


Ram Kordale's activity

From 09/28/2024 to 10/27/2024


02:23 PM RK-A2 Task #3755 (New): Tweaks to raw input file format (Oct 24)
[Most of the test cases are covered in the first 3-4 questions in the attached 'test book v3.txt'. Rest are covered l... Ram Kordale


04:14 PM RK-A2 Bug #3753 (New): More tweaks/requirements in raw file format (Oct 23)
Sample file: test book, v2.txt
-If you find a pattern like "[cite: <comma separated numbers>]" (e.g. "[cite: 459, ...
Ram Kordale
05:43 AM RK-A2 Feature #3752 (Review): Add support for 'grade 13' and 'Clarification questions'. Extract sections and difficulty lines automatically.
I. If testMode=true parameter exists, then display grade 13. Use the attached file as raw input file for ncert/13/phy... Ram Kordale


12:28 PM RK-A2 Task #3751 (Feedback): Add support for keyed field board-grade-subject-chapter in styled questions kind
Add a keyed field board-grade-subject-chapter containing <board>-<grade>-<subject>-<chapter> as value while adding a ... Ram Kordale


10:23 AM RK-A2 Task #3746 (Reopened): Convert raw input to standard.txt
Ram Kordale


09:05 AM RK-A2 Feature #3749 (Feedback): Handle clues in FE
When clues field in styled questions is non-empty, following changes are needed in FE:
-if user does not answer corr...
Ram Kordale


10:05 AM RK-A2 Feature #3748 (Feedback): Ensure no one can highlight and/or copy from chat window
This should not be possible using any browser on any device. Ram Kordale


05:32 AM RK-A2 Task #3747 (Review): Allow users to choose section, type and difficulty in chat interface
While ingesting questions to DS, create and update 3 new fields section, type and difficulty.
While displaying all...
Ram Kordale
05:04 AM RK-A2 Task #3746 (Feedback): Convert raw input to standard.txt
Retain lines that start with "#$" wherever they are.
we need to create all required fields (such as 'question', '...
Ram Kordale


01:53 PM RK-A2 Task #3745 (Feedback): If only standard style questions exist, make the following changes
If only standard style questions exist on a line in k-12-support.txt, we should not have the following under user inp... Ram Kordale
01:45 PM RK-A2 Feature #3744 (Feedback): Do not show user a question if 'thumbs down' was clicked on any of its answers
When FE asks for the next question, BE should not return a question if 'thumbs down' field is > 0.
As mentioned ab...
Ram Kordale
01:39 PM RK-A2 Task #3743 (Feedback): Operations on thumbs_down and thumbs_up fields in the styled_question kind
When user "thumbs down" an answer, increment thumbs_down field's value (starting at 0) for the styled_question entry.... Ram Kordale
01:33 PM RK-A2 Feature #3742 (Feedback): Thumbs up/down under each of our response like ChatGPT
Lets use the same style as in ChatGPT.
In ChatGPT, once you click one of them, the other choice is removed. in our...
Ram Kordale


11:41 AM RK-A2 Task #3741 (Feedback): Campaign parameter to be logged into user_info kind when user logs in first time
Going forward, one of the parameters to the chat interface would be
When this is pr...
Ram Kordale
09:34 AM RK-A2 Bug #3734 (Closed): Need to press logout button twice
Ram Kordale
08:53 AM RK-A2 Feature #3739 (Closed): Support other boards that use NCERT Math
Ram Kordale
03:18 AM RK-A2 Task #3740 (Feedback): Enable sorting user_info DS kind by first_visit_time and last_visit_time
When we go to DS tab in the cloud console, we can sort the kind by one of these two columns even today. However, it d... Ram Kordale


10:44 AM RK-A2 Feature #3739: Support other boards that use NCERT Math
Bumping estimate because of confusion caused ( Ram Kordale


01:39 PM RK-A2 Feature #3739 (Closed): Support other boards that use NCERT Math
Whichever board the user chooses, provide the same behaviour (and questions) as CBSE. Under NCERT, please provide the... Ram Kordale


06:08 AM RK-A2 Task #3738 (Closed): Create json file from DS
Ram Kordale


07:05 AM RK-A2 Task #3738 (Closed): Create json file from DS
In the first chapter, other than for 3 styles, there are no json files. Please create a colab that reads DS entries a... Ram Kordale


12:54 PM RK-A2 Feature #3737 (Feedback): Respond to answers differently if the question is an MCQ
Today, we say "Correct" if the answer is exactly the same; else, we say "Here's an answer: <answer>".
If the quest...
Ram Kordale
12:36 PM RK-A2 Feature #3736 (Feedback): If there are multiple answers, present them as choices a, b, c, d under the question
Please append question with: "<newline> Please choose from a. <first answer> b. <second answer> <as many answer choic... Ram Kordale
12:32 PM RK-A2 Feature #3735 (Feedback): Add otherChoices from standard.txt into styled json and then to DS
Ram Kordale

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