



From 02/24/2025 to 03/25/2025


02:27 PM Task #3822 (Review): Handle AI response issues in Colab 3772
It has been noticed that, AI makes the following 2 mistakes:
1. repeats clue numbers
2. has an extra "%$#" at the e...
Ram Kordale
12:44 PM Task #3821 (Feedback): Store option choices in order in DS. Remove option randomization in FE
Sometimes, explanation steps are aware of the option choices. For example, it could say "option (a) which is blah 1 c... Ram Kordale
09:53 AM Task #3820 (Feedback): Add 'process-questions' support to input file to 3772 colab
Possible values:
-answer-in-figure (only questions with figure in answers will be processed)
-no-answer-in-figure (...
Ram Kordale
05:07 AM Task #3818 (Review): Support for questions with only figure for answer
Dumne Vijay
05:05 AM Task #3818 (Resolved): Support for questions with only figure for answer
Dumne Vijay
05:02 AM Task #3818 (In Progress): Support for questions with only figure for answer
Dumne Vijay


09:40 AM Task #3819 (Review): Support for questions with key value pair SubType:Proof
Dewakar Chaubey
09:39 AM Task #3819 (Resolved): Support for questions with key value pair SubType:Proof
Dewakar Chaubey
09:39 AM Task #3819 (In Progress): Support for questions with key value pair SubType:Proof
Dewakar Chaubey


12:13 PM Task #3819 (Feedback): Support for questions with key value pair SubType:Proof
When we have such a question:
Support in colab: 1. please do not generate choices. 2. create support for prefix-qu...
Ram Kordale
06:58 AM Task #3818 (Review): Support for questions with only figure for answer
When we have a question with only answer-figure and no answer text:
Support in colab: We currently do not have a way...
Dewakar Chaubey
06:55 AM Task #3817 (Review): Write output and output files after every question is processed
Dewakar Chaubey
06:55 AM Task #3817 (Resolved): Write output and output files after every question is processed
Dewakar Chaubey
06:55 AM Task #3817 (In Progress): Write output and output files after every question is processed
Dewakar Chaubey


02:15 PM Task #3817 (Review): Write output and output files after every question is processed
Today, they are written at the end of the cell or during exception handling. instead, Write output and output files a... Ram Kordale
12:07 PM Task #3812 (New): Store output files of a cells 22.6 and 23.1 in google drive
Ram Kordale


10:30 AM Task #3816 (New): Minimize code in without increasing FE performance metrics
Lets measure the following from the right tool without using our laptop before and after the exercise: Largest Conten... Ram Kordale
10:19 AM Task #3812 (Rejected): Store output files of a cells 22.6 and 23.1 in google drive
Ram Kordale
10:02 AM Task #3814 (Review): Support for Original-Answers in "colab 3772"
Shubham Boke
10:01 AM Task #3814 (Resolved): Support for Original-Answers in "colab 3772"
Shubham Boke
10:01 AM Task #3814 (In Progress): Support for Original-Answers in "colab 3772"
Shubham Boke
04:40 AM Task #3814 (Review): Support for Original-Answers in "colab 3772"
Add "original-answers=false|true" in the input file.
If it is true, use 'Original-Answer' instead of 'Answer' whil...
Ram Kordale
07:17 AM Task #3815 (New): Support for rk_print in 'colab 3772'
Many times, it is useful to know the contents of the Colab output cell long after the runtime has ended. By that time... Ram Kordale


01:41 PM Task #3813 (New): Replace answers for non-MCQs of in the latest standard.txt for chapter 1 with actual answers from CBSE
Ram Kordale
09:18 AM Task #3812 (New): Store output files of a cells 22.6 and 23.1 in google drive
If store-output input is true, store output files of generate_other_choices() and generate_intermediate_file() cells ... Ram Kordale


03:56 PM Task #3811 (New): Tweak in handling failure
If we are not successful with a question at any step, instead of exiting, go on to the next question and at the end o... Ram Kordale
10:05 AM Task #3810 (Review): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers - final
Dewakar Chaubey
10:05 AM Task #3810 (Resolved): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers - final
Dewakar Chaubey
10:05 AM Task #3810 (In Progress): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers - final
Dewakar Chaubey


02:23 PM Task #3810 (Review): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers - final
3807 was supposed to take care of the ability to resume the entire colab. However, since the team thought that 'gener... Ram Kordale
10:49 AM Feature #3809 (New): Update given Google sheet with the list of questions that have thumbs down greater than X
Google sheet to be used: Ram Kordale
09:45 AM Task #3802 (Review): Support in 3772 colab for MCQs with multiple answers
Dewakar Chaubey
09:00 AM Task #3808 (Review): Ensure we support AI to respond with choice and not choice value
Shubham Boke
09:00 AM Task #3808 (Resolved): Ensure we support AI to respond with choice and not choice value
Shubham Boke
09:00 AM Task #3808 (In Progress): Ensure we support AI to respond with choice and not choice value
Shubham Boke
06:19 AM Task #3808 (Review): Ensure we support AI to respond with choice and not choice value
Currently, the colab expects answer response from AI to be "Choices are #$a. <ans 1> #$b. <ans 2> #$c. <ans 3> #$d. <... Ram Kordale
07:32 AM Task #3807 (Review): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers
Dewakar Chaubey
06:36 AM Task #3807 (Resolved): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers
Dewakar Chaubey
06:36 AM Task #3807 (In Progress): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers
Dewakar Chaubey
04:57 AM Task #3805 (Review): Support for additional key value pairs in the input file
Parag Patil
04:57 AM Task #3805 (Resolved): Support for additional key value pairs in the input file
Parag Patil
04:57 AM Task #3805 (In Progress): Support for additional key value pairs in the input file
Parag Patil


09:27 AM Task #3807 (Review): Simplify resumption of colab 3772 when standard.txt has wrong answers
Simplify[email protected]/174133794... Ram Kordale
06:45 AM Feature #3806 (New): Initial support for user questions
If a user types something other than what we asked for (like typing yes, no, skip, answer choice), we currently just ... Ram Kordale


01:51 PM Task #3805 (Review): Support for additional key value pairs in the input file
Please add support for the following to be added to the input file:
Ram Kordale
01:39 PM Feature #3804 (Review): Support to handle possible incorrect answers even when told so
Shubham Boke
01:38 PM Feature #3804 (Resolved): Support to handle possible incorrect answers even when told so
Shubham Boke
07:01 AM Feature #3804 (Review): Support to handle possible incorrect answers even when told so
If we think AI's answer is wrong, we use prompt-5 or prompt-10. Going forward, please do the following:
-remove curr...
Ram Kordale


04:43 AM Task #3803 (Review): Support for resuming 'generate other choices'
Dewakar Chaubey
04:43 AM Task #3803 (Resolved): Support for resuming 'generate other choices'
Dewakar Chaubey
04:42 AM Task #3803 (In Progress): Support for resuming 'generate other choices'
Dewakar Chaubey


01:14 PM Task #3803 (Review): Support for resuming 'generate other choices'
If while running this cell, there is a failure, running the cell again without any change should resume from the exer... Ram Kordale
06:46 AM Bug #3801 (Review): Support for prefix-sub-question, prefix-question-multi-answer, prefix-sub-question-multi-answer
Dewakar Chaubey
06:46 AM Bug #3801 (Resolved): Support for prefix-sub-question, prefix-question-multi-answer, prefix-sub-question-multi-answer
Dewakar Chaubey
05:56 AM Bug #3801 (In Progress): Support for prefix-sub-question, prefix-question-multi-answer, prefix-sub-question-multi-answer
Dewakar Chaubey


10:21 AM Task #3802 (Resolved): Support in 3772 colab for MCQs with multiple answers
Dewakar Chaubey
10:21 AM Task #3802 (In Progress): Support in 3772 colab for MCQs with multiple answers
Dewakar Chaubey


07:17 AM Task #3802 (Review): Support in 3772 colab for MCQs with multiple answers
Please change key prefix-question to prefix-question-single-answer and use it for the same current purpose when the M... Ram Kordale


05:44 PM Bug #3801 (Review): Support for prefix-sub-question, prefix-question-multi-answer, prefix-sub-question-multi-answer
prefix-question is used to create a prompt for a question when it does not have sub-questions. If a question has sub-... Ram Kordale
12:58 PM Task #3799 (Review): Remove the need for k12-support.txt except to check for supported-themes
Shubham Boke
12:57 PM Task #3799 (Resolved): Remove the need for k12-support.txt except to check for supported-themes
Shubham Boke
12:57 PM Task #3799 (In Progress): Remove the need for k12-support.txt except to check for supported-themes
Shubham Boke
06:50 AM Task #3800 (New): Add support in "3772 colab" to read and save back to DS
As we refactor code, and add more features, we will need to save questions, answers and related data into DS.
Ram Kordale


11:26 AM Task #3799 (Review): Remove the need for k12-support.txt except to check for supported-themes
If no line exists, assume that there are no supported themes.
Please do not calculate chapter num data from the ch...
Ram Kordale


01:06 PM Task #3795 (Review): Remove need to upload qna-<board>-<grade>-<subject>-<chapter num>.txt
Dewakar Chaubey
01:05 PM Task #3795 (Resolved): Remove need to upload qna-<board>-<grade>-<subject>-<chapter num>.txt
Dewakar Chaubey
01:05 PM Task #3795 (In Progress): Remove need to upload qna-<board>-<grade>-<subject>-<chapter num>.txt
Dewakar Chaubey


01:13 PM Feature #3797: Support for detailed answers in 3772 colab
Updated estimated time to handle a few RFEs. Ram Kordale
10:41 AM Feature #3797 (Review): Support for detailed answers in 3772 colab
Dewakar Chaubey
10:41 AM Feature #3797 (Resolved): Support for detailed answers in 3772 colab
Dewakar Chaubey
12:30 PM Feature #3798 (Review): End-end support for substeps (such as step x.y)
Shubham Boke
12:29 PM Feature #3798 (Resolved): End-end support for substeps (such as step x.y)
Shubham Boke

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