From 10/21/2023 to 11/19/2023
- 10:45 AM RK-J Feature #3261 (Closed): No ads for first 10 visits from on chatgptplus page
- 10:45 AM RK-J Feature #3145 (Closed): Ensure every URL on angular site is available exactly on the OnlyJS site
- 10:45 AM RK-J Feature #2743 (Closed): In key-moment documents, the video should start from the starting time when we click on "replay"
- 11:05 AM RK-J Feature #3330 (Review): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
- 10:48 AM RK-J Feature #3330 (Resolved): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
- 06:43 AM RK-J Feature #3330 (Closed): Send 'search data' to the log extension API
- Current and desired behaviour mentioned below.
Current behaviour (according to ticket 3298)
when the user clicks ...
- 09:55 AM RK-J Feature #3226 (Feedback): Support for copilot_urls
- 09:55 AM RK-J Feature #3226 (In Progress): Support for copilot_urls
- 09:54 AM RK-J Feature #3227 (Feedback): BE : Support for copilot_urls
- 09:54 AM RK-J Feature #3227 (In Progress): BE : Support for copilot_urls
- 07:00 AM RK-J Task #3229 (Feedback): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 06:26 AM RK-J Task #3229: Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
*Support : Implement Copilot URL Wildcard Matching*
For the given Copilot URL pattern: "copilot_urls": ["scikit-le...
- 12:15 PM RK-J Task #3229 (Review): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 12:14 PM RK-J Task #3229 (Resolved): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 10:02 AM RK-J Task #3229 (In Progress): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 08:34 AM RK-J Task #3229 (Reopened): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 09:15 AM RK-J Feature #3323 (In Progress): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
- 08:34 AM RK-J Feature #3227 (Reopened): BE : Support for copilot_urls
- 08:33 AM RK-J Feature #3226 (Reopened): Support for copilot_urls
- 05:22 AM RK-J Feature #3246 (Feedback): Support for Search Stats page
- 05:22 AM RK-J Feature #3246 (In Progress): Support for Search Stats page
- 08:34 AM RK-J Task #3328 (Rejected): Deploy to Prod without Datastore access in code
- Today, the secret to access all components of Google Cloud are in code. Remove access secrets to as many components f...
- 06:59 AM RK-J Task #3256 (Rejected): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
- 06:12 AM RK-J Feature #3326 (Review): Tweak to 3325
- 05:58 AM RK-J Feature #3326 (Resolved): Tweak to 3325
- 05:51 AM RK-J Feature #3182 (In Progress): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
- 11:50 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (Review): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 11:50 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 11:50 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 06:00 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (Reopened): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 10:15 AM RK-J Feature #3274 (In Progress): Make reuse between extension and snippet faster and bug free
- 10:14 AM RK-J Feature #3182 (Resolved): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
- 02:10 PM RK-J Feature #3320 (Feedback): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- 01:11 PM RK-J Feature #3306 (Review): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 01:04 PM RK-J Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 06:28 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 05:48 AM RK-J Feature #3306: Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- Use the 'mouse_speed_poc_approved.html' logic to detect the user is ready to exit the window. If yes, then open the c...
- 05:45 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (New): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 05:45 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 07:02 AM RK-J Task #3327 (Review): Tweaks to site
- 07:02 AM RK-J Task #3327 (Resolved): Tweaks to site
- 06:46 AM RK-J Task #3327 (In Progress): Tweaks to site
- 06:44 AM RK-J Task #3327 (Closed): Tweaks to site
- - Header
--- replace "Fast Learning" with "Deep Linking"
- Home page
--- remove home, about us and contact us icons - 05:56 AM RK-J Task #3298 (Closed): Extension : Send the `Search data` to the Log extension API
- 05:53 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Closed): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
- 05:53 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Closed): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
- 05:53 AM RK-J Task #3122 (Closed): Allow caching for /bookSource API
- 05:52 AM RK-J Feature #3264 (Closed): Support for is_snippet_test_mode
- 05:52 AM RK-J Task #3101 (Closed): Host JS used for search on server
- 05:51 AM RK-J Task #3036 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: remove the first part 'Table of Contents->' from every purple link result
- 05:51 AM RK-J Bug #3181 (Closed): Extn 0.95: Show extension if page is supported
- 05:51 AM RK-J Feature #3293 (Closed): Generalized solution (using shadow) to conflict between css on site and copilot
- 05:51 AM RK-J Feature #3297 (Closed): Items 1 and 2 of 3296 (rearrange section hierarchy of purple link results assuming "->" does not exist in section name)
- 05:50 AM RK-J Feature #3311 (Closed): onlyjs : Change to home page
- 05:50 AM RK-J Feature #3183 (Closed): v0.95 - Change words on js snippet and extension
- 05:50 AM RK-J Task #3185 (Closed): Ext-0.95: Change words on extension.
- 05:48 AM RK-J Feature #3230 (Closed): Extension & js snippet : Support for copilot_urls
- 05:48 AM RK-J Task #3229 (Closed): Return 'showCopilot' in the response of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 05:43 AM RK-J Feature #3326 (In Progress): Tweak to 3325
- 05:41 AM RK-J Feature #3325 (Review): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 05:41 AM RK-J Feature #3325 (Resolved): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 05:41 AM RK-J Feature #3325 (In Progress): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 05:38 AM RK-J Bug #3174 (Closed): Extn 0.95: When there are no purple links, "Want an answer from ChatGPT Plus.." is missing
- 05:38 AM RK-J Feature #3173 (Closed): Extension 0.95: If a non youtube site contains supported embedded youtube URLs, show extension just like js snippet
- 05:38 AM RK-J Feature #3156 (Closed): v0.95: Ensure users cannot type more than 10 words (100 chars) while searching in the copilot and chatgptplus page
- 05:36 AM RK-J Task #3240 (Closed): Correct message on unsupported sites
- 05:36 AM RK-J Feature #3275 (Closed): Snippet-v0.95: Support for is_snippet_test_mode.
- 05:36 AM RK-J Feature #3266 (Closed): Ext-v0.95: Support for is_snippet_test_mode.
- 05:35 AM RK-J Feature #3308 (Closed): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
- 05:35 AM RK-J Task #3279 (Closed): Tweak to Contact us page
- 05:35 AM RK-J Task #3243 (Closed): Reduce threshold for score in get purple links API
- 02:15 PM RK-J Feature #3326 (Review): Tweak to 3325
- In part 4 of 3325: if there is a referring URL, please replace 'referring URL' with the top 3 Related Articles (we ca...
- 02:00 PM RK-J Feature #3325: Changes to chatgptplus page
- ignore prev note. i am not able to delete it
- 01:59 PM RK-J Feature #3325 (Reopened): Changes to chatgptplus page
- home
- 01:27 PM RK-J Feature #3325 (Review): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 01:27 PM RK-J Feature #3325 (Resolved): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 09:01 AM RK-J Feature #3325 (In Progress): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 05:25 AM RK-J Feature #3325 (Closed): Changes to chatgptplus page
- 1 - Remove the home, about us, and contact us icons
2 - On the feedback section
--- replace "Want...Content?<newlin... - 08:21 AM RK-J Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 08:21 AM RK-J Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- - second API call at min(completeTriggerTime, now + DELAY_BEFORE_SECOND_API_CALL))
- - 08:19 AM RK-J Feature #3237 (Review): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 08:19 AM RK-J Feature #3237 (Resolved): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 07:54 AM RK-J Feature #3182 (In Progress): Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
- 06:26 AM RK-J Feature #3182: Only for js snippet (not extension): show haveAnyQuestion modal first time and every 5th visit
- Changed the subject as per the discussion with the ram sir. Visits saving not allowed in the extension because of the...
- 02:49 PM RK-J Feature #3322 (Resolved): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
- 12:30 PM RK-J Feature #3322 (In Progress): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
- 08:48 AM RK-J Feature #3322 (Closed): Show ads on chatgptplus page if invoked with "ads=1" key value pair in the url
- 12:20 PM RK-J Feature #3306 (Resolved): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- Attached the speed implementation. After doing some experiment, we will decide the value for the speed. POC's are att...
- 05:29 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (In Progress): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- 11:50 AM RK-J Feature #3320 (Review): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- 11:50 AM RK-J Feature #3320 (Resolved): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- 11:45 AM RK-J Feature #3320 (In Progress): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- 03:29 AM RK-J Feature #3320 (Closed): Respond to copilot API request based on 'Modify document'
- - Create a new entry below 'Add Document' under 'Document Processing' and name it 'Modify Document'
- Entries in Mod... - 08:54 AM RK-J Feature #3323 (Review): Forward "ads" key value pair to chatgptplus page as received in the API call
- If "ads=<number>" is received in the api call, forward the key value pair to the chatgptplus page
- 06:46 AM RK-J Feature #3321 (Review): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
- 06:45 AM RK-J Feature #3321 (Resolved): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
- 06:42 AM RK-J Feature #3321 (Review): Getting book from drive using fileUrl during ingestion
- *Admin UI:*
In the UI, File attach is currently present.
Create a 'Ingest book from Drive' switch below the "File" ... - 02:45 AM RK-J Feature #3312 (Rejected): Open copilot on exit
- Duplicate of 3306
- 04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- Updated requirements
show the UI only after you get results or do not get results even in the final call
1 2 ...
- 01:18 PM RK-J Task #3317 (Feedback): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- 10:26 AM RK-J Task #3317 (Review): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- 10:25 AM RK-J Task #3317 (Resolved): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- 10:25 AM RK-J Task #3317 (In Progress): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- 09:22 AM RK-J Task #3317: BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- *version 1.95 Request & Response*
Endpoint: admin/content/api/v1/getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull
*Request... - 09:08 AM RK-J Task #3317 (Closed): BE getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API : Remove the support for the version 1.95
- - remove the v1.95 implementations in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
- 10:33 AM RK-J Feature #3237: Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 1) call api with page URL
2) wait for an appropriate event (page or dom loaded or some such event that fires last), ... - 04:58 AM RK-J Feature #3314 (Review): Add /search page
- 04:55 AM RK-J Feature #3314 (Resolved): Add /search page
- 04:45 AM RK-J Feature #3314 (In Progress): Add /search page
- 02:40 PM RK-J Feature #3314 (Closed): Add /search page
- This will only contain the logo and the search boxes.
- 02:33 PM RK-J Feature #3311 (Feedback): onlyjs : Change to home page
- 02:32 PM RK-J Feature #3311: onlyjs : Change to home page
- Changed requirement to onlyjs only.
- 09:03 AM RK-J Feature #3311: onlyjs : Change to home page
- MR submitted for only-js -
- 08:53 AM RK-J Feature #3311 (In Progress): onlyjs : Change to home page
- 01:22 PM RK-J Feature #3237 (In Progress): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 01:05 PM RK-J Feature #3237 (Resolved): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 11:24 AM RK-J Feature #3237 (In Progress): Enable copilot as quickly as possible
- 11:24 AM RK-J Task #3256 (New): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
- 09:31 AM RK-J Task #3256 (In Progress): Please remove Hotjar from all pages on our site
- 09:30 AM RK-J Feature #3310 (Review): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
- 09:27 AM RK-J Feature #3310 (Resolved): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
- 09:08 AM RK-J Feature #3310 (In Progress): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
- 02:23 PM RK-J Feature #3312 (Rejected): Open copilot on exit
- When user is about to exit, open the copilot.
How to decide if the user is about to exit. We can combine the follo...
- 07:30 AM RK-J Feature #3311 (Closed): onlyjs : Change to home page
- In home->digital marketers: change 'Contact Us' to 'Grow Revenue'. Change URL to ''
- 03:42 AM RK-J Feature #3310 (Review): For onlyjs: Change to feedback box on chatgptplus page
- Today, we have
"Want Copilot support for any other Content?
<text box>"
Please change to "Want Copilot support...
- 06:08 AM RK-J Task #3279 (Feedback): Tweak to Contact us page
- 05:56 AM RK-J Feature #3308 (Feedback): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
- 05:55 AM RK-J Feature #3308 (Resolved): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
- 05:43 AM RK-J Feature #3308 (In Progress): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
- 04:21 AM RK-J Feature #3308 (Closed): Please comment out ad above chatgpt question on /chatgptplus page
- 10:35 AM RK-J Feature #3297: Items 1 and 2 of 3296 (rearrange section hierarchy of purple link results assuming "->" does not exist in section name)
- working correctly
- 05:44 AM RK-J Feature #3297 (Feedback): Items 1 and 2 of 3296 (rearrange section hierarchy of purple link results assuming "->" does not exist in section name)
- 05:26 AM RK-J Feature #3306 (Review): Based on property, open copilot when user gets ready to exit the window
- When user is about to exit, open the copilot if "isCopilotOpenOnExit" was present in the API response and the value w...
- 04:47 AM RK-J Feature #3303 (Review): Remove delay in showing copilot on
- 04:42 AM RK-J Feature #3303 (Resolved): Remove delay in showing copilot on
- 04:32 AM RK-J Feature #3303 (In Progress): Remove delay in showing copilot on
- 03:41 AM RK-J Task #3279 (Resolved): Tweak to Contact us page
- 03:34 AM RK-J Task #3279 (In Progress): Tweak to Contact us page
- 10:58 AM RK-J Feature #3303 (Review): Remove delay in showing copilot on
- We have a delay before the copilot sends the get purple links API call. This delay is not required on
- 10:49 AM RK-J Feature #3246 (Reopened): Support for Search Stats page
- 12:09 PM RK-J Bug #3260 (Closed): Tweak to 3103 (OpenAI API call) - 30->50words, 'do not make up answer'
- 11:07 AM RK-J Feature #3244 (Closed): Allow user to move the 'Ask ChatGPT Plus+' button
- 07:15 AM RK-J Feature #3244: Allow user to move the 'Ask ChatGPT Plus+' button
- Working as expected
- 11:07 AM RK-J Task #3224 (Closed): Allow content of any non-toc document to be empty
- 11:07 AM RK-J Feature #3196 (Closed): Remove conflict between js snippet and extension
- 07:06 AM RK-J Feature #3196: Remove conflict between js snippet and extension
- Working as expected
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