



From 01/09/2023 to 02/07/2023


10:38 AM RK-J 3.00 hours (Feature #2863 (Closed): As soon as book is chosen in search, fetch TOC and show)
On book selection, fetching toc and showing it. Ayush Khandelwal
05:20 AM RK-J 0.40 hour (Task #2862 (Closed): Show only youtube books on home page, learn/videos page and video pages search)
Added implementation to showing only youtube books for the home page. Ayush Khandelwal


12:19 PM RK-J 0.50 hour (Task #2858 (Closed): Please change the video link on learn/videos page)
Changes to the video link in the learn/videos page. Ayush Khandelwal
04:51 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Task #2857 (Closed): Write Documentation.)
Documentation added. Ayush Khandelwal


05:52 PM RK-J 4.00 hours (Task #2845 (Closed): Support for app-admin.yaml for all the different environment.)
Added different environments admin.yaml file. Ayush Khandelwal
05:44 PM RK-J 5.00 hours (Task #2856 (Closed): Support for 'ng serve' command.)
Added support for the 'ng serve' command. Ayush Khandelwal
07:36 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Task #2855 (Closed): Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page)
Instead of keeping footer visible always, make it visible when user reaches the bottom of the page Rishabh Rai
06:52 AM RK-J 4.00 hours (Task #2848 (Closed): Support for local build.)
Added support for local dev & qa build. Ayush Khandelwal
05:57 AM RK-J 6.00 hours (Task #2844 (Closed): Support for server.ts for all the different environments.)
Rejecting this ticket. Added a note for this. Ayush Khandelwal


09:58 AM RK-J 5.00 hours (Task #2846 (Closed): Support for app.module.ts for all the different environment.)
Added support for the app.module.ts file for the google-analytics-id. Ayush Khandelwal


11:33 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Task #2847 (Closed): Support for internal files for all the different environment.)
Added support for the internal files. Ayush Khandelwal
10:51 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2843 (Closed): Support for app-website.yaml for all the different environment.)
Added different environments website.yaml file for the application. Ayush Khandelwal
09:36 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2147 (Closed): Support for different build environment like dev, qa and prod deployment in FE(Angular).)
Added support for handling the different environments for the api's. Ayush Khandelwal
08:41 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Task #2842 (Closed): Support for index.html for all the different environment.)
Added support for the index.html file on build. Ayush Khandelwal


10:46 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Bug #2716 (Closed): Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents)
Remove unnecessary horizontal line in youtube book documents Rishabh Rai
09:38 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode)
Support for portrait mode Rishabh Rai
09:38 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode)
Support for portrait mode Rishabh Rai
07:02 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Task #2834 (Closed): Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens.)
Fix the height issues on the learn/videos page on the different screens. Rishabh Rai


07:06 AM RK-J 4.50 hours (Feature #2832 (Closed): Changes to learn/videos page)
Changes to the learn/videos page. Ayush Khandelwal
06:09 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Feature #2828 (Closed): Add a loader when user clicks prev or next on the video)
Add a loader and a loading text when user clicks prev or next on the video Rishabh Rai


06:19 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Bug #2830 (Closed): search is not showing the right category of books)
Fixed the isuue of search is not showing the right category of books i.e learn/videos Rishabh Rai


09:07 AM RK-J 0.00 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Rishabh Rai
09:06 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Rishabh Rai
09:05 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Task #2826 (Closed): Changes based on changed background for learn/videos)
Changes based on changed background for learn/videos Rishabh Rai
09:04 AM RK-J 3.00 hours (Feature #2737 (Closed): Purple links on player modal)
Purple links on player modal Rishabh Rai
09:02 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Bug #2718 (Closed): Footer should stick to the bottom-most part of the page, irrespective of the page and screen size)
Footer should stick to the bottom-most part of the page, irrespective of the page and screen size Rishabh Rai


02:27 PM RK-J 0.50 hour (Task #2824 (Closed): Please replace image of home page)
Replaced the image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
02:26 PM RK-J 2.50 hours (Feature #2822 (Closed): Add text to home page)
Changes in the spaces between the heading & the body in the home page for all the screens. Ayush Khandelwal
02:25 PM RK-J 0.50 hour (Task #2827 (Closed): Required changes to the home page)
Changes to the home page text. Ayush Khandelwal
10:22 AM RK-J 2.00 hours (Feature #2702 (Closed): When book is selected, load its first TOC page)
When book is selected, load its first TOC page Rishabh Rai


08:39 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2823 (Closed): Replace image for home page with attachment)
Replaced image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
06:40 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2821 (Closed): Select the books according the the current document book_type.)
Select the books according the the current document book_type. Rishabh Rai
06:19 AM RK-J 6.00 hours (Task #2817 (Closed): Make the image responsive in all different screens.)
Fixed the size of the page in less than tablet screens. Ayush Khandelwal


09:16 AM RK-J 3.00 hours (Feature #2806 (Closed): Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense)
Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense Rishabh Rai


07:14 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2816 (Closed): Add image above the fold in the home page.)
Added a new image on the home page, above the fold. Ayush Khandelwal


10:30 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2811 (Closed): Please replace images of developer and publisher on home page)
Changed the learner & publisher image on the home page. Ayush Khandelwal
04:25 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Feature #2806 (Closed): Remove or replace <subjectName><bookName> when it makes sense)
Rishabh Rai


09:09 AM RK-J 2.50 hours (Feature #2723 (Closed): Preserve player position when modal abruptly closes)
Preserved the player position when modal abruptly closes Rishabh Rai

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