From 12/05/2023 to 01/03/2024
- 02:39 PM RK-J Feature #3356 (Review): Copilot - Reduce flicker during Link Expansion - phase 1
- Today, we show links on single lines until the user hovers over them. When the user hovers, we expand it. While expan...
- 02:23 PM RK-J Feature #3355 (Review): Changes to Document Processing->List page
- Today, if you click on List, it shows all the ingested books. If the number of books is large (as in Dev), it takes a...
- 12:39 PM RK-J Feature #3323 (Review): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
- 12:39 PM RK-J Feature #3323 (Resolved): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
- 12:01 PM RK-J Feature #3354 (Closed): Clicking outside the copilot should minimize the copilot
- 08:52 AM RK-J Task #3353 (Feedback): Please change openai model used
- 08:29 AM RK-J Task #3353 (Review): Please change openai model used
- 08:20 AM RK-J Task #3353 (Resolved): Please change openai model used
- 07:21 AM RK-J Task #3353 (In Progress): Please change openai model used
- 07:09 AM RK-J Task #3353 (Closed): Please change openai model used
- Change needed is only in ourPrompt and max_tokens.
Current call is:
POST /v1/completions {
"model": "text-davinc...
- 01:18 PM RK-J Bug #3344 (Closed): Copilot activity on a page must be aborted on moving to another page
- Edutestdev has snippet enabled.
- 11:23 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Feedback): More fields in Modify Document page
- 11:23 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (In Progress): More fields in Modify Document page
- 11:10 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Reopened): More fields in Modify Document page
- 07:53 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Feedback): More fields in Modify Document page
- 08:52 AM RK-J Feature #3322 (Feedback): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
- 11:54 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Review): More fields in Modify Document page
- 11:53 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Resolved): More fields in Modify Document page
- 09:34 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (In Progress): More fields in Modify Document page
- 07:06 AM RK-J Feature #3340 (Closed): More fields in Modify Document page
Text for display; possible values; default
"Open Copilot by default"; yes/no; no
"Visit from which to show ads"...
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