



From 01/03/2023 to 02/01/2023


09:58 AM 5.00 hours (Task #2846 (Closed): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.)
Added support for the app.module.ts file for the google-analytics-id. Ayush Khandelwal


11:33 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2847 (Closed): Support for internal files for all the different environment.)
Added support for the internal files. Ayush Khandelwal
10:51 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2843 (Closed): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.)
Added different environments website.yaml file for the application. Ayush Khandelwal
09:36 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2147 (Closed): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).)
Added support for handling the different environments for the api's. Ayush Khandelwal
08:41 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2842 (Closed): Support for index.html for all the different environment.)
Added support for the index.html file on build. Ayush Khandelwal


10:46 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #2716 (Closed): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents)
Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents Rishabh Rai
09:38 AM 1.50 hour (Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode)
Support for portrait mode Rishabh Rai
09:38 AM 1.50 hour (Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode)
Support for portrait mode Rishabh Rai
07:02 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.)
Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens. Rishabh Rai


07:06 AM 4.50 hours (Feature #2832 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page)
Changes to the learn/videos page. Ayush Khandelwal
06:09 AM 2.00 hours (Feature #2828 (Closed): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video)
Add a loader and a loading text when user clicks prev or next on the video Rishabh Rai


06:19 AM 1.50 hour (Bug #2830 (Closed): search is not showing the right category of books)
Fixed the isuue of search is not showing the right category of books i.e learn/videos Rishabh Rai


09:07 AM 0.00 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Rishabh Rai
09:06 AM 1.50 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Rishabh Rai
09:05 AM 1.50 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Changes based on changed background for learn/videos Rishabh Rai
09:04 AM 3.00 hours (Feature #2737 (Closed): Purple links on player modal)
Purple links on player modal Rishabh Rai
09:02 AM 2.00 hours (Bug #2718 (Closed): Footer should stick to the bottom-most part of the page, irrespective of the page and screen size)
Footer should stick to the bottom-most part of the page, irrespective of the page and screen size Rishabh Rai


02:27 PM 0.50 hour (Task #2824 (Closed): Please replace image of home page)
Replaced the image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
02:26 PM 2.50 hours (Feature #2822 (Closed): Add text to home page)
Changes in the spaces between the heading & the body in the home page for all the screens. Ayush Khandelwal
02:25 PM 0.50 hour (Task #2827 (Closed): Required changes to the home page)
Changes to the home page text. Ayush Khandelwal
10:22 AM 2.00 hours (Feature #2702 (Closed): When book is selected, load its first TOC page)
When book is selected, load its first TOC page Rishabh Rai


08:39 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2823 (Closed): Replace image for home page with attachment)
Replaced image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
06:40 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2821 (Closed): Select the books according the the current document book_type.)
Select the books according the the current document book_type. Rishabh Rai
06:19 AM 6.00 hours (Task #2817 (Closed): Make the image responsive in all different screens.)
Fixed the size of the page in less than tablet screens. Ayush Khandelwal


09:16 AM 3.00 hours (Feature #2806 (Closed): Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense)
Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense Rishabh Rai


07:14 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2816 (Closed): Add image above the fold in the home page.)
Added a new image on the home page, above the fold. Ayush Khandelwal


10:30 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2811 (Closed): Please replace images of developer and publisher on home page)
Changed the learner & publisher image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
04:25 AM 1.00 hour (Feature #2806 (Closed): Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense)
Rishabh Rai


09:09 AM 2.50 hours (Feature #2723 (Closed): Preserve player position when modal abruptly closes)
Preserved the player position when modal abruptly closes Rishabh Rai


06:21 AM 2.50 hours (Task #2655 (Closed): Text is not appearing, on hovering over images)
Fixed issue "Text is not appearing, on hovering over images" Rishabh Rai


07:09 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #2721 (Closed): Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image.)
Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image. Ayush Khandelwal
07:09 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #2721 (Closed): Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image.)
Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image. Ayush Khandelwal

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