


Ram Kordale's activity

From 07/01/2023 to 07/30/2023


02:39 PM RK-J Feature #3156 (Closed): v0.95: Ensure users cannot type more than 10 words (100 chars) while searching in the copilot and chatgptplus page
Ram Kordale


02:05 PM RK-J Bug #3155 (Closed): Enforce conditions under which user sees search box
User should be able to see search box only if one of the following conditions holds:
1. user lands up directly on a...
Ram Kordale


08:52 AM RK-J Task #3144 (Closed): Replace Google tag code
Ram Kordale


08:34 AM RK-J Task #3032 (Rejected): Transition to Java11
Rejected as we plan to move to Java 17. Ram Kordale
08:34 AM RK-J Feature #3035 (Rejected): Extension v.92.20: Allow "redundant" purple links to be shown
Given the new interface, we do not show purple link phrases any more. So, rejecting. Ram Kordale
08:32 AM RK-J Feature #3081 (Rejected): Extension v.94: Support OpenAI
Duplicate ticket. Ram Kordale


02:06 AM RK-J Feature #3145 (Closed): Ensure every URL on angular site is available exactly on the OnlyJS site
Ram Kordale


05:05 PM RK-J Task #3144 (Closed): Replace Google tag code
Current code is... Ram Kordale


02:02 PM RK-J Task #3138 (Review): Enable changing server name by making change in one place
Today, to create extension that works with Dev or Prod, we have to change the server name in multiple places in 2 fil... Ram Kordale


01:55 PM RK-J Bug #3133 (Closed): Ext-v94.5: Search algorithm should be blind to symbols
While testing search similarity, we found that there was a difference in scores in the following pairs of search term... Ram Kordale
01:42 PM RK-J Task #3132 (Closed): v94.5: Show scores for results in extension based on compile and run time settings
In the extension, show 'final score'*'purple link result score' (upto 3 decimal points) in parenthesis beside the res... Ram Kordale


06:48 AM RK-J Feature #3131 (Review): Extension: close and minimize "button" changes
When the extension is minimized, move the x button lower. Make the distance between expand (or left arrow) button and... Ram Kordale


07:29 AM RK-J Task #3129 (Closed): Ext-v94.5: Change message when we find results for user's search term
Currently, we say "For explanation from author on "<search terms>", click below".
We want to say the above only if...
Ram Kordale


06:31 AM RK-J Task #3126 (Closed): Handle OpenAI API error codes
Extension side
Whatever is the error, we should give a message "Unfortunately, ChatGPT Plus API Se...
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (Closed): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3112 (Closed): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Bug #3092 (Closed): Correct OpenAI API call
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3042 (Closed): Revert only Java11 related changes
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Bug #3040 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92.3: Ensure results are always visible when a purple link is clicked
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Task #3039 (Closed): Chrome extension v.92.3: Separate header from body
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3024 (Closed): extension 0.92.20 & 0.93: Enable OpenAI answers
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Bug #3006 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API takes too much time for url X if o-urls in the system are of the form X/Y
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Task #2935 (Closed): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Bug #2902 (Closed): Cannot go to the bottom of home page after a couple of actions on mobile chrome browser
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Bug #2901 (Closed): Chrome extension: Sometimes, the modal opens twice before closing and scroll bar issues
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #2899 (Closed): Chrome extension: remove yellow box; reduce purple box contents; keep modal visible
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #2874 (Closed): Replace embedded video with image in learn/videos page
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Task #2681 (Closed): Update index name validity
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Task #2664 (Closed): Ensure no links from python 3 books to non python 3 books
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3062 (Closed): Extension v0.93 requirements
Ram Kordale
04:51 AM RK-J Feature #3061 (Closed): Backend requirements
Ram Kordale
04:48 AM RK-J Feature #3067 (Closed): Show definitions and transcript for youtube books on prod also
Ram Kordale
04:48 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Closed): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ram Kordale


05:37 AM RK-J Task #3119 (Reopened): BE: Create a new api for fetching the source-url based on books.
As mentioned by Ven, please add caching. Ram Kordale


03:13 AM RK-J Feature #3103: BE: Change OpenAI API call
reopened because of changed requirement for
ourPrompt = concat("explain", <what user typed>, "with one example in 3...
Ram Kordale
03:12 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Reopened): BE: Change OpenAI API call
Ram Kordale
02:20 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Reopened): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Added a refined requirement "Please make the above items hyperlinks to the source YouTube URL." Ram Kordale
02:17 AM RK-J Feature #3112 (Reopened): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Added refined requirement "Also, ensure that the q/a text box is above the fold on a 13 inch screen in 100% zoom." Ram Kordale


03:37 AM RK-J Feature #3116 (Closed): Couple of changes to ChatGPT answer page on the site
Currently, this is hosted on /chatgptplus page.
Change 1: put the chatgpt answer inside a light green container (l...
Ram Kordale
02:08 AM RK-J Feature #3115 (Closed): Ext-0.94: Enable users to get OpenAI answers on supported videos also
One possible UX is to have the "Want an answer...instead?" dialogue under the "Type phrase...enter" text box. Anothe... Ram Kordale


02:39 PM RK-J Feature #3112 (Closed): Ad above the ChatGPT question/answer
Copy and paste the ad unit code in between the <body></body> tags of your pages
Place this code so that it appears a...
Ram Kordale


11:32 AM RK-J Feature #3103 (Closed): BE: Change OpenAI API call

Change OpenAI API call to:
POST /v1/completions
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": <ourPrompt...
Ram Kordale

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