


Ram Kordale's activity

From 05/20/2024 to 06/18/2024


12:04 PM RK-A2 Task #3617 (Feedback): Make extension access GCF instead of Appengine endpoint
Ram Kordale


06:57 AM RK-A2 Feature #3616 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - enable user to store highlighted content in GCS bucket
If config.js has "Personal" set to true, and it is not a Youtube page, when user highlights content, show two options... Ram Kordale
06:05 AM RK-A2 Feature #3615 (Review): Track number of visits across sessions in the extension
We need to start using browser storage. This ticket is to serve as the first use case.
For the purposes of this ti...
Ram Kordale
04:39 AM RK-A2 Feature #3614 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - if yt content, scrape and store in GCS bucket
If config.js has "Personal" set to true, and it is a youtube page, store entire "key moments" section and "transcript... Ram Kordale
04:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3613 (Review): Extension: Personal functionality - scrape non-yt page and store in GCS bucket
If config.js has "Personal" set to true and 'Scrape_Content' set to true, and it is not a Youtube page, scrape the en... Ram Kordale


01:37 PM RK-A2 Feature #3612 (Resolved): Extension: Enable moving the extension button, extension (when open) and "minimizing to a button"
Ram Kordale
01:32 PM RK-A2 Task #3611 (Closed): Create a GCF and AppEngine API store_content that writes its input to a file in a GCP bucket
Input: text
Action: Write the text to temp_<ddmmyyhhmmss>.txt in:
project-id: <env>
bucket-name: <env>-scraped-con...
Ram Kordale
01:27 PM RK-A2 Feature #3610 (Closed): Extension: Premium functionality - scrape and write to console
If config.js has "premium" set to true, and the youtube playlist is not supported, ask the user "Would you like suppo... Ram Kordale
11:15 AM RK-A2 Feature #3609 (Review): If instructions is just "delete", delete the assistant related information from openai and datastore
Ram Kordale
05:14 AM RK-A2 Feature #3608 (Closed): Make extension start as the current sized screen and become a small button like our previous copilot
1) initially, show the entire chat UI
2) after few seconds, UI changes to small button like prev EXT
3) when clicke...
Ram Kordale


01:40 PM RK-A2 Feature #3607 (New): Add support for Google models to call_openai_ai
If the prefix of the model is "Gemini", please perform call_open_ai_<step number> in Ram Kordale
12:47 PM RK-A2 Feature #3606 (New): Add Google AI models support to set_prompt_mods
For now, we will only support Gemini* models from Google. So, if the prefix of the model name in "Gemini", please per... Ram Kordale
04:10 AM RK-A2 Task #3605 (Closed): FE+Extn: Create appropriate response to server's 404 response
if call_openai_api returns 404, please respond with "Sorry, this content has not been processed by our AI yet." Ram Kordale


12:36 PM RK-A2 Feature #3604 (Closed): Return 404 if call_openai_api is called on a non-existing model and index combination
Today, we create an assistant with defaults. Instead, return 404. Ram Kordale


06:46 AM RK-A2 Feature #3603 (Closed): Extension: Every 3 questions, take user to in a new tab
When the user comes back to the original window, everything will be the same (answer will be waiting and the user can... Ram Kordale


01:18 AM RK-A2 Feature #3594 (Closed): Add call_openai_api and set_prompt_mods to App Engine App
Closed by Shahzar's MR Ram Kordale


08:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3602 (Closed): Add file support to OpenAI assistant
OpenAI assistants API can take files as inputs. change set_prompt_mods to take an additional input:
"file_urls" : ...
Ram Kordale
06:41 AM RK-A2 Feature #3601 (Resolved): Create a Chrome extension that makes use of new APIs
If we are on, chrome extension should show a simple interface: "Ask anything" and a textbox. On other sit... Ram Kordale
04:11 AM RK-A2 Task #3600 (Closed): FE: support for askParameters="true"
If the chat interface div has a parameter askParameters="true", show "Enter parameters <textbox>" at the bottom of th... Ram Kordale


01:58 PM RK-A2 Feature #3590 (Rejected): BE - Change index to string from integer
This ticket is not needed. Ram Kordale
01:56 PM RK-A2 Task #3597 (Closed): Log name of App Engine function called
In the first line of each App Engine Function, log its name Ram Kordale
01:54 PM RK-A2 Feature #3596 (Closed): Log name of GCF called
In the first line of each GCF, log its name Ram Kordale
01:43 PM RK-A2 Feature #3595 (New): Call GCF or App Engine endpoint based on endpoint parameter
Call GCF or App Engine endpoint based on endpoint parameter:
- endpoint="GCF"
- endpoint="App Engine"
if endpoin...
Ram Kordale
08:46 AM RK-A2 Feature #3594 (Closed): Add call_openai_api and set_prompt_mods to App Engine App
Ram Kordale
05:01 AM RK-A2 Feature #3593 (New): FE - Support for global answer count
We need to mention "Happily served <num> answers" under the chat interface. Today, <num> starts from zero when the pa... Ram Kordale
04:54 AM RK-A2 Feature #3592 (New): BE - phase 1 support for cumulative answer count
Need the following changes to call_openai_api GCF:
-Add another parameter threadAnswerCount
-if message is empty, d...
Ram Kordale


02:04 PM RK-A2 Feature #3591 (Resolved): Initial support for curriculum parameter to div
If we have a parameter curriculum="k-12", please show "Please select grade and subject <grade dropdown> <subject drop... Ram Kordale
12:29 PM RK-A2 Feature #3590 (Rejected): BE - Change index to string from integer
Changes will have to be done in:
1- Datastore
2- set_prompt_mods
3- call_openai_api
Ram Kordale
06:34 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Reopened): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
Ram Kordale
04:01 AM RK-A2 Task #3585 (Closed): Create simple App Engine Python App
This API should take as input a name (string) and return "Hello <name>" Ram Kordale
03:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3584 (New): Replace logic in App Engine App
Attached is code that works fine on Google colab.
We need to make this work on Google App Engine. The only change ...
Ram Kordale


11:16 AM RK-A2 Task #3583 (Closed): Allow only as origin if call is to prod GCF
Pass an additional key value pair [origin, 04062024] if the env is QA. In the GCF, make origin as * if you find this ... Ram Kordale
10:58 AM RK-A2 Feature #3582 (Closed): FE: Remember thread id
In, we receive a thread id that is reused. We need to remember this even on reload and... Ram Kordale
10:50 AM RK-A2 Feature #3581 (Closed): Conversation and update support to set_prompt_mods

Currently, fields are model, index, prefix and suffix. please add assistant_id and instructions.
-retrieve <assi...
Ram Kordale
10:19 AM RK-A2 Feature #3580 (Closed): FE Support for conversation and prompts
call_openai_api has changed to call_openai_api(model, index, thread_id, new_chat) [See Ram Kordale
09:50 AM RK-A2 Feature #3579 (Closed): Add conversation support to Assistants GCF
call_openai_api(model, index, thread_id, new_chat)
-get <assistant_id, instructions, prompt prefix, prompt suffix...
Ram Kordale


12:52 AM RK-A2 Feature #3578 (New): Support for Dynamic Origin servers
Change call_openai_api to the following where allowed_origins is populated by runtime config
def call_openai_api...
Ram Kordale


12:26 PM RK-A2 Task #3568 (Review): On screen sizes where chat interface is not supported, show a modal that cannot be dismissed
Modal should cover the entire screen and say: "This page is currently designed and optimized for laptop screen sizes"... Ram Kordale
06:16 AM RK-A2 Feature #3567 (Closed): Call right GCF based on div parameter "prod" or "qa"
if "qa", it should be
if "prod", it should be https://call-openai-...
Ram Kordale
06:01 AM RK-A2 Bug #3566 (Closed): After user asks 5 questions, ask user to start new chat and at that time reload the entire page
Ram Kordale


07:20 AM RK-A2 Task #3561 (Resolved): By default while testing, ensure that GCF is not called
Ram Kordale
03:17 AM RK-A2 Feature #3560 (Closed): Support for prompt mods
Deploy set_prompt_mods api
1.Inputs (types): model (string), index (int), prefix (string), suffix (string) ...
Ram Kordale


04:31 PM RK-A2 Feature #3559 (Resolved): Provide OpenAI response to user's question by making call_openai_api call
Suppose user asks a question <Question>. Then, provide the answer as the response from
Ram Kordale

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