



From 03/04/2023 to 04/02/2023


12:13 PM RK-J Feature #2963 (Closed): Opened extension should be closed if user clicks anywhere outside the extension
Ram Kordale


12:00 PM RK-J Feature #2957 (In Progress): Chrome extension: Support when video has no results or video is not supported
Ayush Khandelwal
11:23 AM RK-J Feature #2956 (Resolved): Chrome extension: Minor tweak to look and feel
Ayush Khandelwal
10:14 AM RK-J Feature #2956 (In Progress): Chrome extension: Minor tweak to look and feel
Ayush Khandelwal


05:27 PM RK-J Feature #2957 (Closed): Chrome extension: Support when video has no results or video is not supported
If we do not have results for the video (such as or if we do not support... Ram Kordale
05:26 PM RK-J Feature #2956 (Closed): Chrome extension: Minor tweak to look and feel
Today, we only show the purple links.
Please add "Click on a term to get a refresher" in the right top box.
Ram Kordale


09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2642 (Closed): Dynamically include the right "math formula display" library
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2484 (Closed): Resume ingestion automatically
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2253 (Closed): Show 'purple link bobbing pointer' and guide even when there is no bold purple link
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Task #2126 (Closed): Add timestamp to user service log sheet
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2111 (Closed): When user clicks on "search terms box", show TOC of books selected
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Feature #2073 (Closed): Show 'ask question' exit modal only if 'allow questions' setting is set
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Task #1931 (Closed): HTML/CSS fixes needed for table
Ram Kordale
09:38 AM RK-J Feature #1636 (Closed): [Exp1 Branch] Extend search graph to include purple link edges
Ram Kordale
09:34 AM RK-J Task #2368 (Closed): Improve Lighhouse metrics for document pages on mobile
Ram Kordale
09:34 AM RK-J Task #1851 (Closed): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ram Kordale
09:34 AM RK-J Task #1691 (Closed): Add gap between content and prev/next links
Ram Kordale
09:34 AM RK-J Support #1621 (Closed): Add 'Reports -> Latency'
Ram Kordale
09:31 AM RK-J Task #2341 (Closed): Improve Lighthouse performance for Solution Graph Booklet
Ram Kordale
09:31 AM RK-J Bug #2311 (Closed): Solution graph lesson: Null Section hierarchy returned
Ram Kordale
09:31 AM RK-J Task #1722 (Closed): Split content kind into content and contentSupplement2 in order to speed up getDocumentAPI
Ram Kordale
09:31 AM RK-J Support #1651 (Closed): Create top traffic script for the user (Front end) serivce
Ram Kordale
09:31 AM RK-J Task #1639 (Closed): Cache search result needed for canonical url
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Feature #2213 (Closed): Guide.js support
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Bug #1945 (Closed): Graph is missing on a few pages in Python Library Reference
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Task #1850 (Closed): Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Feature #1775 (Closed): Minimal css support - rk-box
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Bug #1671 (Closed): If book contains & in the title, search bar does not load
Ram Kordale
09:28 AM RK-J Support #1622 (Closed): Add 'Reports -> Top traffic'
Ram Kordale
09:22 AM RK-J Feature #2676 (Closed): Support for "YouTube books"
Ram Kordale
09:22 AM RK-J Task #2006 (Closed): Show ad statistics under Reports in Admin
Ram Kordale
09:22 AM RK-J Feature #1637 (Closed): [Exp1 Branch] Save search graph as a solution graph and enable editing of such a graph
Ram Kordale
09:21 AM RK-J Bug #1989 (Closed): Ensure every line should process in the data field while ingestion.
Ram Kordale
09:21 AM RK-J Bug #1954 (Closed): Ensure rk-box should not have any extra space present inside it.
Ram Kordale
09:21 AM RK-J Bug #1818 (Closed): Few pre tags has unnecessary space at the top.
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Feature #2832 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Feature #2799 (Closed): Show only books, docs and youtube books on respective pages
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Feature #2735 (Closed): On a 'youtube book' page, 'select documentation' changes
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Task #2850 (Closed): Enable deployment by all
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Task #2254 (Closed): Appengine config changes for scaling Apr 11 2022
Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Support #1642 (Closed): Top traffic + Other activity report
Ram Kordale
08:59 AM RK-J Feature #2955 (Resolved): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: return purple links pointing to the same video if video is more than 10 minutes long
Venmuhilan B
08:59 AM RK-J Feature #2955 (In Progress): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: return purple links pointing to the same video if video is more than 10 minutes long
Venmuhilan B
05:59 AM RK-J Feature #2955 (Closed): getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API: return purple links pointing to the same video if video is more than 10 minutes long
Today, we return purple link results if they point to another video. With this, return purple link results pointing t... Ram Kordale


11:27 AM RK-J Bug #2289 (Closed): Mistake in URL
Ram Kordale
11:27 AM RK-J Task #2279 (Closed): Tweaks to tba and tbr (figuring out comparable documents)
Ram Kordale
11:27 AM RK-J Task #1841 (Closed): [3 Subjects] Canonical URL should not be hardcoded
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Bug #2916 (Closed): Chrome extension: Does not fire in some cases
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Bug #2904 (Closed): Chrome browser extension: Modal needs to start in expanded state and then get minimized
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Feature #2900 (Closed): Insert ad in chrome extension only after 10th visit
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Feature #2897 (Closed): Add Google adsense ad in the browser extension modal
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Bug #2888 (Closed): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Feature #2887 (Closed): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Feature #2865 (Closed): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
Ram Kordale
11:21 AM RK-J Feature #2863 (Closed): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
Ram Kordale
11:19 AM RK-J Task #2934 (Closed): Please change text of privacy policy
Ram Kordale
11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2914 (Closed): Replace "Get Chrome Extension" with "Chrome Extension coming soon"
Ram Kordale


01:19 PM RK-J Bug #2852 (Feedback): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
Ayush Khandelwal
01:04 PM RK-J Bug #2916 (Feedback): Chrome extension: Does not fire in some cases
Ayush Khandelwal
12:52 PM RK-J Feature #2900 (Feedback): Insert ad in chrome extension only after 10th visit
Ayush Khandelwal
12:50 PM RK-J Bug #2888 (Feedback): Fix issue while clicking video on the right pane.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:49 PM RK-J Feature #2887 (Feedback): Create Chrome browser extension for Youtube pages
Ayush Khandelwal
12:49 PM RK-J Feature #2865 (Feedback): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
Ayush Khandelwal
12:41 PM RK-J Feature #2865 (Resolved): Change first entry in TOC to "Watch Video Playlist" in bold
Ayush Khandelwal
12:47 PM RK-J Bug #2904 (Feedback): Chrome browser extension: Modal needs to start in expanded state and then get minimized
Ayush Khandelwal
12:47 PM RK-J Feature #2897 (Feedback): Add Google adsense ad in the browser extension modal
Ayush Khandelwal
12:46 PM RK-J Feature #2897 (Resolved): Add Google adsense ad in the browser extension modal
Ayush Khandelwal
12:46 PM RK-J Feature #2933 (Resolved): Add version support to browser extension
Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Feature #1595 (Closed): Separate the files for different environments deployment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:39 PM RK-J Feature #1595 (Resolved): Separate the files for different environments deployment.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Feature #2651 (Closed): Support for FE environment separation.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:39 PM RK-J Feature #2651 (Resolved): Support for FE environment separation.
Ayush Khandelwal
12:44 PM RK-J Task #2857 (Closed): Write Documentation.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2856 (Closed): Support for 'ng serve' command.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2848 (Closed): Support for local build.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2847 (Closed): Support for internal files for all the different environment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2846 (Closed): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2845 (Closed): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:43 PM RK-J Task #2844 (Closed): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:42 PM RK-J Task #2843 (Closed): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:42 PM RK-J Task #2842 (Closed): Support for index.html for all the different environment.
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:42 PM RK-J Task #2147 (Closed): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).
Working as expected. Ayush Khandelwal
12:41 PM RK-J Feature #2863 (Feedback): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show
Ayush Khandelwal
12:40 PM RK-J Task #2850 (Feedback): Enable deployment by all
Ayush Khandelwal
12:40 PM RK-J Task #2850 (In Progress): Enable deployment by all
Ayush Khandelwal
12:39 PM RK-J Task #2849 (Rejected): Investigate on how to send parameter through 'npm command' and accept it in the 'package.json'.
Not required. Added separate commands based on environments. Ayush Khandelwal
12:38 PM RK-J Task #1596 (Rejected): Investigate how to build the rapidken-frontend through maven.
Not required now Ayush Khandelwal
12:38 PM RK-J Task #2934 (Feedback): Please change text of privacy policy
Ayush Khandelwal
12:37 PM RK-J Task #2934 (In Progress): Please change text of privacy policy
Ayush Khandelwal
12:37 PM RK-J Feature #2914 (Feedback): Replace "Get Chrome Extension" with "Chrome Extension coming soon"
Ayush Khandelwal
10:17 AM RK-J Bug #2941 (Closed): Fix issues with 2923
If the right hand column is longer than the content column, then, we will have purple background for the top part of ... Ram Kordale
06:52 AM RK-J Task #2576 (Resolved): Clicking on a l-url that is within the same document should not open "tooltip"
Rishabh Rai
06:51 AM RK-J Bug #2388 (Resolved): LHS TOC is missing some components of section hierarchy
Rishabh Rai
05:48 AM RK-J Bug #2388: LHS TOC is missing some components of section hierarchy
NEW URL: Ayush Khandelwal


12:07 PM RK-J Task #2940 (Feedback): BE: Handle implementation based on version.
Venmuhilan B
11:36 AM RK-J Task #2939 (Resolved): Ext: Send the version from the manifest in the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
11:15 AM RK-J Task #2939 (In Progress): Ext: Send the version from the manifest in the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal


10:20 AM RK-J Task #2940 (Resolved): BE: Handle implementation based on version.
Venmuhilan B
10:20 AM RK-J Task #2940 (In Progress): BE: Handle implementation based on version.
Venmuhilan B
05:30 AM RK-J Task #2940 (Closed): BE: Handle implementation based on version.
If there is no version in the parameter of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API then treat the version as 0.9
If version ...
Ayush Khandelwal
05:21 AM RK-J Task #2939 (Closed): Ext: Send the version from the manifest in the getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API.
Ayush Khandelwal
04:38 AM RK-J Task #2576 (In Progress): Clicking on a l-url that is within the same document should not open "tooltip"
Rishabh Rai


06:01 AM RK-J Task #2576: Clicking on a l-url that is within the same document should not open "tooltip"
Booklet URL: Ayush Khandelwal


12:20 PM RK-J Task #2935 (Resolved): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
12:20 PM RK-J Task #2935 (In Progress): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
Venmuhilan B
12:19 PM RK-J Task #2935 (Closed): Remove the singular/plural duplicates in getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull API
If the Phrase link has a singular/plural duplicates in the purpleLinksInfo results, keep the phrase link with the hig... Venmuhilan B
07:02 AM RK-J Bug #2905 (Resolved): When navigating to a page, ensure it starts on the top
Rishabh Rai
07:02 AM RK-J Bug #2905 (In Progress): When navigating to a page, ensure it starts on the top
Rishabh Rai


01:21 PM RK-J Task #2934 (Closed): Please change text of privacy policy
To the text in the attached text file. Ram Kordale
10:36 AM RK-J Feature #2933 (Closed): Add version support to browser extension
The browser extension is the client of getPurpleLinksInfoExtFull api. We will be in a situation where different versi... Ram Kordale
08:48 AM RK-J Task #2932 (Resolved): Tweaks to learn/videos page
Rishabh Rai
08:48 AM RK-J Task #2932 (In Progress): Tweaks to learn/videos page
Rishabh Rai
06:02 AM RK-J Task #2932 (Closed): Tweaks to learn/videos page
- Replace image for 'Learn on youtube' with browser extension image.png
- Replace image for 'Learn on RapidKen' with...
Ram Kordale


09:49 AM RK-J Bug #2913 (Resolved): Page changing on modal close on mobile
Rishabh Rai


05:31 AM RK-J Feature #2914 (Resolved): Replace "Get Chrome Extension" with "Chrome Extension coming soon"
Ayush Khandelwal
05:08 AM RK-J Bug #2916 (Resolved): Chrome extension: Does not fire in some cases
Ayush Khandelwal
05:06 AM RK-J Bug #2916 (In Progress): Chrome extension: Does not fire in some cases
Ayush Khandelwal


11:15 AM RK-J Bug #2852 (Resolved): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
Ayush Khandelwal
09:59 AM RK-J Bug #2852 (New): For books containing brackets in subject name, angular url is not working after ingesting book
Ram Kordale


05:21 PM RK-J Bug #2916 (Closed): Chrome extension: Does not fire in some cases
Go to search for a video for which we have metadata. click on it. api is not called and extension is not... Ram Kordale


07:12 AM RK-J Task #2915 (Closed): Reduce width of columns in admin->document->list
'File name' width is fine. Width of 'index name', 'frontend toc url' and 'backend toc url' should be as much as 'file... Ram Kordale

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