:41 PM RK-A Feature #2130 (Rejected): Task 1.1.1: Creating KBs - Step 1 & 2
Ram Kordale
12:40 PM RK-A Feature #2135 (Rejected): Task Modify the tag_BR3_IR3 function for new scheme
Ram Kordale
12:40 PM RK-A Feature #2134 (Rejected): Task Add argument & create new calling function
Ram Kordale
12:40 PM RK-A Feature #2138 (Rejected): Task Save remaining variables in pickle/json file format
Ram Kordale
12:40 PM RK-A Feature #2137 (Rejected): Task Merge the lists to save pickle file
Ram Kordale
12:40 PM RK-A Feature #2136 (Rejected): Task Linking google drive and creating folder inside it using python script
Ram Kordale
05:12 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (Resolved): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Added version to the sitemap filename( *sitemap-{s}-{book}-{version}.xml* ) for /createSiteMap API Venmuhilan B


11:31 AM RK-J Feature #2667 (Feedback): Tweaks to 2618
Venmuhilan B
05:24 AM RK-J Feature #2667 (Resolved): Tweaks to 2618
Venmuhilan B
04:45 AM RK-J Feature #2667 (New): Tweaks to 2618
Ram Kordale
11:30 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (Feedback): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Venmuhilan B
09:05 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (In Progress): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Venmuhilan B
08:33 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (Reopened): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Not working for the: Ayush Khandelwal
06:37 AM RK-J Bug #2631 (Closed): Ensure 2624 in Prod
Done with the changes on prod Ayush Khandelwal


10:14 AM RK-J Feature #2667 (In Progress): Tweaks to 2618
Venmuhilan B
09:21 AM RK-J Feature #2667 (Closed): Tweaks to 2618
ES matches search terms in section names, content etc based on settings.
With 2618 fix, when ES matches a section ...
Ram Kordale
08:47 AM RK-J Task #2665 (In Progress): Hardcode the link update for the python 3 books.
Venmuhilan B
07:57 AM RK-J Task #2665 (Closed): Hardcode the link update for the python 3 books.
If we're updating the 'python 3 doc' subject book then it should have the links only to the 'python 3 doc' & to the '... Ayush Khandelwal
07:57 AM RK-J Task #2666 (Closed): Test the implementation.
Ayush Khandelwal


04:24 PM RK-J Task #2664 (Closed): Ensure no links from python 3 books to non python 3 books
We need to ensure this during link update. This is to experiment a state where nothing that crawls python books is ab... Ram Kordale


04:21 PM RK-J Task #2662 (Feedback): Please add Microsoft Clarity tracking code
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:28 AM RK-J Task #2662 (Resolved): Please add Microsoft Clarity tracking code
Ayush Khandelwal
05:22 AM RK-J Task #2662 (In Progress): Please add Microsoft Clarity tracking code
Ayush Khandelwal
04:08 PM RK-J Bug #2190: Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:09 AM RK-J Bug #2190 (Feedback): Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
Venmuhilan B
01:03 PM RK-J Bug #2532: Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
This validation method *applyNodePopupValidation()* will be called based on the *onChange* event. By defaul...
Venmuhilan B
12:59 PM RK-J Bug #2532 (Resolved): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Venmuhilan B
12:08 PM RK-J Task #2658 (Rejected): Add mahlib for the existing book in the datastore or else overwrite the book with the mathlib field for PROD.
For existing prod book, this changes are not required Ayush Khandelwal
10:29 AM RK-J Bug #2622: Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
Working on prod Ayush Khandelwal
05:34 AM RK-J Bug #2622: Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:10 AM RK-J Feature #2621: Replace Resume column with URLs column
Working on prod Ayush Khandelwal
08:10 AM RK-J Bug #2489 (Feedback): Section hierarchy is not showing correctly.
Venmuhilan B
08:09 AM RK-J Feature #2634 (Feedback): Add failure reason column in the 'document processing->list' page
Venmuhilan B
08:08 AM RK-J Feature #2510 (Feedback): Enable deletion of booklets
Venmuhilan B
08:08 AM RK-J Bug #2358: subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
Working on prod Ayush Khandelwal
05:46 AM RK-J Feature #2633: If exact URL match is absent, find closest match
*Found a bug* Ayush Khandelwal
05:45 AM RK-J Feature #2633 (Reopened): If exact URL match is absent, find closest match
Given that A (which is Ayush Khandelwal


06:57 AM RK-J Task #2662 (Closed): Please add Microsoft Clarity tracking code
Please add the following into the <head> element
<script type="text/javascript">
Ram Kordale


09:23 AM RK-J Task #2655 (In Progress): Text is not appearing, on hovering over images
Ayush Khandelwal


01:13 PM RK-J Task #2286 (Feedback): Exclude subSections from being indexed by Datastore
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:12 PM RK-J Task #2286 (In Progress): Exclude subSections from being indexed by Datastore
Ayush Khandelwal
08:42 AM RK-J Task #2286 (Reopened): Exclude subSections from being indexed by Datastore
*For testing, ingested a new book with index-name: "qa-ak-numpy-apireference-dsoct14"*
Post ingestion, the documen...
Ayush Khandelwal
09:08 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (In Progress): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Venmuhilan B
09:06 AM RK-J Bug #2532: Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Steps to reproduce:
# Go to this page
# Right click on the star...
Ayush Khandelwal
09:03 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (New): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Unable to add the first external node. Ayush Khandelwal
08:53 AM RK-J Feature #2394: 2347+2393 (removing "(contd-<number>)") should be done for purple link and search results as well
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:52 AM RK-J Bug #2358: subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
It is working for the document Ayush Khandelwal
05:29 AM RK-J Feature #2510 (In Progress): Enable deletion of booklets
Venmuhilan B
04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2449: Quizzes with no time limits
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:59 AM RK-J Task #2368: Improve Lighhouse metrics for document pages on mobile
Earlier improved on the mobile. Ayush Khandelwal
03:59 AM RK-J Task #2368 (Feedback): Improve Lighhouse metrics for document pages on mobile
Ayush Khandelwal
03:58 AM RK-J Task #2370 (Closed): Load Guided tour first step before the document loads and next step after the document loads.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:58 AM RK-J Task #2369 (Closed): Add Lighthouse Report for 5 different document pages for mobile screens
Ayush Khandelwal
03:56 AM RK-J Feature #2518 (Feedback): Show only published booklets in /qna page (latest modified first)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:56 AM RK-J Feature #2519: Create an API that sends published booklet information
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:55 AM RK-J Feature #2520: Enable 'Content Admin' Role to (un)publish booklets (in the SolutionGraph->List page)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:54 AM RK-J Task #2648 (Closed): Test mathlib functionality is working or not for the different books.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:54 AM RK-J Task #2647 (Closed): FE: Use mathlib field for showing mathjax & katex.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:54 AM RK-J Task #2646 (Closed): Test the backend support for the mathlib.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:53 AM RK-J Task #2645 (Closed): Retrieve mathlib from the datastore for the api's.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:53 AM RK-J Task #2644 (Closed): Support mathlib for the overwrite ingestion.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:53 AM RK-J Task #2643 (Closed): Add mathlib for the ingestion. Save in the datastore.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:53 AM RK-J Task #2658 (Rejected): Add mahlib for the existing book in the datastore or else overwrite the book with the mathlib field for PROD.
Ayush Khandelwal
03:51 AM RK-J Bug #2628 (Feedback): Ensure 2624 in Dev & Prod
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:51 AM RK-J Bug #2628 (Resolved): Ensure 2624 in Dev & Prod
Ayush Khandelwal
03:51 AM RK-J Task #2624 (Feedback): It should be possible to have multiple books with same name
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:50 AM RK-J Bug #2630 (Feedback): Ensure 2624 in Dev
Ayush Khandelwal
03:50 AM RK-J Bug #2631 (Feedback): Ensure 2624 in Prod
Ayush Khandelwal
03:50 AM RK-J Bug #2631 (Resolved): Ensure 2624 in Prod
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:49 AM RK-J Task #2627 (Closed): Update the existing sitemap.xml file for all the existing book either by regeneration or by editing.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:49 AM RK-J Task #2626 (Closed): Rename existing sitemap file for the books.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:48 AM RK-J Task #2625 (Closed): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:42 AM RK-J Feature #2429: Enable study plan deletion
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:40 AM RK-J Bug #2447: [Quiz] If no more attempts available for a question, show solution button
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:40 AM RK-J Feature #2453: Create Quiz URL by default
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
03:33 AM RK-J Feature #2452: Href in hint or solution should open in a separate tab
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


04:40 AM RK-J Feature #2518: Show only published booklets in /qna page (latest modified first)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:40 AM RK-J Feature #2519: Create an API that sends published booklet information
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:35 AM RK-J Feature #2519 (Feedback): Create an API that sends published booklet information
Ayush Khandelwal
04:39 AM RK-J Feature #2520: Enable 'Content Admin' Role to (un)publish booklets (in the SolutionGraph->List page)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:39 AM RK-J Task #2523 (Closed): Update the state field in the solution graph list using un(publish) button.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:39 AM RK-J Task #2522 (Closed): Show publish and unpublish button in the solution graph listing page.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:36 AM RK-J Task #2521 (Closed): On creation of solution graph share link, add a new field called state in the Datastore.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
04:35 AM RK-J Task #2558 (Closed): Display published booklets in the /qna page.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


01:47 PM RK-J Feature #2484: Resume ingestion automatically
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:46 PM RK-J Task #2486 (Closed): Fetch the books for automatic resume operation.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
01:46 PM RK-J Task #2485 (Closed): Resume ingestion automatically on application startup.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
12:42 PM RK-J Bug #2436: "Special characters" (quotes, ampersand, question mark etc) not working fine in booklet title and description
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
10:25 AM RK-J Feature #2393: Fix mistake in requirement of 2347 (removing "(contd-<number>)" from LHS TOC of Booklet)
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
09:46 AM RK-J Task #2430: Tweak to purple link results in booklet
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:40 AM RK-J Support #1652 (Feedback): Add top pages sheet along with top traffic sheet
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


07:44 AM RK-J Bug #2190 (Resolved): Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
Venmuhilan B
07:43 AM RK-J Bug #2190: Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
*java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException* occured at processMessage() method in ReadJsonPayloadLogs class....
Venmuhilan B
07:22 AM RK-J Bug #2190 (In Progress): Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
Venmuhilan B
06:29 AM RK-J Feature #2111: When user clicks on "search terms box", show TOC of books selected
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:28 AM RK-J Task #2178 (Rejected): Remove the implementation of the ticket #2098.
No need of this implementation as per the discussion Ayush Khandelwal
06:18 AM RK-J Task #2152: Follow up to 2048
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


06:57 PM RK-J Bug #1945 (Feedback): Graph is missing on a few pages in Python Library Reference
Working as expected, Ayush Khandelwal
06:54 PM RK-J Task #1850: Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:53 PM RK-J Task #1851 (Feedback): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ayush Khandelwal
10:22 AM RK-J Feature #2395: Make heading specific for purple link results
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
09:49 AM RK-J Task #2399: 'Next section' bobbing pointer in small pages
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:17 AM RK-J Feature #2419: Tweaks to next and prev in booklet
Changed this implementation to work with click on "i"(information icon).
*Working as expected*
Ayush Khandelwal
08:13 AM RK-J Bug #2289: Mistake in URL
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:11 AM RK-J Bug #2311: Solution graph lesson: Null Section hierarchy returned
Unable to reproduce Ayush Khandelwal
08:02 AM RK-J Task #1841: [3 Subjects] Canonical URL should not be hardcoded
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:17 AM RK-J Support #1622 (Feedback): Add 'Reports -> Top traffic'
Ayush Khandelwal
06:15 AM RK-J Bug #2190 (Reopened): Unable to generate the 'Top Traffic' report from the GUI on production.
Ayush Khandelwal


12:17 PM RK-J Feature #2634 (Resolved): Add failure reason column in the 'document processing->list' page
Venmuhilan B
08:02 AM RK-J Feature #2634 (In Progress): Add failure reason column in the 'document processing->list' page
Venmuhilan B
06:25 AM RK-J Feature #2642 (Feedback): Dynamically include the right "math formula display" library
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
05:39 AM RK-J Feature #2642 (Resolved): Dynamically include the right "math formula display" library
Ayush Khandelwal
06:24 AM RK-J Task #2648 (Resolved): Test mathlib functionality is working or not for the different books.
Ayush Khandelwal
06:06 AM RK-J Task #2648 (In Progress): Test mathlib functionality is working or not for the different books.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #2583 (Closed): Update data-source attribute during overwrite ingestion.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:38 AM RK-J Task #2582 (Closed): Add data-source attribute in the 'anchor-tags' during link update.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal

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