Ayanava Karmakar's activity
From 12/04/2023 to 01/02/2024
- 12:20 PM RK-J Feature #3338 (In Progress): Open copilot without user action if defaultOpen is true
- 12:00 PM RK-J Task #3334 (Review): Need js snippet to be inserted in a page that collects feedback
- 10:09 AM RK-J Task #3334 (Resolved): Need js snippet to be inserted in a page that collects feedback
- 06:07 AM RK-J Feature #3339 (Review): Allow user to ask ChatGPT 5 times
- 06:06 AM RK-J Feature #3339 (Resolved): Allow user to ask ChatGPT 5 times
- 04:41 AM RK-J Feature #3339 (In Progress): Allow user to ask ChatGPT 5 times
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