From 06/29/2022 to 07/28/2022
- 01:25 PM 5.00 hours (Task #2561 (Closed): Find out how can we enable ngbtooltip on the dynamic html.)
- We can add the tooltip to the main content body instead of the specific anchor link
- 09:08 AM 5.00 hours (Bug #2559 (Closed): Next bobbing pointer misbehaviour)
- Fixed next-link bobbing pointer misbehaviour.
- 12:57 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #2537 (Closed): Changes to usage tips on booklet pages)
- Changes to usage tips on booklet pages.
- 12:05 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #2536 (Closed): Changes to feedback on booklet pages)
- Changes to feedback on booklet pages.
- 08:44 AM 1.50 hour (Task #2535 (Closed): Re-enable guide and modals for users landing up on non-DT pages)
- Re-enabled guide and modals on the document page.
- 08:33 AM 0.50 hour (Task #2539 (Closed): Source page should be removed from booklet pages until 2538 is completed)
- Commented source url in the booklet page.
- 05:48 AM 0.50 hour (Task #2534 (Closed): Disable hyperlinks and purple links in booklet page)
- Disabled all hyperlinks and purple links in the booklet page.
- 10:23 AM 4.00 hours (Task #2502 (Closed): Remove the search bar on the booklet page. And also add the book-name in the existing internal urls.)
- Removed the search bar and the footer from the booklet page. And also, added bookname for the existing internal urls ...
- 06:58 PM 2.00 hours (Task #2501 (Closed): Show/Forward only isFinerGranularBook=false books in the 'annotated documentation' use case that means in the getBooks() API and the documentation() API.)
- Sending books only if isFinerGranularBook=false in the getBooks() and getDocumentation2() API's.
- 06:12 PM 3.00 hours (Task #2500 (Closed): Perform 'link update' on the basis of 'isFinerGranularBook(DT)' field.)
- Performing the link update on the basis of isFinerGranularBook field.
- 08:05 AM 2.50 hours (Task #2531 (Closed): Info button and timeToRead in booklet for external node should not be shown)
- Added condition on showing Info button and timeToRead in booklet for external node if it is not null.
- 11:12 AM 3.00 hours (Bug #2529 (Closed): Ensure bobbing pointers work)
- Fixed bobbing pointer implementation due to the removal of the guided tour.
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