



From 10/28/2023 to 11/26/2023


12:01 PM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
The way we determine that all the `js-snippet` scripts have been added to head tag & loaded is as follows:... Ayush Khandelwal
10:47 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
working correctly
Tested on the following links -
Ayanava Karmakar
10:38 AM Feature #3237 (Feedback): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayush Khandelwal
08:16 AM Feature #3237 (Review): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
08:13 AM Feature #3237 (Resolved): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
05:41 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar wrote in #note-13:
> A) *getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API calls timing -*
> JS-Snippet - (Non-You...
Ayanava Karmakar
05:41 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
A) *getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API calls timing -*
JS-Snippet - (Non-YouTube Pages)
1) After all the js-snippet ...
Ayanava Karmakar
05:25 AM Feature #3237 (In Progress): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
05:25 AM Feature #3237 (Reopened): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
10:50 AM Task #3334 (In Progress): Need js snippet to be inserted in a page that collects feedback
Ayanava Karmakar
10:39 AM Feature #3314: Add /search page
working - Ayanava Karmakar
08:04 AM Feature #3314 (Feedback): Add /search page
Ayush Khandelwal
08:14 AM Feature #3274 (Feedback): Make reuse between extension and snippet faster and bug free
Ayush Khandelwal
08:13 AM Feature #3248 (Feedback): Add Related section at the bottom of the copilot
Ayush Khandelwal
08:13 AM Feature #3182 (Feedback): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
Ayush Khandelwal
08:06 AM Bug #3159 (Feedback): Unable to go previous, next inside the modal in the youtube book document page.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
08:05 AM Task #3148 (Closed): Changes to the folder structure.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:05 AM Task #3148 (Resolved): Changes to the folder structure.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:04 AM Task #3158 (Closed): Add the chatgpt plus page in the only js website.
Ayush Khandelwal
08:02 AM Feature #3330 (Feedback): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
Ayush Khandelwal
08:01 AM Task #3327 (Feedback): Tweaks to site
Ayush Khandelwal
08:00 AM Feature #3325 (Feedback): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayush Khandelwal
03:19 AM Feature #3338 (Review): Open copilot without user action if defaultOpen is true
Today, we open the copilot when the user clicks on the "ask chatgpt plus button".
As always, open whenever the use...
Ram Kordale


10:21 AM Feature #3336 (Feedback): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Venmuhilan B
06:06 AM Feature #3336 (Review): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
06:06 AM Feature #3336 (Resolved): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
05:39 AM Feature #3336 (In Progress): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
05:22 AM Feature #3336 (Reopened): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Venmuhilan B


02:06 PM Feature #3336 (Review): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
02:05 PM Feature #3336 (Resolved): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
12:16 PM Feature #3336 (In Progress): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
11:39 AM Feature #3336 (Reopened): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Venmuhilan B
05:50 AM Feature #3336 (Review): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
05:50 AM Feature #3336 (Resolved): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
05:14 AM Feature #3336 (In Progress): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Md Shahzar
02:41 AM Feature #3336 (Closed): Support for exclusions for copilot url
Today, the user can add "<regex>" to list of regexes and if these regexes are present in the requested o-url, showCop... Ram Kordale
02:42 AM Task #3229: Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
wrongly changed priority of ticket Ram Kordale


02:12 PM Task #3334 (Review): Need js snippet to be inserted in a page that collects feedback
Something like the feedback box on the top right of*?docu... Ram Kordale
01:40 PM Bug #3333: Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
working correctly Ayanava Karmakar
01:27 PM Bug #3333 (Feedback): Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
Ayush Khandelwal
11:55 AM Bug #3333 (Review): Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
Ayanava Karmakar
11:55 AM Bug #3333 (Resolved): Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
Ayanava Karmakar
11:05 AM Bug #3333 (In Progress): Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
Ayanava Karmakar
10:24 AM Bug #3333 (Closed): Highlight, click on 'explain text' not working on unsupported page
goto any aidigimarketing page. Doing this shows the following error on the console
copilotScript.js?v=0.95:1282 Un...
Ram Kordale
01:40 PM Feature #3331: Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
working correctly Ayanava Karmakar
01:27 PM Feature #3331 (Feedback): Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
Ayush Khandelwal


08:45 AM Feature #3331 (Review): Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
Ayanava Karmakar
08:21 AM Feature #3331 (Resolved): Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
Ayanava Karmakar
05:12 AM Feature #3331 (In Progress): Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
Ayanava Karmakar
04:56 AM Feature #3331 (Closed): Change copilot behaviour when the page has not been processed
if (a) url(s) is not supported or (b) there are no purple link results, we only show the "Want an answer from ChatGPT... Ram Kordale
05:38 AM Task #3328 (In Progress): Deploy to Prod without Datastore access in code
Ayush Khandelwal


10:45 AM Feature #3261 (Closed): No ads for first 10 visits from on chatgptplus page
Ram Kordale
10:45 AM Feature #3145 (Closed): Ensure every URL on angular site is available exactly on the OnlyJS site
Ram Kordale
10:45 AM Feature #2743 (Closed): In key-moment documents, the video should start from the starting time when we click on "replay"
Ram Kordale


11:05 AM Feature #3330 (Review): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
Ayanava Karmakar
10:48 AM Feature #3330 (Resolved): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
Ayanava Karmakar
06:43 AM Feature #3330 (Closed): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
Current and desired behaviour mentioned below.
Current behaviour (according to ticket 3298)
when the user clicks ...
Ram Kordale


09:55 AM Feature #3226 (Feedback): Support for copilot_urls
Venmuhilan B
09:55 AM Feature #3226 (In Progress): Support for copilot_urls
Venmuhilan B
09:54 AM Feature #3227 (Feedback): BE : Support for copilot_urls
Venmuhilan B
09:54 AM Feature #3227 (In Progress): BE : Support for copilot_urls
Venmuhilan B
07:00 AM Task #3229 (Feedback): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
06:26 AM Task #3229: Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API

*Support : Implement Copilot URL Wildcard Matching*
For the given Copilot URL pattern: "copilot_urls": ["scikit-le...
Venmuhilan B


12:15 PM Task #3229 (Review): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Md Shahzar
12:14 PM Task #3229 (Resolved): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Md Shahzar
10:02 AM Task #3229 (In Progress): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Md Shahzar
08:34 AM Task #3229 (Reopened): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Ram Kordale
09:15 AM Feature #3323 (In Progress): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
Ayanava Karmakar
08:34 AM Feature #3227 (Reopened): BE : Support for copilot_urls
Ram Kordale
08:33 AM Feature #3226 (Reopened): Support for copilot_urls
Ram Kordale
05:22 AM Feature #3246 (Feedback): Support for Search Stats page
Venmuhilan B
05:22 AM Feature #3246 (In Progress): Support for Search Stats page
Venmuhilan B


08:34 AM Task #3328 (Rejected): Deploy to Prod without Datastore access in code
Today, the secret to access all components of Google Cloud are in code. Remove access secrets to as many components f... Ram Kordale
06:59 AM Task #3256 (Rejected): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
Ayanava Karmakar
06:12 AM Feature #3326 (Review): Tweak to 3325
Ayanava Karmakar
05:58 AM Feature #3326 (Resolved): Tweak to 3325
Ayanava Karmakar
05:51 AM Feature #3182 (In Progress): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
Ayush Khandelwal


11:50 AM Feature #3306 (Review): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
11:50 AM Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
11:50 AM Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
06:00 AM Feature #3306 (Reopened): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
10:15 AM Feature #3274 (In Progress): Make reuse between extension and snippet faster and bug free
Ayush Khandelwal
10:14 AM Feature #3182 (Resolved): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
Ayush Khandelwal


02:10 PM Feature #3320 (Feedback): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
Ram Kordale
01:11 PM Feature #3306 (Review): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
01:04 PM Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
06:28 AM Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayanava Karmakar
05:48 AM Feature #3306: Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Use the 'mouse_speed_poc_approved.html' logic to detect the user is ready to exit the window. If yes, then open the c... Ayush Khandelwal
05:45 AM Feature #3306 (New): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayush Khandelwal
05:45 AM Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayush Khandelwal
07:02 AM Task #3327 (Review): Tweaks to site
Ayanava Karmakar
07:02 AM Task #3327 (Resolved): Tweaks to site
Ayanava Karmakar
06:46 AM Task #3327 (In Progress): Tweaks to site
Ayanava Karmakar
06:44 AM Task #3327 (Closed): Tweaks to site
- Header
--- replace "Fast Learning" with "Deep Linking"
- Home page
--- remove home, about us and contact us icons
Ram Kordale
05:56 AM Task #3298 (Closed): Extension : Send the `Search data` to the Log extension API
Ram Kordale
05:53 AM Feature #3116 (Closed): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Ram Kordale
05:53 AM Task #3119 (Closed): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
Ram Kordale
05:53 AM Task #3122 (Closed): Allow caching for /bookSource API
Ram Kordale
05:52 AM Feature #3264 (Closed): Support for is_snippet_test_mode
Ram Kordale
05:52 AM Task #3101 (Closed): Host JS used for search on server
Ram Kordale
05:51 AM Task #3036 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: remove the first part 'Table of Contents->' from every purple link result
Ram Kordale
05:51 AM Bug #3181 (Closed): Extn 0.95: Show extension if page is supported
Ram Kordale
05:51 AM Feature #3293 (Closed): Generalized solution (using shadow) to conflict between css on site and copilot
Ram Kordale
05:51 AM Feature #3297 (Closed): Items 1 and 2 of 3296 (rearrange section hierarchy of purple link results assuming "->" does not exist in section name)
Ram Kordale
05:50 AM Feature #3311 (Closed): onlyjs : Change to home page
Ram Kordale
05:50 AM Feature #3183 (Closed): v0.95 - Change words on js snippet and extension
Ram Kordale
05:50 AM Task #3185 (Closed): Ext-0.95: Change words on extension.
Ram Kordale
05:48 AM Feature #3230 (Closed): Extension & js snippet : Support for copilot_urls
Ram Kordale
05:48 AM Task #3229 (Closed): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Ram Kordale
05:43 AM Feature #3326 (In Progress): Tweak to 3325
Ayanava Karmakar
05:41 AM Feature #3325 (Review): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
05:41 AM Feature #3325 (Resolved): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
05:41 AM Feature #3325 (In Progress): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
05:38 AM Bug #3174 (Closed): Extn 0.95: When there are no purple links, "Want an answer from ChatGPT Plus.." is missing
Ram Kordale
05:38 AM Feature #3173 (Closed): Extension 0.95: If a non youtube site contains supported embedded youtube URLs, show extension just like js snippet
Ram Kordale
05:38 AM Feature #3156 (Closed): v0.95: Ensure users cannot type more than 10 words (100 chars) while searching in the copilot and chatgptplus page
Ram Kordale
05:36 AM Task #3240 (Closed): Correct message on unsupported sites
Ram Kordale
05:36 AM Feature #3275 (Closed): Snippet-v0.95: Support for is_snippet_test_mode.
Ram Kordale
05:36 AM Feature #3266 (Closed): Ext-v0.95: Support for is_snippet_test_mode.
Ram Kordale
05:35 AM Feature #3308 (Closed): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
Ram Kordale
05:35 AM Task #3279 (Closed): Tweak to Contact us page
Ram Kordale
05:35 AM Task #3243 (Closed): Reduce threshold for score in get purple links API
Ram Kordale


02:15 PM Feature #3326 (Review): Tweak to 3325
In part 4 of 3325: if there is a referring URL, please replace 'referring URL' with the top 3 Related Articles (we ca... Ram Kordale
02:00 PM Feature #3325: Changes to chatgptplus page
ignore prev note. i am not able to delete it Ayanava Karmakar
01:59 PM Feature #3325 (Reopened): Changes to chatgptplus page
home Ayanava Karmakar
01:27 PM Feature #3325 (Review): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
01:27 PM Feature #3325 (Resolved): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
09:01 AM Feature #3325 (In Progress): Changes to chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
05:25 AM Feature #3325 (Closed): Changes to chatgptplus page
1 - Remove the home, about us, and contact us icons
2 - On the feedback section
--- replace "Want...Content?<newlin...
Ram Kordale
08:21 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
DELAY_BEFORE_SECOND_API_CALL = 1 second Ayanava Karmakar
08:21 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- second API call at min(completeTriggerTime, now + DELAY_BEFORE_SECOND_API_CALL))
Ayanava Karmakar
08:19 AM Feature #3237 (Review): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
08:19 AM Feature #3237 (Resolved): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
07:54 AM Feature #3182 (In Progress): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
Ayush Khandelwal
06:26 AM Feature #3182: Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
Changed the subject as per the discussion with the ram sir. Visits saving not allowed in the extension because of the... Ayush Khandelwal


02:49 PM Feature #3322 (Resolved): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
Ayush Khandelwal
12:30 PM Feature #3322 (In Progress): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
Ayush Khandelwal
08:48 AM Feature #3322 (Closed): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
Ram Kordale
12:20 PM Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Attached the speed implementation. After doing some experiment, we will decide the value for the speed. POC's are att... Ayush Khandelwal
05:29 AM Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
Ayush Khandelwal
11:50 AM Feature #3320 (Review): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
Md Shahzar
11:50 AM Feature #3320 (Resolved): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
Md Shahzar
11:45 AM Feature #3320 (In Progress): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
Abhijata Sen
03:29 AM Feature #3320 (Closed): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- Create a new entry below 'Add Document' under 'Document Processing' and name it 'Modify Document'
- Entries in Mod...
Ram Kordale
08:54 AM Feature #3323 (Review): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
If "ads=<number>" is received in the api call, forward the key value pair to the chatgptplus page Ram Kordale
06:46 AM Feature #3321 (Review): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
Md Shahzar
06:45 AM Feature #3321 (Resolved): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
Md Shahzar
06:42 AM Feature #3321 (Review): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
*Admin UI:*
In the UI, File attach is currently present.
Create a 'Ingest book from Drive' switch below the "File" ...
Venmuhilan B
02:45 AM Feature #3312 (Rejected): Open copilot on exit
Duplicate of 3306 Ram Kordale


04:51 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Updated requirements
show the UI only after you get results or do not get results even in the final call

1 2 ...
Ayanava Karmakar


01:18 PM Task #3317 (Feedback): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
Venmuhilan B
10:26 AM Task #3317 (Review): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
Abhijata Sen
10:25 AM Task #3317 (Resolved): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
Abhijata Sen
10:25 AM Task #3317 (In Progress): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
Abhijata Sen
09:22 AM Task #3317: BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
*version 1.95 Request & Response*
Endpoint: admin/content/api/v1/getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
Venmuhilan B
09:08 AM Task #3317 (Closed): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- remove the v1.95 implementations in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API Venmuhilan B
10:33 AM Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
1) call api with page URL
2) wait for an appropriate event (page or dom loaded or some such event that fires last), ...
Ayanava Karmakar
04:58 AM Feature #3314 (Review): Add /search page
Ayanava Karmakar
04:55 AM Feature #3314 (Resolved): Add /search page
Ayanava Karmakar
04:45 AM Feature #3314 (In Progress): Add /search page
Ayanava Karmakar


02:40 PM Feature #3314 (Closed): Add /search page
This will only contain the logo and the search boxes. Ram Kordale
02:33 PM Feature #3311 (Feedback): onlyjs : Change to home page
Ram Kordale
02:32 PM Feature #3311: onlyjs : Change to home page
Changed requirement to onlyjs only. Ram Kordale
09:03 AM Feature #3311: onlyjs : Change to home page
MR submitted for only-js - Ayanava Karmakar
08:53 AM Feature #3311 (In Progress): onlyjs : Change to home page
Ayanava Karmakar
01:22 PM Feature #3237 (In Progress): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
01:05 PM Feature #3237 (Resolved): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
11:24 AM Feature #3237 (In Progress): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
Ayanava Karmakar
11:24 AM Task #3256 (New): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
Ayanava Karmakar
09:31 AM Task #3256 (In Progress): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
Ayanava Karmakar
09:30 AM Feature #3310 (Review): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
09:27 AM Feature #3310 (Resolved): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar
09:08 AM Feature #3310 (In Progress): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
Ayanava Karmakar


02:23 PM Feature #3312 (Rejected): Open copilot on exit
When user is about to exit, open the copilot.
How to decide if the user is about to exit. We can combine the follo...
Ram Kordale


07:30 AM Feature #3311 (Closed): onlyjs : Change to home page
In home->digital marketers: change 'Contact Us' to 'Grow Revenue'. Change URL to '' Ram Kordale
03:42 AM Feature #3310 (Review): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
Today, we have
"Want Copilot support for any other Content?
<text box>"
Please change to "Want Copilot support...
Ram Kordale

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