Feature #3219
Updated by Ram Kordale over 1 year ago
Instead of showing it on the top right, let us change it to the familiar chatbot model that shows up in the bottom right.
Closed state: Instead of showing the arrow and cross etc, let us show only "ChatGPT Plus +".
Starting behaviour: Instead of opening left and closing right, open top and clode bottom. When opening, show "ChatGPT Plus +" <newline> Want to know more about anything? <newline> Highlight the text <newline> OR <newline> Ask here"
Colors: Black background with white text [Generic because it needs to work on all sites]
Behaviour: 1. open when page loads 2. Closes after 3 seconds or when big X button is clicked.
Everything else: Showing what we show now and in that same manner should be fine.